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Fallon: Correct. Guess the pussy got old or not frequent enough for me.

Bile burned my throat at my words. It was vile and unlike me. But maybe this was me now. Or it had to be me because anything else hurt like a bitch, and I was tired of being used and broken like that.

Levin: What about all the shit we’ve been through? We saved your sister.

Fallon: I was feeling generous by helping you out. I’m not now. I don’t know what else to tell you.

Levin: You’re really done and going back to the lords?

Fallon: Maybe I never left the lords and Dom was right.

Levin: Bullshit. So that’s it?

Fallon: I’m not interested in being used. I played along for too long. If I ever see Bianca again, I’ll thank her for all she did for me. I owe the kings nothing though. We’re even. You saved my sister. I saved your life. We’re good. Bianca is the wife of my enemy. I hope you find her, but I doubt you will.

Levin: Do you know where she is? Just fucking tell me if you do. I know you’re pissed off right now, but it’s Bianca, Fallon. YOUR PRINCESS. You loved her. I know you did. Stop being a dick and help me. Please. I miss her. You don’t understand what’s it’s doing to us. She’s out there. Scared. Hurt. Don’t let that happen, man.

I wiped hastily at my eyes as I read his message, my chest constricting. I knew they were hurting, but I honestly didn’t know where she was. I intended on finding her though. Not for them. For me. A fucking lord. And this time I’d save her from all this shit.

Fallon: When I find her, I’ll let her know you miss her… right before I claim what’s mine. You may as well get used to not having her, Seeley, because she’s never coming back.

He sent a return message I didn’t read.

Instead, I got to my feet and grabbed my jacket. I had a queen to find.

* * *

“I want more guys looking,” I said as we gathered in Hail’s room the next night. “There’s no way in hell the wife of Dominic De Santis can go missing without someone knowing something about where the fuck she is.”

“Fallon’s right,” Hail said, glaring out at the room of lords and disciples. “Someone knows something. I want people questioned. I want her found.”

“You guys ever stop to think De Santis’s old man took her?” Trent looked around at all of us. “It’s not out of the realm of possibility. He could have snatched her and is going to make an appearance with her.”

Hail nodded. “It’s a possibility. If he does have her, that fucks us a little because if we couldn’t get her from De Santis, it’ll be even harder to grab her from his old man.”

Matteo De Santis. A sick bastard who wanted to fuck Bianca to break her in for Dom on their wedding. Killing him would bring me even more joy if I found her. I owed him one for my sister.

“He doesn’t have her,” Tate said. “There’s no way. She disappeared from campus.”

“De Santis owns a lot of these guards here. It’s not crazy to think his old man has them in his pocket too. It would be easy to grab her.” Drake looked at each of us.

He had a point. A good one. My guts churned with the thought of what was happening to her in Matteo’s hands.

The horsemen were out of the question as far as I knew. There was an alliance there. They wouldn’t have taken her.

I frowned, taking in Tate as he moved back against the wall and stared down at his phone, a smile on his face. He was happy. Too happy. It was unlike the little prick.

But if he’d taken her, we’d all know about it because he wouldn’t have shut up over it and would have taken the opportunity to rub it in my face on repeat. He was with us at the party that night too.

Except when he left for the bathroom and Drake bitched about how long it was taking him and had gone back to his dorm to take a piss.

My frown deepened as I watch a tiny smile flit across his face. He noticed me staring and quickly school his expression, the irritated, bored look back on his face.

Something was up. I didn’t know exactly what it was, but I was damn well going to find out.



Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic