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“Stop. No, Tate,” I rasped, fighting him again. I managed to hit him across the face with a closed fist, but it didn’t do much.

This time, his fist landed hard on my face, making the room darken. Another strike. My ears rang. I whimpered as blood pooled in my mouth.

He stopped moving as he pinned me down.

“I tried to be nice,” he said softly. “You just wanted to play rough.”

I gasped through my busted lip as a pinprick dug painfully into my neck.

“I’ll be back, Bianca. Then we’ll try this again.” He pressed a kiss to my cheek as the room spun, and I descended into darkness. “I trust you’ll start cooperating now.”



Istared down at my phone the next night. I’d not slept.

Bianca was gone.

Hail was in an uproar over it because he said he had no idea what the fuck was going on. I believed him too based on his frantic phone calls to the disciples in an attempt to see if anyone knew anything.

I guessed Dom with a gun pointed at his head had really motivated him.

Or pissed him off, because I had a feeling he was looking for her just so he could take out whoever kidnapped her. Then he’d sink his claws in and have the kings on their knees for us.

I’d fucked up. My plan that night had been to just take her away, even if she told me no. I was going to just put her in my car and run with her. Instead, I’d given her the chance to talk. It made my resolve falter. I’d cracked. I’d let her win. And now she was gone.

I scrubbed my hand over my face as I stared down at the single photo of her I had in my phone. She was kissing my cheek, her blonde hair a wild mess around us. I was smiling. A real smile. I’d been happy that day. I hadn’t had a lot of time with her, but for a moment, it was just the two of us since Vin had run off to the bathroom.

I swallowed thickly, my heart in my throat.

Maybe if I hadn’t walked away she wouldn’t have been taken. I didn’t know how that could have prevented it, but my brain wouldn’t let it go.

I swiped at my damp eyes, hating that I was on the verge of fucking tears. I deserved to cry. I was the one who bailed on her to go all in with the lords in my anger at Dom. No one made me do this shit.

Second in command.And what the fuck for? So my piece of shit father had something to boast? That I was going to be at Hail’s side when he took over for his old man? Worthless. It meant nothing.

But I was a lord now. There was nothing else for me out there in the world. I’d lost Bianca. The kings were done with me, and if they weren’t before, they certainly were now. It was amazing what a little bit of anger could do to a person. I’d warded myself off, turning my emotions into hatred.

Not for Bianca though. I could never hate her. She was a victim in all of this.

My phone buzzed with a message from Levin.

Surprised, I opened it.

Levin: Hey, you Russian cunt hair. I want to talk.

I whipped back a reply.

Fallon: Hey, you German ass taxi. Not happening. Fuck you.

Levin: It’s about Bianca.

I licked my lips. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I was running my own game now.

Fallon: Still not interested.

Levin: What the fuck, man? It wasn’t that long ago you were telling her you loved her and now you just don’t give a fuck?

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic