Page 70 of Viper

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A Week Later

My eyes scanned the training room, searching for anything that might have been overlooked or incorrect.

Oz deserved perfection.

“It looks good,” Axios said.

“Is everything correct? I want this to bring her joy.” For the last week, I had been planning a welcome to rebellion party for Oz. I had enlisted the help of Axios, my jealousy over the rainbow cyborg set to a low simmer as I worked on accepting him as a major part of my female’s life.

“She’s going to love it. Stop worrying, Technology Model.”

I nodded, unease still churning in my gut, but I pushed it down. Oz would be here any minute.

I blew out a breath, taking in the sight of a large vid screen mounted on the wall where the weapons had been a day earlier. The move was temporary, but I had needed the space for what I had planned.

Sitting on the mats that lined the training room floor were lots and lots of cyborgs.

All our friends and family had shown up, along with the four new members of the rebellion and some unexpected surprises.

Fuse was seated on one of the mats, far away from everyone, his arms crossed over his chest. I had been shocked when he had arrived, but he promised he wasn’t here to cause trouble, so I allowed him to stay.

Buckets of popcorn, rows and rows of candy, and platters full of pancakes and waffles sat on a table near the back. Axios had informed me you couldn’t watch vids without snacks.

Theo had been eyeing the pancakes for the past twenty minutes, but I told him had to wait until Oz arrived.

After all, she was the guest of honor and the inspiration for the cyborg rebellion’s very first movie night. I had hoped it would show her that she was wanted. That she belonged with me. That she belonged withus.

My comm beeped. “Eta, one minute, Viper. You better be ready.”

I didn’t even have time to respond before the training room door opened and in walked Dax and Poe with Oz following behind them.

They blocked her view for a second before parting, and everyone shouted, “Welcome to the cyborg rebellion!”

Cheers erupted as Oz stood there, her eyes widened in surprise.

“Did we break her?” Acer shouted over the cheers. “Hey, dumbass, you might want to go get your girl.”

That got me moving. I strode towards Oz, grabbing her hand and pulling her to my frame. “Surprise.”

The smile she had been wearing when she’d walked in fell.

“I fucked this up, didn’t I?” My shoulders slumped. “I wanted to do something to let you know that you are part of us-that you belong with us. But by the look on your face, I failed.” I hung my head, my heart sinking in my chest.

“Failed? I am stunned stupid, Viper. All these people came here for me? To welcome me? I don’t know what to say.”

“Can we eat the pancakes now?” Theo yelled from somewhere behind me.

Oz’s lips twitched and I felt mine do the same. Then both of us burst out into laughter at the exact same time. When the laughter finally died, I took her hand in mine, excitement burning in my circuits.

“I thought the best way to welcome you was to host the very first cyborg rebellion movie night. I know you loved to watch vid files with Axios, sharing with him all your favorite ones.” I gestured to everyone who had joined me in celebrating my female. “Would you do us the honor of sharing one of them with us?”

Oz’s lower lip trembled, her eyes filling with tears as she clutched my hand. “I would love to.” She reached up to cup my face. “Thank you for this. I have no words to tell you what this means to me.”

Squaring her shoulders, she turned back to the crowd. “I came to the rebellion searching for my best friend. My plan…well, let’s just say it wasn’t my best. But sometimes, the things that you believe will be the end of you turn out to be the beginning. Each one of you here showed me that second chances do exist. And now I don’t have one best friend, I have a whole rebellion filled with them.”

Tags: Kelsey Nicole Price Paranormal