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“King, you don’t know that you have to try but you can’t carry on in turmoil because you suspect that she might reject you.” I state

“I don’t suspect, I know” King replies, “you see Gunner, our situation is hopeless your situation you will find a way around.”

“I don’t see how your situation is more hopeless than mine.” I argue

“It is hopeless,” King says, “she’s blind because of me.” The rasp of King’s voice warns me not to probe, I can’t believe what he has just said. Firstly, he reveals that he has known about his mate for a while and then he drops the bomb that his mate is blind, and it was his doing. There is nothing that I can say that would appease him.

I don’t know what happened, but I know that King would never have hurt anyone on purpose unless they attacked one of his pack or himself. I know that he was trying to help me by showing me what he is going through and that my situation isn’t as dire as I make it. I know that he doesn’t believe that I will ever hurt Dawn, but I know how much I struggle in keeping my wolf under control. I could see the pain in King’s eyes when he was looking at the woman and I understand that it must be difficult for him knowing how close she is and that he can’t touch her.

The thought that Dawn will leave if I don’t bond with her has my stomach tightening, my head spinning. I never thought of her actually leaving, but the thought has me wanting to lose control and running home to mark her. She’s mine, and I will never let her go.

I’m sure the woman is going to drive me insane, but King is right I am stronger than that. I see the pain in Kings eyes, the constant sadness that he carries around. I didn’t understand it before, but it now makes sense to me. If what he says is true and he is responsible for her blindness it must be silently killing him.

When I get back, I will try and talk to Dawn again and make her see that life with me might be impossible as I might never find that balance between my wolf and me again. When she’s around I feel calmer but feeling calmer and feeling at one with my wolf is another story altogether. All I know now, is that whatever happens I will try, we might not be together, but I can’t let her leave.


The whole day I have been waiting for Gunner to arrive I have now given up. He must have left, too embarrassed to face me again. After hearing the woman talking and realizing how very difficult it must be for such a virile man to feel less than what he was before. Therefore, I have decided that I will show him how handsome he still is and how appealing he can still be for a female.

I am a sucker for a lost cause, and that is how I see Gunner. I will make sure that he feels as normal as possible before I leave, and if we become friends in the process even better. I do have a soft spot for the man, but I suspect that’s because of the unseen bond that already exists between us.

Huffing in irritation I pull the leaves out of my hair and clean the smudge off my face. Pulling the sides of my hair back I tie it with a clip knowing that it’s useless as the clip will be missing in an hours’ time and my hair will be just as wild, but at least I will look presentable when I first meet everyone. Dakota and Mystique have been great and shown me around the huge property and Club house. I didn’t meet anyone except for the prospects, and Hawk and Dixon that were on guard today as the others had gone out.

I helped them earlier in preparing dinner, and now am just getting ready so that when I meet everyone, they won’t think I’m the looser they are most probably thinking I am because of Gunner’s rejection. I seemed to make an impact on the men I met today as they were all smiling when Mystique, Dakota and I left.

I’m quite excited to meet the rest of the pack, and wish Gunner is back and that he won’t be running away from me. I’m about to make my way out of the room when I look down and grunt in annoyance. “How the hell did I do that?” I mutter, there is a tear on the knee of my tights, must have been when I insisted on climbing up the tree to try and see the property from higher up.

Turning back towards where my bag is, I pull out a pair of jeans, pulling the tights off I throw them on the bed before sliding the jeans up. Hopefully that’s the end of my mishaps for the day and I can make it through the night with nothing happening. Dad and Mom always say that if there is trouble in the vicinity, I will find it. I personally just think I’m unlucky.

Heading out of my room I make my way towards the kitchen where I last saw Mystique and Dakota. My mouth starts to water when the aroma of roasting meat wafts towards me. Walking in I come face to face with a drop-dead good-looking God of a man. He has the look of a man that listens to no one but himself, this must be the alpha pack leader.

“Hi, you must be King.” I greet with a smile; I see him raise a brow in question as he looks at me. There is an air about him that talks of loneliness, of pain. This man before me has had a hard life, but that is to be expected when you the leader of so many strong men. “Thank you for allowing me to come over, and I know that it must be a difficult situation for you too now, with Gunner rejecting me because of…umm” I bring my hand down to my front and make a cutting motion with my fingers, “his condition and all.”

I can see the shock on King’s face and assume that he didn’t think that Gunner would have told me, well it’s good that he knows that we are open with each other, and even though we might not be bonded we have spoken. “Oh, it’s okay you don’t need to worry that I will be little him, on the contrary I will make him realize what a fine man he is.”

“Oh Dawn, there you are.” I turn in surprise to see Mystique approaching a wide smile on her face. “I went to get you in your room but was too late.”

“I’m sorry, I was finished so decided to come to the kitchen and see if anything else was needed. Good thing too as I got to meet King.” Smiling I turn only to realize that he has left, there is no sign of him. He must have left via the back door while I was greeting Mystique. “Oh well, at least I got to thank him for letting me come here.”

I see Mystique’s look of surprise, but she doesn’t comment, instead she takes my hand and gently pulls me to follow her. “Come on, let’s introduce you to everyone.”

“Oh, is Gunner back?” I ask suddenly feeling excited to be seeing him again.

“Yes, I think so.” She says glancing back at me with a smile as we make our way down the corridor to the bar area. I can hear men and women talking before I reach the doorway, glasses tinkling and background music. When we enter the voices die down and all eyes turn to us. I suddenly feel self-conscious with everyone looking at me.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet my friend Dawn.” Mystique introduces, some men nod their greetings all the women smile and welcome me. I see Gunner from the corner of my eye as he approaches from my left. Is he going to claim me? My heart is racing, my hands are clammy as I wait for what will happen next.

“Welcome to the Club Dawn, I believe you were born to the same pack as Mystique and Fang?” I turn my eyes to the man talking to me, he’s an imposing figure standing before the others, his eyes taking everything in as he looks at me closely.

“Yes, I was,” I reply wondering why that would matter.

“That’s good, so I don’t need to explain to you the rules of a pack.” I frown at his rudeness, why would he think that he needs to teach me anything at all?

“I don’t see why you would think that you need to teach me anything at all.” I quip placing my hands on my waist as I stare at him. I hear Mystique gasp from next to me and then Gunner is standing right next to me, and his hand is on my upper arm.

“Dawn,” Mystique gasps in a warning voice.

“What?” I ask with raised brows; I will not have anyone think they can order me around just because Gunner decided that he didn’t want me as his mate.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Wolverine MC Paranormal