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“Mom, Dad,” I murmur as I throw my arms around them, I haven’t seen them in a while only now do I realize how much I have missed them.

“Happy birthday, dear,” Mom says as she lets go of me.

“Happy birthday, pumpkin,” Dad says as he rubs my head.

“You must be Dash,” I hear mom say. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Dash standing right behind me.

“Nice to meet you,” he replies as he offers my mom his hand in greeting, which she takes as she looks at him.

“You got yourself a handsome one,” she says.

“Hey, I thought you only had eyes for me,” my Dad grumbles good-naturedly as he takes Dash’s hand in greeting. “Nice to meet you, Dash.”

“Can I break up this party, as I also deserve a hug,” my brother jokes from behind me.

“Oh,” turning around, I encounter his boyish grin as he raises an eyebrow at me.

“I know I’m your best birthday gift, admit it,” he quips as he hugs me.

“This is such a great surprise,” letting go of Ben, I turn towards Dash. “Thank you,” I murmur as I walk into his arms.

“Are you Alaska’s parents?” I hear Dash’s mom ask.

“Come, let them introduce themselves,” Dash says as he takes my hand and guides me outside. Before closing the door behind us, I look back in time to see everyone standing around my parents and my brother introducing themselves.

“Where are you taking me, we should be inside everyone is there?” I say.

“Don’t worry, you won’t miss anything,” he says as he takes me around the building until we are standing in a little jetty.

“It’s so beautiful here, I don’t know how you don’t come here more often,” I murmur.

“We can come here anytime you want,” he says. “Alaska, I wanted this time alone to tell you how much I love you.” His words catch me by surprise, “since the moment you came into my life that I have felt more happiness than I have ever felt before, it was an explosion of my senses the first time I touched you, my world changed completely from the way I used to see it, to you.” Tears are filling my eyes at his sweet words, his finger strokes my cheek, “you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me, you are beautiful inside and out, a beauty that radiates and encompasses everyone in its radiance. I know that life won’t always be easy with me, you have seen darker things since you have been with me then you have ever seen in your whole life, and I’m afraid that you might still see much more or until that fucker that is killing is caught or killed.” He lowers his head and kisses my lips tenderly before continuing, “but I promise you that I will always be by your side, I will protect you to the best of my ability, I will love you with all my being,” my tears overflow like my heart is overflowing with love for this man.

“I give you my family, my club, and my eternal love.” With those words he lowers his head again, and this time the kiss is all-consuming. My heart feels like it will explode with the happiness and love that I hold for this man. He is rough around the edges, he is gruff, but he is my mate, my man, my love.


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Tags: Alexi Ferreira Wolverine MC Paranormal