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I wish I could lie but in principle I will never lie to my mate as that is not the relationship I want us to grow. “I don’t know, but wherever she is I will find her.”Shenods and then looks down at the photo once again.

“You know, she is a beautiful person.”Shepoints at the photo of Linda that is clearly high, “the drugs are her downfall.” I don’t like seeing the sadness in her eyes, or the pain in her voice, no matter what I will make sure to bring her peace.


My body feels like it’s going up in flames, the lips on my neck. . . my eyes shoot open. What the hell, was I just dreaming of Hawk? Iturnmy head only to find himlyingnext to me on the bed, when I fell asleep last night, he had gone out, saying that he had to go and talk to one of his brothers. I never heard him coming back and I didn’t hear him lay down next to me.

My eyes travel over his body seeing the muscular tanned chest, the eyes on the wolf tattoo seem to be taking everything in. His tight absarecalling to me, but I force myself not to fall into this very sinful temptation that is Hawk. Continuing my perusal down his body to his crotch I see his manhood standing at attention, my eyes shoot up to his face, but his eyes are closed, and he seems to be sleeping. Is he?

I stare at him for a couple of minutes, but his breathing doesn’t change, and his eyes remain closed, glancing back down I see his cock still hard, showing off its impressive size. When coming here I never once thought I would find someone like Hawk, or that I would have been in a bed with him a couple of hours after meeting him, but he has a pull on me that I have never felt before or even imagined feeling.

My fingers itch to touch him but I know that if I touch him now, I will be a goner and then my whole life will be turned upside down, I can’t fall into this temptation no matter how right it feels. I turn away from him and sit up in bed. I will need to get ready, today hopefully will be the day we find Linda. “Where are you going?” I glance over my shoulder to see Hawk still in the same position, but his eyes are now on me.

“Were you awake this whole time?” I ask with a frown; did he know I was admiring his body?

“What do you mean?”Heasks with a raised brow that draws my attention to his beautiful dark blue eyes that are now running over my body that is still encased in his t-shirt. He must be finding it strange that I’m still wearing his t-shirt, but it feels so comfortable that I ignored my restraint and slept in it.

“Were you asleep or awake before I got up?” I ask suspiciously as I see his cock bobbing, distracting me.

“I woke up when you got out of bed, why?”Heasks as he turns, lifting his head.Heleans it on his bent arm, the bicep beautifully defined, looking strong and sexy as hell.

“Are you always in that state?” I ask as I turn towards him fully and point towards his crotch. I see a slow grin appear on his face that makes his eyes twinkle with merriment.

“When you are around, of course.” He murmurs, his eyes focus on my sensitive nipples thatisclearthatI am aroused. I try to hunch my shoulders inconspicuously, so the t-shirt is baggier over my breasts, but he notices which has his grin widening.

“You know what you are?” I mutter, “a sweet talker.”Snappingaround I make my way towards the kitchento makecoffee. “Why were you in bed with me anyway?” I ask as I fill the kettle with water.

“You looked lonely.”Hiswords whispered right next to my ear.I yelp in surprise,dropping the kettle, which to my amazement he catches before it touches the ground.

“Don’t do that?” I mutter as I snatch the kettle away from him, “it'seerie how you sneak up on me.”

“I wasn’t sneaking up on you.” He says as he takes a step back crossing his arms over his chest, I see that he has slipped on his low-cut jeans, but without a t-shirt heisjust as distracting.

“AndI wasn’t lonely, I was sleeping. Just because we had sex once doesn’t mean that you can do as you like.”

“Vixen, If I did as I liked you would be bent over that sink right now with me buried deep inside of you.” I can feel my cheeks warming with colour, as I picture what he just said. The thought of him taking me like that has my blood boiling, I would like nothing more than to have him take me but if he’s cocky now I can just imagine if I gave him free reign, he would be incorrigible.

“Dream on.” I mutter as I turn away to put the kettle on.

“You won’t resist for long.”Hesays as he slaps my ass, yelping I snap around only to see him walking away.

“Listen here, I don’t know what you are used to, but you can’t just do as you please with me.” What an infuriating man, he just ignores me as he walks away. Huffing I turn and continue making us coffee, only when I’m walking towards the room with the two coffees do I realize that I made the irritating man coffee.

“Here.” I mutter as I stretch out my hand holding the coffee for him. He takes the coffee, nodding.

“I’m going to leave soon; I will ask Dakota to come and get you. If you need anything, I have put my number in your phone.” I frown at his statement.

“You have been spying on my phone?”Howdare he go through my phone. I hurry towards the bed where the phone is laying, picking it up I look down at it.

“No, I just typed my number in.”Hesays as he shrugs

“How dare you touch my phone without my say so.” At my question he slants his head, a frown appearing on his face.

“Why is there anything in there that I shouldn’t see?”Whatdoes he mean? I see his body tensing as he looks at my phone and then at me.

“What do you mean?” I lift my phone, “Whatever is on my phone has nothing to do with you.”

“Do you have another man in your life?” I see a muscle ticking on his jaw and his body is tense

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Wolverine MC Paranormal