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“We are mated, that means that you will crave my touch like I will yours.” He states, his eyes roving over my body possessively.

“I will be fine, thank you.” I state as I turn to step down from the bed, but his hand snaps out and grabs my upper arm.

“Onix, you don’t know how it is,you won’t be able to resist me.” He states, his eyes intense as he looks at me.

“Watch me, you should have told me about this before you decided to bite me. Besides, I will resist you fine when I’m back home.” At that he pulls me against his chest,his arms around my waist.

“You can’t leave, you are mine; you would never be happy away from your mate.”

“I have a job back home,a job that I have worked really hard at, I’m not going to throw it away just because you decided you had a taste for me. You will find yourself another mate and I will get someone else to make me happy.” The growl that rips from his throat is scary, his eyes change to the blue of the wolf’s as he glares at me.

“No other man will touch you or he will die.” His voice is low, but the threat is very clear and by the way his body has tensed his fingers digging into my waist I can tell that he means every word. “I know this is a shock for you, but you will realize that what I say is the truth.” And with that he lowers his head taking my lips in a blistering kiss, a possessive all-consuming kiss that leaves me wanting more.“Fightit all you want, but you are mine and by the time we find your sister you will have realized it.”

“Don’t hold your breath, yes I won’t lie you are hot, but you are different and trust me I had no idea that you’re a. . .” I stop not knowing what to call him, “you know, whatever you are.”SuddenlyI tense. “Does biting me transform me like you?” I can feel my heart racing in anxiety, oh my word what have I done.

He let’s go of me and in one fluid motion he is off the bed and walking away, “Where are you going?” I ask as he walks angrily towards the door, he doesn’t look back at my question, “You are naked!” I call as he opens the door and leaves closing the door behind him. “Idiot.” I mutter as I think of his naked ass and tattooed back. Damn, he is a fine specimen whatever specimen that is, but I really wish he was normal.

Jumping off the bed I walk towards the door, opening the door I look out expecting to see him standing outside but to my surprise there is no one there. “Crazy fool, where the hell did he go naked.” I mutter as I shut the door again. Turning I look back at the cottage,my mind going back to the last hour and everything that happened.

Who would have ever thought this morning when I woke up that my whole life would have changed today, wait, what am I thinking? Nothing changed, I just had sex, hot mind-blowing sex, but just sex at the end of the day. The way he touched me had me ready and melting in seconds, he is forceful but careful except for the bite on my shoulder.

Looking at my shoulder I frown, there are teeth marks and the mark has already started to bruise quite badly. Just my luck, of all the men in the world and mine is a flippen dog, okay maybe not a dog but his from the same family. I mean what can a person expect from his kind, does he go around sniffing people?Atthe thought I shake my head. I have nothing to guide me in a situation like this, how am I supposed to act around him now that I know what he is? Shaking my head, I walk back to the room and through the door which to my surprise comprises of an amazing bathroom.

With everything that happened I didn’t get to ask him about what is going to happen with the search for my sister. Is he still going to help me? Will he refuse to help search for Linda if I don’t entertain this madness?

Leaning forward I turn on the tap to run the water in the bath, this is perfect, nothing like relaxing in a hot bath. Pulling his t-shirt off I go stand before the mirror that is behind the door while the bath fills. Looking at the bite mark I shake my head, it’s a goodthingthat most of the clothes I brought are t-shirts and jeans because if I had to bring tank tops they would never cover the bruising that is already starting to show.

I know this is madness and if I hadn’t seen him change before my own eyes I would swear that he was crazy, but this sexual encounter we shared was out of this world and if I never experience it again I will at least have this memory to know the pleasure that can begiven. Sighing I turn back to the bath, I don’t know what will happen in the next two weeks while I look for Linda,but what I do know is that I need to make sure that I keep away from Hawk no matter the cost because I can’t let him entwine the two of us more than he already has if that is even possible.

Climbing into the bath,I lower my body into the hot water feeling its warmth working on my knotted muscles. It has been a long stressful day, hopefully the days to come won’t be as challenging.


I can sense Dash approaching, the last thing I feel likedoingis talking,but knowing Dash he won’t leave until he knows what is wrong.Whydid I have to get the most argumentative womenonthe planet? “Well, never thought to be seeing you out here tonight.”Hesays as he approaches, “I always had the idea that finding our mate was all consuming, that we can’t take our hands off her.”

“She doesn’t want anything to do with me, as a matter of fact she says that she will be returning home once we find her sister.” The thought that she is thinking of leaving has my stomach knotting in anger not to mention the fact that she thinks she can find someone else to make her happy, and that I will allow it. No man will touch her except me, and if she doesn’t accept my touch, well then, she will have to go without a man in her life.

“You know that all of this is a shock to our women, they have never imagined that shifters are real and then suddenly they are told that they are mated to one. You know that it’s really difficult to resist a mate, all you have to do is make sure she can’t resist you.” Dash says as he slaps me on the back, “you do remember how to seduce a woman, don’t you?”Hequips with a grin

“Fuck off, I’m not in the mood.” I mutter, I know that what he says is true,but to know that she can still resist me after what we shared has my ego bruised. After taking her just once I find myself being pulled towards her, every fibre of my being wants to be near her, touch her, kiss her.

“Brother relax, I know it can be daunting.I sawitwith Hunter,how it messed with his head too, but we all know that sooner or later mates can’t stay away from each other.” I stroke my fingers through my hair, feeling relief at the slight pain that it gives me as I pull at it.

“She is stubborn.” I state as I glance at him, “but she mentioned something that made me think,” I sigh as my thoughts go around and round on what we argued about earlier. “She wants to return to the life she has and a job that she worked really hard to get. If I take that away from her, she will resent me.”

“A job is just a job brother; Dakota says that Onix is a lawyer, I’m sure you can find her something here that she will be happy with and I’m sure just our dealings will keep her busy. The most important thing is that you are both happy in your bond and that is all up to the both of you.” A lawyer, no wonder she is so argumentative, I am doomed. I know that she wants me with the same intensity that I want her, it’s just making her agree that we are meant to be together.

“Don’t give her a chance to be away from you, go in there and show her what you two have.” Dash says as he starts walking away into the forest. “Ohand by the way, do you know you naked?”Heteases.

I look towards the cottage that is nestled through the trees, I can sense my woman inside and hear the water as she baths. I should be there in the bath with her, stroking my hands over her wet body kissing her. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to block out everything around me, but the sounds of the night still intrude, my woman’s essence on my body has me hardening like a poker.

Grunting I take a deep breath before I start making my way back down to the cottage, I want peace between us, that is why I had to leave for a while to calm myself. When she mentioned having someone else to make her happy, I saw red. I will have to be patient with Onix, I need to remember that I turned her life upside down, that I changed the way she saw things.

Opening the cottage door, I hear her splashing in the bath as she rinses herself. Walking to the bathroom I push the door open to see her leaning back against the bath,her eyes closed as her hands swirl around in the water. Her hair is bunched up in a bun above her head, her neck bare to my gaze allowing a clear view to the mark I gave her.

When the bruising disappears, she will still have my mark on her for everyone to know that she is mine. She is beautiful and spirited, and from what Dash said her being a lawyer means that she is smart and analytical. Her breasts are bobbing in the water as it swirls around her calling for my touch, but I hold back. I will be patient, I will make her ask me for my touch, I won’t leave her alone, but I won’t impose myself on her.

Onix will come to me, she will realize that she needs me, and only then will I give her what we both want. I want my woman again, my cock erect with passion wanting her touch but I won’t give in to it. Turning towards the shower I walk there seeing her through the mirrored walls of the shower as she opens her eyes and looks at me.

Tags: Alexi Ferreira Wolverine MC Paranormal