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He trails his gaze over my breasts, my stomach, the apex of my sex, and when his eyes meet mine again, his smile is the darkest yet. “No, my beauty. Well, yes to the last one, but not the first. As fun as this vacation is, I’ll need to return to Moscow after a while—and you will come with me when I do.”

Though I know he’s most likely toying with me, a spark of hope flickers to life. “Oh? When will we go?”

If he brings me back to Russia, my brothers will find me, no matter where he stashes me, no matter what I told Nikolai about not wanting them to look for me. They’ll figure out a way to get me out, away from him, and maybe, just maybe—

He spreads his hand over my belly, his palm so large his fingertips touch both of my hipbones. “When you have given me a child to replace the one your family has stolen from us,” he answers softly, his eyes gleaming like black jewels. “That’s when I’ll bring you back. That’s when you will no longer want to run.”

I go cold despite the warm water pouring over us. I’m not on the pill—I never had a reason to be—and now that I’m not so overwhelmed, I realize I didn’t see or feel a condom during any of the three times he took me.

He’s fucked me bareback, repeatedly, and he intends to do it again… until eventually, I fall pregnant. Until we’re once more joined by blood, only throughourchild—an infinitely stronger bond.

“No,” I whisper, staring up at him as tears of despair flood my eyes anew. “No, please, Alexei… don’t.”

He cups my jaw, tilting my face higher. “I have to,” he says, sounding almost regretful, and presses his lips to mine, kissing me as tenderly as if he hasn’t just blown up my world.

As if he hasn’t plunged me deeper into my worst nightmare, extinguishing what little hope I had left.

* * *

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Tags: Anna Zaires Molotov Betrothal Erotic