Page 35 of Shield My Heart

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“Pussy-whipped,” Memphis joked.

“He absolutely fucking is,” Barrett countered as I giggled as I rounded the corner. I know I should’ve gone straight back to my room—ourroom— but I was too nosy to not listen to Xander’s response and see what he really thought.

“I am and you know what guys, I’m fucking proud of it because she’s it for me.”

* * *

Cass couldn’t have been more overjoyed at the fact of a girl’s afternoon away from the studios and hitting the high-end boutiques, especially when I offered to treat her to an outfit of her choice. With the only day off filming prior to my birthday, this would be my only chance to set the bait for Cass; if she had anything to do with the letters and trap her. I couldn’t risk her turning down my offer due to a silly little issue, like money being a problem. I had tons of it and if it helped seal whoever’s fate this was, then I’d spend every penny that was associated with my name. I didn’t care that all that I was bothered about was gaining my freedom back and being able to actually feel like I could breathe.

I knew that if it was her, I’d be losing a close friend but I couldn’t think of that right now. I couldn’t think that there was no way she could love me if shewasthe stalker. I’d burn that bridge later because I knew that when all this was over, losing Cass would wreck me.

“I’m so excited that you invited me to come with you today! I haven’t done this in forever. Are you looking for anything in particular?” Cass asked me the moment I approached her on the boulevard stretch. Xander was close behind me on my heels and it made me feel safe. My shades were covering my eyes and the sun hat blocked the high UV rays as my lilac sundress swished in the slight breeze. I linked my arm inside the crook of hers and feigned my actress worthy smile until I saw the sign for Indigo’s up ahead.

“I’ve so much to tell you!” I squealed as Xander held open the door for us and indicated for us to enter. It was an Oscar winning performance if I did say so myself.

I gazed around the empty boutique knowing that this would be the perfect place to talk to Cass without being interrupted as only the extremely rich had the money to grace the threshold and by the wide-eyed confusion plastered across Cass’s face, I don’t think she’d ever stepped a foot in the place.

“Are you sure we should be in here?” Cass whispered, trying to avoid the attention of any of the employees that desperately wanted to approach us as they noticed her questioning and uncertainty. “It’s just…”

“We are exactly where we‘re meant to be. I saw this gorgeous dress that I thought would be perfect for the weekend,” I admitted, setting the trap. Xander took a seat on the plush red chairs in the corner of the room and kept his gaze trained on me.

“The weekend?” she asked. “I didn’t know anything was happening this weekend. Is there an award event or something?”

I let the giggle slip from my lips as I grabbed her arm, trying to steady myself. “No, silly. Did I forget to tell you? I’m having a party for my birthday at The Avenue. You are free, aren’t you? I’ve just been starting to sort out my guest list,” I replied with a subtle edge that I hoped she’d jump at. “I’ll be twenty-eight years old after all. What with everything that’s been going on lately...” I dropped my head and forced the tears to gather in my eyes. I needed Cass to see my gathered emotions, just in case. “I thought I deserved this one night to enjoy myself with my nearest and dearest.”

“Of course you do, that’s a great idea,” Cass excitedly said. “No wonder you’ve come here to look your best.”

“No, for the both of us to look our best. You’re my best friend after all.” I hugged her as I took in my man with his smirk across his face, legs crossed at the knee. He winked at me and he looked so damn sexy. Step one was working.

I grabbed the attention of an employee who was eager to help as she made her way over to us, all chirpy and bouncy, probably excited to see how big a commission she could earn with what we’d be spending in store today. She must have thought the happier she kept us, the more likely my black Amex would be out to play. With a quick lowdown on what event the two of us would be attending—which involved the woman giving the pair of us a quick once-over as she trailed her gaze up and down our bodies, as if locking our measurements into her head—before she clapped her hands together and took off, starting to gather a selection of outfits suitable for what we required.

“Make yourselves comfortable, ladies. Francine will be bringing in a tasting board and champagne in a moment,” the lady announced before she started to whirlwind around the store, tutting and ahhing as she went.

“Want to help me look through my guest list so far?” I asked Cass as she nodded enthusiastically. “I could do with an opinion on a few people, I guess.”

I watched Cass’s eyes scour down the list, hoping that it may give me an indication into something I’m missing. I don’t know why but I didn’t feel like I could trust anyone now since that day back at my place and the last letter arrived. I’d become more observant and withdrawn, thinking back over the last few months in case anything clicked about behavior patterns and the people I classed as my friends. It didn’t though and that’s what hurt the most, so I raised my walls and began treating everyone as a danger and risk. It was safer than thinking they were my friend because a true friend would forgive me for my actions in the end.

“You’ve put your mom as a maybe?” Cass asked inquisitively. “The same with Stuart Castleford,” she continued.

“I have,” I admitted. “I normally just do the quick visit with my mom each year but with everything that’s happened, I was thinking it would be nice for her to hit the red carpet for the night with me.” I sighed, knowing that it was a long shot. “Mom normally stays away from the glamor and media if she can help it but I thought I could offer it, you know?”

“And Stuart?” she pressed, tilting her head to the side.

“Isn’t that obvious?” I tipped my head toward Xander and chuckled. “I may owe him after that spectacle at Fido’s.”

“Ah, yes. Of course. That’s a lovely idea,” Cass chirped as Francine wheeled in a trolley and placed it in front of Xander. “I think having everyone there who means something to you is important.”

“Me too. I’m not letting my life be ruled and controlled by something beyond my control any longer,” I said as I walked over toward Xander and grabbed a glass of the chilled champagne. He pulled me down onto his lap and I ground my ass on his cock.

“That’s right, kitten.” Xander kissed my cheek before my eyes lit up at the outfits being wheeled into the room in front of us. “You’re going to look stunning in one of those.”

“I know.” I giggled as I stood up and toyed through the choices, carefully watching Cass’s reaction.

“Charlotte?” Cass asked. I pulled back the rail and eyed the most gorgeous outfit I’d ever seen. “Where are you going to get ready for the party? I mean, these all look like they’ll need a team.”

“Cass…” I smirked, knowing she’d played right into my hand. “The Avenue, of course. I’m booked into room three at 6pm.”

“Oh, that’s a relief,” she muttered as she finished the glass of champagne. “Do you think they’ll have a ladies room I can use for a minute to freshen up?”

Tags: C.N. Marie Romance