Page 47 of Libra

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“What?” She blinked as her brain tried to process the command, certain she’d misheard him.

“Did I stutter, Mina?”

“N-no, Sir.”

“Then get on your hands and knees and crawl. I won’t ask again.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to point out he hadn’taskedin the first place, but what little self-preservation she had left made her swallow the sarcastic retort. Leaning forward, she dropped to all fours and took a tentative crawling step forward.

“There you go, baby. Crawl to Daddy.”

His voice hadn’t gentled, but it had taken on a cooing tone, a mockery of the sweet, cajoling voice one might use with a child. Humiliation burned in her gut, but did nothing to erase the painful arousal between her thighs. If anything, her need for him was greater than it ever had been, which only added to her embarrassment.

Thankfully, the distance between them was closed within seconds, and then she was on her knees in front of him, staring at the thick, rigid length of his cock.

Reaching for her with his free hand, he took a fistful of her hair and guided her head forward. Her mouth fell open, almost of its own accord, and the sweet, salty taste of him danced over her tongue as she took him in.

“That’s my good girl. Such a pretty little whore, swallowing Daddy’s cock like that.”

The slur shocked her even more than his order to crawl to him. Instinctively, she jerked against his hold, but he held her in place, forcing her to continue sucking him off.

And still, despite the churning in her gut at being called such a foul name, some dark part of her brain craved more. More pain, more humiliation.

It suddenly wasn’t enough to be Daddy’s good girl anymore. She wanted to be Daddy’s good little whore. She wanted to be used by him, debased by him, in every way she could imagine.

And then in ways she knew she couldn’t.

“Fuck, baby. Stop.”

Even if she’d wanted to disobey, he jerked her head away and back, exposing her neck. Glancing down, she watched as he pumped his cock a few more times, and then she felt more than saw the hot jet of his cum at the base of her throat.

In the shadows, she could barely see his eyes, but she clearly saw the taunting curve of his lips, the flash of his canines as he smiled.

“I had a feeling you’d look good in pearls.”


Astorm of emotions shimmered in her eyes as Mina glared up at him. She wasn’t fighting him, at least not outwardly, but it was clear she wasn’t entirely happy with the direction their evening had taken.

The part of him that lived in the shadows crowed with triumph, but he ignored it for the time being. He’d taken things farther than he’d intended, and at the very least she deserved a short check-in to ensure he hadn’t gone too far.

“What color are you, Ace?” he asked softly, stroking the backs of his fingers across her cheeks.

“Green, Sir,” she answered without even a second of hesitation.

“Really?” In an act of deliberate cruelty, he tightened his hold on her hair, pulling her head back so she was forced to arch up as if offering her breasts to him. “Even when I paint you with my cum and tell you what a good little slut you’ve been tonight?”

To his surprise, her lips curved up in a knowing, feminine smile. “Is that what you want me to be tonight, Daddy?”

“Yes.” If he couldn’t give her tenderness, then he would at least give her honesty.

“Then yes, Sir. I’m green as the fucking grass.”

Jerking her up, he slammed his lips over hers, claiming them in a brutal, desperate kiss. How the fuck had he overlooked her for so long when she was so damn perfect for him?

“On the bed,” he snapped out when he broke the kiss. “I want your ass nice and red before I fuck you.”

When he released his hold on her, she turned and, dropping back down to all fours, crawled toward the bed. And despite having just spent himself all over her, his cock immediately stirred at the sight of her perfect, round ass framed by the lace of her garter belt as she moved across the floor.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance