Page 27 of Libra

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He awoke alone,and for a second, he couldn’t remember why that might bother him. But as he pushed up in bed, the memories of the night before came flooding back and he scowled at the empty bed beside him.

At least she’d thought to leave a note on the pillow, though it made him feel oddly cheap to read about how much she’d enjoyed their night and that she’d see him when she saw him.

And it really didn’t help matters that her scent still covered his sheets or that his cock reacted to the lingering reminder by growing hard with anticipation.

“Down boy,” he growled, stomping to the bathroom.

Casual sex with no strings attached was exactly the type of relationship he liked best. So why the hell was he so grumpy about waking up to find her missing? The fact that hewaspissed about it just added to his overall annoyance with the situation so that by the time he climbed into the back of the car he’d requested to take him to the Guild headquarters, he was in a rare mood.

A mood that wasn’t helped by the overly cheerful, flirtatious blonde who met him at the front desk. “What can I help you with today?”

“I have an appointment with Mark Harrison.”

Her smile faltered slightly, and he inwardly cursed himself for at least not trying to put on a more public-friendly façade. Forcing his face to relax, he sent her a quick smile. “Sorry. Not much of a morning person.”

It was a lie, but it seemed to appease her because her bright smile instantly turned sympathetic. “I totally understand. Would you like a cup of coffee? We have an in-house coffee shop so I could get you pretty much anything you want.”

“Coffee sounds great, actually. A double shot flat white, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“None at all! If you want to have a seat over there, Mr. Harrison should be with you shortly and I’ll run and get that coffee for you.”

“Thank you.”

Wandering over to the plush seating area she’d indicated, he sat, letting his gaze roam the cavernous space. It had been years since he’d stepped foot inside the headquarters, and though the space hadn’t changed much with the high, soaring ceilings and what seemed like acres of marble, some of the aesthetics had changed with the times. There was more white and gray than he remembered, and more muted pastels.

Front desk girl hurried over with his coffee just as a door opened and Mark Harrison, Vice President of the Libra Guild for the past twenty odd years, stepped through. A bright, welcoming smile stretched across his features, but it didn’t quite seem to reach his eyes.

Not that Cyrus could blame the man. Helping to run any of the Zodiac Guilds had to be one of the least rewarding jobs he could imagine.

“Cyrus Banks. What a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I see Amanda has already provided refreshments, so if you’re ready, we can go ahead and get the interview started.”

“The sooner the better.”

“Anxious for the good news?” Harrison might as well have waggled his eyebrows.

Cyrus returned the expectant look with a polite, if slightly disinterested smile. “Anxious to get to work, honestly.”

“Ah. I see.”

There was a hint of something in the man’s tone that had the hairs on the back of Cyrus’s neck standing on end. Lowering his mental defenses ever so slightly, he stopped in his tracks as the waves of nervous excitement hit him.

“What’s going on, Harrison?”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Glancing over his shoulder, Mark did a double take before pulling up short and turning around to face Cyrus. “What’s wrong?”

“I can feel your nerves, skittering around like little bugs hyped up on cocaine. You’re excited, but in that uncertain, not sure what’s coming next kind of way. Why?”

“Just anxious to find our next Libra Master.”

“And now you’re lying to me. I’m not taking another step until you tell me what’s really going on.”

“This really would be a conversation best had in private, Cyrus.” His tone held a hint of admonition, but Cyrus could feel his concern growing with every second they delayed.

“I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me why I’m here.”

His own nerves mixed with Harrison’s until he could no longer tell the difference between the two. Because he knew. Deep down, in the depths of his being, he knew. Had known, ever since that night with the statue of Lady Justice on the courthouse steps.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance