Page 51 of Worthy

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“Because instead of calling me and asking to discuss it, you made a conscious decision to disobey me. You didn’t give me a chance to hear your concerns. And honestly, I’m disappointed in you for it. You think so poorly of me that you didn’t think I’d listen to you?”

Tears burned in her eyes but she ruthlessly blinked them back. She was not going to walk into Black Light with her makeup already ruined. “I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted. Now, why don’t you want to wear the corset, baby?”

“I just didn’t feel comfortable.”

“You’ve said that already. Why didn’t you feel comfortable?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Glancing over at her, he shrugged. “You can talk now or after I tear your ass up at the club. Which is it going to be?”

“You said you weren’t going to spank me!”

“No, I said I wouldn’t be letting you off withjusta spanking. I will definitely be whipping your ass raw at some point tonight, but that is only a small part of your punishment.”

“That’s not fair!” Her voice had pitched up to a whine, and she was sorely tempted to stomp her foot, which just served to embarrass her further. When had she turned into a spoiled child?

“I’m not the least bit interested in being fair. I gave you an order and you unilaterally decided to ignore it. I am interested in an explanation, but I’m perfectly fine proceeding with your punishment without one.”

“Since when does the big bad jock use words like unilaterally?”

It was a low blow and they both knew it. As soon as the words escaped, she slapped a hand over her mouth, staring at him in horror. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, moving her hands to her lap. “That was uncalled for.”

His knuckles went white on the steering wheel and a muscle in his jaw jumped. “It was. I expect better from you, Katherine.”

“Take me home. I’ll change and you can punish me and then we can go to the club. Okay?”

“Your punishment starts now. Not another word until I say so.”

“You can’t do that!”

“I can and I am, little girl. And you’ll do as you’re told unless you want all of Black Light to see how I handle mouthy, disrespectful subs.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, Kit glared out the window. Guilt was churning in her stomach, right along anger and embarrassment. Being treated like a wayward child was absolutely humiliating and he had no right to treat her this way!

You gave him that right, a little voice reminded her. And yeah, that was technically true, but he didn’t have to be such a hard ass about it.

And you didn’t have to insult him.

Shit. The voice was right, as much as it grated her to admit it. She’d outright ignored his wishes, argued with him, and then insulted his intelligence. The only one in the wrong here was her, and she wasn’t sure there was a spanking long enough or hard enough to ease her guilt.

Sniffling against the threat of tears, she dropped her hands back into her lap. An apology burned on her tongue, and her throat was tight with the urge to beg his forgiveness. But at this point, showing him she could behave properly and follow instructions seemed like the best apology she could offer, so she clamped her lips together.

Time seemed to stretch into eternity before he spoke again. “All right. I think I’m calm enough to continue this conversation. Tell me about the corset, kitten.”

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered hoarsely, her throat working overtime as she fought to hold back the tears that wouldn’t go away. “But not on me.”

“Baby, that’s not true. I guarantee you looked hot as hell in it.”

“I did not! I looked fat and stupid and I didn’t want anyone to see me that way. Especially you!”

“Katherine.” The word was full of warning, and it cut through the panic building in her chest. “Take a deep breath. Good girl,” he praised, his voice a low purr as he guided the vehicle off the interstate. “One more.”

He pulled into the parking lot of a giant gas station and parked the SUV at the far end. Unbuckling both their seatbelts, he pulled her to him and pressed a kiss to her hair.

“Better?” he asked when her breaths were no longer short and shaky.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance