Page 24 of Worthy

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“Austin! Why did you stop?”

His laughter vibrated against her leg and she fought back the urge to kick him. “What did I say you should call me, kitten?”

“Sir,” she said with a huff. “Why did you stop,sir?”

“I’m not ready to be done with you just yet. The view from back here is stunning.”

The words were shocking enough, but they were nothing compared to the unmistakable feel of his teeth sinking into the flesh of her bottom.


“Sorry. I should have made sure biting wasn’t on your hard limits list. I just couldn’t resist this ass. You okay, baby?”

“I’d be better if you’d let me come, sir.” When the hell had she become so brazen? She had never, in all her life, so much as said the wordcometo a man and here she was, practically begging him for an orgasm on what amounted to their second date.

“Poor little kitten.” Warm air blew across her pussy and she squirmed. “I do have to point out, I only promised to eat you out. I never promised you an orgasm. And you were a naughty little girl.”

“Oh no,” she moaned, then flushed with embarrassment at the needy sound.

“Beg me, kitten. If you beg prettily enough, I might let you come.”

“Please, sir.” The words tumbled out of her despite, or maybe because of, how utterly humiliating this entire scenario had become. “I need to come, sir, please.”

“And if I let you come, you’ll be a good girl?” His thumb brushed against her clit, sending a shiver of pleasure up her spine. “No more nonsense about not being sexy enough? No more mean comments about my girl?”

Ignoring the little twinge of guilt, she nodded, knowing it was a lie. She couldn’t just turn those thoughts off, but she could be better about hiding them from him. “Yes, sir. I’ll be good as gold, I swear.”

“Naughty little subs always make promises they can’t keep when they want something bad enough. But I think you’ll try, and that’s really all I can ask for.”

Thank god.If he’d insisted on denying her, she might have gone through with the urge to kick in his handsome face.

Staying still became an internal battle she was determined to win as he caught her throbbing clit between his teeth and sucked—hard.

“Oh, fuck! Sir, please!”

His little hum of pleasure vibrated against her in the most delicious way, and she couldn’t resist lifting her hips and pushing back, desperate for enough pressure to relieve the ache building in her core. A sharp slap to the back of her thigh reminded her to be still and she settled again with a whine of protest.

Who was this needy, wanton woman in her living room, wiggling and writhing while a man lavished pleasure on her? If the rush of sensation hadn’t been so overwhelming, she probably would have convinced herself she was dreaming.

But it was all so real, right down to the scream that tore from her throat as the orgasm crashed over her. And he didn’t even stop there. He kept going until every last ounce of pleasure felt like it had been drained from her very bones, and she collapsed against the couch.

“Good girl. Stay right there and I’ll get you cleaned up.”

Since she couldn’t have moved even if she’d wanted to, she obeyed, letting her eyelids drift closed as she listened to the sound of running water.

Chapter 8


“Kit? Are you okay? You seem a bit distracted today. Again.”

Jerking her attention from the darkened computer screen she’d been staring mindlessly at for god only knew how long, Kit looked over at her trusty admin standing in the doorway to her office. The look on Donna’s face was a mix of concern and admonition.

“Sorry. Head’s a little in the clouds today,” she admitted sheepishly.

With a shake of her head, Donna turned and left, muttering something about men ruining everything. Embarrassed at being caught daydreaming again, Kit dropped her head into her hands.

Distracted didn’t even begin to cover the obsession consuming her. Even though Austin had insisted on staying the night with her on Saturday, they hadn’t done more than cuddle, and he’d been gone when she’d woken up. She’d spent all of Sunday and most of Monday in a funk, and her Tuesday wasn’t turning out to be much better if her admin had noticed.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance