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Connor sat on the bed, a small leather paddle and a large, wicked looking plug in his hand. Although her heart was pounding and her stomach was twisted in knots, she managed to stop herself from questioning him.

“The tail is coming out,” he said as he pulled her over his left knee so her bottom was propped high. “But the large plug will stay in during your spanking. Bear down, jellybean.”

The tail slid easily from her bottom, and she immediately missed the brush of fur against the back of her thighs, the weight of it inside of her as she moved. Then the new plug was positioned at her entrance and her sole focus became enduring the rest of her punishment.

“That’s my girl.” He pushed the plug in until the fullest part of it had her entrance stretched wide. Her breaths became pants and whimpers of pain as he moved it back and forth inside of her, always stopping just short of fully pushing it in. “How does that feel, baby?”

“Hurts. Full. Please.” Complete thoughts and sentences were beyond her in that moment.

“It’s a punishment, little girl. If it doesn’t hurt, you’re not learning your lesson.”

“Sorry. I’m sorry.” She gasped when he finally pushed the plug in and her bottom closed around the narrow neck. It still felt uncomfortably full and intrusive but not like it had when he’d been fucking her with it.

There was only a moment of relief before the soft leather tapped against her bare skin. “Why are you getting a spanking, little girl?”

“Because I started a food fight.”

“And is that how my little girl behaves in public? Especially in my restaurant?”

“No, Daddy.”

“The next time you want to make a mess or play a prank, I want you to really think hard about the consequences.”

She braced for the first swat, as much as she could with the huge plug in her bottom. The first blow always seemed like the worst – the waiting, the anticipation, not knowing exactly how hard he was going to spank. And this was no different. The sting of the leather was fierce, biting, and she had to focus on not squeezing her bottom cheeks together.

And it only got worse from there. The first dozen or so swats were all delivered to the exact same place, over and over until she broke and let out a long, loud wail. As soon as she did, he switched sides and repeated the process on the opposite cheek.

“Daddy, please! I’m sorry!”

His response was to simply shift her forward and move his punishment to her sensitive sit-spots. Tears clogged in her throat, but she couldn’t seem to force them to the surface. Even when he lit into the tops of her thighs and she had to fist her hands in the bed sheets to keep from reaching back, they wouldn’t come.

“Hayleigh? Do I have your attention, little girl?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

His free hand rested on her back, slowly rubbing in circles until she relaxed again over his knee. “I love you, and I love that playful, bratty, mischievous side of you. But there is a time and a place for it. Understood?”

“Yes, sir. I really am sorry,” she finished on a whisper.

“I know, baby. We’re almost done here. Stand up and bend over the side of the bed.”

Grateful he wouldn’t be spanking her any longer, she scrambled off his lap and placed herself in the requested position. The plug hurt just as much coming out as it had going in, and she buried her head in her arms as she bore down against the burning pain of her bottom being stretched.

“After tonight, I expect you to remember who you belong to, Hayleigh Anne.” Gripping her hips, Connor guided his cock to her already sore bottom hole. “I expect you to remember whose little girl you are and what my expectations are for you. Every time you forget, this is how I will remind you.”

The plugs had prepared her, but not enough. There was a pinch and then a burn as he worked his way inside of her.

“Daddy,” she whined, grabbing at the bed sheets to try and pull herself up and away from the pressure. “It hurts.”

With one hand still digging into her hip, he slid the other around to dip a finger between the soaked folds of her pussy. “It may hurt, but my naughty little kitten seems to be enjoying it all the same.”

Now fully seated inside her bottom, he began to rock, stroking her clit in time with his motions. Which was nowhere near fast enough or hard enough to give her any kind of relief.

“More,” she moaned, pushing her hips back to meet his gentle thrusts. “Harder.”

That was all the encouragement he needed. Gentle rocking became strong, forceful thrusts, her bottom aching and burning with each one. The pain fueled the need coiling in her core. She whimpered with frustration. The release she craved was right there, just out of reach.

“Who do you belong to, Hayleigh?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance