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“What did she say?”

“Last night, she said I needed to get myself a ‘real’ submissive. And this morning she told me it was about time I learned to control Hayleigh and insinuated she belonged on a leash. It’s bullying, Derek, and I won’t stand for it in my kitchen. I sent her home for the day, but I’d like to know what the process is for terminating her employment.”

“I’m assuming you have witnesses to back up your allegations?”


“All right. I’ll need to get statements from them when you can spare them. There’s a good bit of paperwork involved, to protect the Ranch from any retaliation, but I’ll get the ball rolling. In the meantime, I’ll get with Trey so he can let his people know that she’s confined to her quarters until further notice.”

“Thank you.”

“Is there anything else I should be aware of?”

Connor hesitated a moment before nodding. “I know this will come down to ‘he said/she said’ but she’s… Let’s just say she’s made it well known that she would like to take Hayleigh’s place in my life. Unfortunately, that happened behind closed doors. I told her she was fired, but she basically refused.”

“I see.” Tapping a pen against the desk, Derek frowned. “You’re right. Without any proof, it’s difficult to move forward on those grounds. The bullying, however, should be sufficient. I’ll let you know as soon as I can. Does Hayleigh know about this?”

“No. I haven’t told her.”

“Tell her, before she finds out from someone else. Those kinds of secrets destroy relationships.”

“Yeah.” He blew out a breath. “You’re right. I’ll tell her.”

Satisfied he’d done what he could, Connor left Derek’s office and headed back to his own. Opening the door, he stopped and stared at the scene before him.

Still lying on her little bed, Hayleigh had worked a hand under her leotard and her fingers were furiously working at her pussy. Her eyes were closed, her head tilted back, and she was apparently so lost in her own pleasure, she didn’t hear him.

Quietly closing the door behind him, he waited until her back began to arch and her breathing became more labored before he spoke.

“Naughty kitty.”

Her eyes flew open and she jerked her hand away. Fear and need flickered over her face as she waited, frozen, for what came next.

“Did Daddy tell you that you could play with his toys while he was gone?”

Her head rolled slowly side to side.

“No, I did not. So, you’re going to spend the rest of the day with a wet, needy little pussy.” Taking his seat, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his painfully hard cock. “I, on the other hand, am going to enjoy myself. Come here, kitty. Daddy has some cream for you.”

She crawled, with her ass high in the air, tail swaying. And fuck him if it wasn’t the most erotic thing he’d ever seen.

Still on all fours, she stopped in front of him and wrapped her lips around his already aching cock. Her clever tongue moved in ways no tongue had any business moving as she moved her mouth up and down his shaft.

“Fuck, baby. Just like that.” Taking a fistful of her hair, he guided her movements, savoring the dark thrill that ran through him when her throat contracted around his cock.

It took almost no time at all for her to suck him dry. When she had, she sat back on her haunches and grinned up at him.

Cupping her face in his hand, he ran his thumb over her cheek. “Good kitty,” he murmured, just before he tightened his grip enough for her to squeak in surprise. “The next time I catch you playing with what’s mine, you’ll be crawling around with welts on your ass and I won’t let you come for a week. Understood?”

Her nod wasn’t as satisfying as hearing the words from her lips, but it would have to do.

Chapter 15

Being Daddy’slittle kitten for the day wasn’t as bad as she’d assumed it would be. Other than Julia’s comments that morning, the most attention she’d gotten had been a couple scratches on the head from Connor’s staff when he’d allowed her out during the lull between lunch clean up and dinner prep.

It was actually kind of fun. And she couldn’t deny the little blooms of pleasure in her chest every time someone asked her Daddy “Can I pet your kitty?” or told her how pretty she was.

Eating off of a plate on the floor still wasn’t her idea of a fun time, but even that didn’t bother her as much as she’d expected. The humiliation factor just seemed to add to her constant arousal.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance