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Heat pooled in her lower belly and she bit her lip to keep herself from moaning out loud. Punishments weren’t meant to turn her on, but her body obviously hadn’t gotten the memo. And damn him, he knew exactly what he was doing, threatening to whip her with his belt. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Before we even get to that, you’re going over my knee for a long reminder about how to respectfully voice your wants and needs. I’ll be right back.”

With her heart thundering in her ears, she nodded and obediently stayed in her spot on the couch until he returned. In his hand he held the thick, brown leather belt he wore when he wasn’t in his chef uniform.

“Stand up, Hayleigh.”

She stood on trembling legs as he situated himself on the couch before he pulled her face-down over his lap. A heavy hand rested on her bottom and she swore she could feel the heat of it through her skirt and panties.

“I understand you were excited to get our evening started, but that’s no excuse to snap at me and to be rude to not just me, but Julia as well.”

“I know, Daddy. I’m really sorry.”

“I’m sure you are. But as your Daddy, it’s my job to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

With that, her skirt was flipped up and her regulation panties were tugged down below the swell of her ass. She jumped and squealed when the first loud spank cracked across her bare skin.

“Owie! Daddy, I’m sorry! I’ll be good!”

As usual, he let the spanking do his talking for him, until he’d covered her entire backside in fiery pain and moved his attention to her sit-spots.

“If you’re upset or you want something from me, you will ask respectfully and politely. You will not throw tantrums because you aren’t getting what you want. Do. You. Hear. Me?” The final four words were each punctuated with heavy, blistering swats.

“Yes, Daddy!” she howled, arching her back and trying to wiggle away. But the arm around her waist only tightened, holding her in place as his hand scorched her bottom. “I’m really sorry!”

Two more blistering swats capped off the spanking, and then he stroked her burning skin. “I know you were excited about our sleepover, baby, but sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do, even when we’re excited. I would much rather have been able to leave work early and pick you up from class than hang around the kitchen.”

Sniffling, she turned to look up at him. “Really?”

“Of course, jellybean. Why wouldn’t I want to spend as much time with you as possible?”

“I know how much you love your job,” she said with a shrug.

“I do love my job. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss you while I’m working, just as much as you miss me while you’re in class.”

“I dunno. I miss you a whole lot when I’m in school.”

“And I believe that brings us to the next issue we need to discuss.” Resting his heavy hand on her already aching bottom, he frowned down at her. “You are expected to be present when you are in class, even if you’d rather be somewhere else. It’s disrespectful to your teachers when you don’t pay attention.”

Disrespectfullanded like a physical punch in her stomach. “I’m sorry, Daddy. It’s hard to concentrate when I’m excited.”

“I know, jellybean. It’s hard for everyone, big or little. But I expect better from you, and you’re going to remember that after tonight. Up.”

With a heavy sigh, she pushed up off his lap and stood in front of the couch.

“Bend over, palms flat on the cushions,” he instructed, pushing to his feet.

She sent him one last pleading look over her shoulder, but he just shook his head and pointed to the couch. Sighing loudly, she bent at the waist and pressed her hands into the soft fabric.

The sound of metal clinking as he picked the belt up off of the couch cushion sent a shiver down her spine moments before the thick leather tapped against her upturned bottom.

“Are you going to be a good girl and pay attention in class?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Nothing else was said before the leather snapped against her bare bottom. The burn was fierce, more so than she remembered. Maybe she had become a wimp since she’d come to the Ranch. Before she’d come here, she would have hardly been fazed by the spankings her Daddy doled out. But now, it was everything she could do to keep from bursting into tears after one single stroke of the belt.

The next lash caught her at the tops of her thighs and she nearly bit through her lip to keep from crying out. But the third, delivered across the fullest part of her bottom, pulled a yelp from her.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance