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“What do you think will happen if you eat all that chocolate, Hayleigh?”

“I’ll get a tummy ache.”

“Do you want a tummy ache?”

“No, Daddy.”

“And that’s why Daddy told you to only have half a bowl, but you chose not to listen and now you’re getting your bottom spanked instead of enjoying your dessert.”

Satisfied with his mini-lecture, he pushed the hem of his shirt up to reveal her creamy white bottom. The redness from the spanking he’d given her that morning had faded, and he’d be willing to bet she could barely even feel it anymore.

He kept the spanking itself short and sweet. It couldn’t have been more than a dozen swats, but she squealed and wiggled as if he’d lit her bottom on fire.

When it was over, he helped her to sit up on his lap and she immediately snuggled into his embrace.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to be naughty.”

She had, of course. That was the entire point. But he wasn’t going to call her on the fib. Not when she’d just trusted him enough to act out with him. “It’s all forgiven, baby. But I’m afraid there’s a second part of your punishment.”

“What?” She popped up like someone had put a spring in her spine and stared at him. “But you already spanked me really hard!”

“Yes, I did. But I don’t think you’ll really learn your lesson if I let you eat all this chocolate, now will you?” Reaching across the table, he grabbed the bowl and pulled it over to them. “So now you have to share with Daddy,” he said, lifting a heaping spoonful of pudding into his mouth.

His antics earned him a giggle and Hayleigh opened her mouth for him to feed her next. Once they’d scraped the bottom of the bowl again, she dropped her head to his shoulder.

“Thank you. For… everything.”

“Any time, jellybean.”

After Connor dropped her off in her room later that night, Hayleigh made a beeline for the phone charging on her nightstand. It was already well past lights out, but she couldn’t help herself. With a quick glance around to confirm the other girls were sleeping soundly, she carefully unhooked the phone from its cord. As quietly as possible, she opened her closet door and settled herself on the floor before closing the door behind her and dialing.

“Hayleigh!” Tillie, her best friend since forever, squealed in her ear when she answered. “How are you? We haven’t talked inages!”

“I’m good. Better than good,” she said with a laugh. “I met a guy.”

“Really? Tell me all about him!”

“He’s amazing, Till. At first, he seems kinda gruff but underneath it he’s a big softie. We had dinner tonight and I had the best sex of my life. Twice.”

“Yummy. He sounds like a winner. Definitely better than that jerk-face, Brady.”

Hayleigh snickered quietly. “No, nothing like Brady. Thank God.” She hesitated before plowing forward with information she wouldn’t share with just anyone. “Connor is a Daddy. An honest to goodness Daddy.”

“Good. You deserve better than the jerk-face. And I’m glad you’re happy, but geez. Did you have to move to a Ranch out there in the middle of nowhere?”

“It’s not the middle of nowhere. And yes. The Ranch is lovely, and I’ve made some amazing friends out here.”

The phone in her hand went silent for a moment before Tillie’s soft voice came through again. “I’m glad. Just don’t forget about me, okay? I miss you.”

It was obvious from the strangled quality of Tillie’s voice she was holding back tears. Hayleigh felt her own eyes fill and she sniffled into the phone. “I would never forget you, Till. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

“I gotta go before I get caught out of bed. I’ll try and call you this weekend. If I’m not, ah, busy.”

Tillie’s infectious giggle came over the speaker. “Go be busy with your new Daddy. But you better text me the good parts!”

“You bet!”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance