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“Yup. I love getting to pretend I’m someone or something else for a night.”

“I can see that. You know the Ranch has a big Halloween party every year.”

“I know!” Eyes lit with excitement, she bounced in her chair. “Sadie was telling me about it! I’m so excited!”

“Do you have a costume picked out?”

Her shoulders drooped slightly. “Not yet. I don’t know what to be.”

“You let Daddy worry about that.”

“Really?” Pleasure lit her eyes, making the brown sparkle.

“Yes. You can give me some ideas, but I’ll choose your costume. Deal?”

“Deal!” The scrape of metal against the ceramic bowl alerted him that she’d finished with her mousse. Her bottom lip pushed out in a pout when she realized the bowl was empty.

“Would you like a little more, jellybean?”

“I can have more?”

If chocolate mousse was all it took to get her to light up like that, he promised himself he’d make it for her every day for the rest of their lives. “You can have another half of a bowl.”

With a whoop, she hopped out of her chair and made a dash for the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later with at least twice the amount of fluffy chocolate he’d given her in the first bowl and a sheepish smile.

For the most part, he didn’t care what his Littles ate. As long as they got a few vegetables in during the day, he wasn’t in the business of policing anyone’s diet. Especially considering it wasn’t something he policed well for himself, it made him feel a bit like a hypocrite to do so for his girls.

But he had specifically told her how much she could have. And the way she snuck a guilt-laden glance in his direction told him everything he needed to know. Setting his spoon down, he schooled his features into a stern glare.


“Hmmm?” she said without looking up.

“Put the spoon down and look at me, please.”

Openly pouting, she did as she was told and looked up at him with wide, puppy dog eyes. “Yes, Daddy?”

Steeling himself against the adorably pitiful look, he forged ahead. “How much did I say you could have?”

“Um, I don’t remember?”

Deliberately clenching his jaw, he raised an eyebrow, pleased when her eyes widened. “Little girls who lie get their mouths punished along with their bottoms. Now, do you really not remember?”

“You said half a bowl,” she replied quickly, obviously not willing to test him when it came to lying.

“And did you do as you were told?”

“No, Daddy,” she whispered.

“And what happens when you don’t follow Daddy’s instructions?”

Excitement danced in her eyes. “I get spanked?”

“Yes. You get spanked. Come here.”

Pushing away from the table, he patted his thigh. Hayleigh sighed dramatically, but she didn’t argue as she draped herself over his lap.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance