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The hand at her back moved to her hair, grabbing her ponytail, using it to pull her closer. The quick, sharp pain in her scalp thrilled her almost as much as the feel of his hungry lips on hers. She let the worry and the doubts fall away, let herself get lost in him until he pulled away.

“Bedroom,” he growled, punctuating the order with a sharp swat to her thigh.

Heart soaring, she scrambled off his lap and raced down the short hallway to his bedroom. She stopped just long enough to strip naked before climbing on top of the comforter and stretching out on full display. This, at least, was something she knew how to do. Presenting herself for her lover’s pleasure, using her body to entice and tease was one skill she’d always excelled at.

“Wow.” Stopping in the doorway, Connor let his gaze roam her naked form. “You’re incredible, Hayleigh.”

Emboldened by his obvious appreciation, she let her fingers trail down her stomach to the neat patch of curls between her thighs. “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to fuck me?”

It was like he snapped out of a trance. His eyes met hers, but she couldn’t quite make out his expression from across the room. “Naughty girl. Don’t you know it’s impolite to play with Daddy’s toys without permission?”

Holy hell. She wasn’t going to need his touch or her own to come if he kept talking like that. But because she desperately wanted him to touch her, she obediently lifted her hands and gripped two of the wrought-iron bars behind her.

“Good girl. Can you keep them there, or do I need to get out the restraints?”

“That depends.”

A dark eyebrow lifted as he studied her. “On?”

“How good you are,” she answered with a taunting smirk.

His grin was filled with the promise of all the wicked, wonderful things to come. “We’ll definitely need the restraints.”

Moving far too leisurely for her tastes, he opened one of the closets to reveal a treasure trove of toys and implements. “Working at the Ranch has its perks,” he said when he caught her wide-eyed stare.


With a pair of leather restraints in hand, he returned to the bed to slip them over her wrists and between the bars. “Too tight?”

She gave them a tug. “Perfect. Daddy,” she added with a grin.

“God, I love hearing you say that.” Climbing onto the bed, he knelt between her open thighs and hooked her knees over his arms. “You look good enough to eat, jellybean.”

Then do it already!her mind screamed. But her mouth was much better trained. “Thank you, sir.”

“That wasn’t what you wanted to say, was it?” he asked with obvious amusement. “You have a tell, baby. When you’re about to say something smart or bratty, but you change your mind, you wrinkle your nose. Just for a second, but you do it every time.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. You don’t have to censor yourself around me. I’m not easily offended. And if you overstep,” he slid his hands under her bottom and gave the flesh a hard squeeze that made her gasp at the flash of pain. “I know how to bring you back in line.”

“In that case, will you please, for the love of God, fuck me already?”

“When I’m done tasting you.”

At the first touch of his tongue to her clit, she had to fight to keep her back from arching straight up off the bed. “God!”

His laugh vibrated against her pussy, sending little shockwaves of pleasure through her. Then his fingers were inside of her, stroking that sensitive, hidden spot as his tongue swirled lazy circles around her clit. Not enough, not anywhere near enough to give her the release she craved.

Forgetting the restraints for a moment, she tried to reach for him, then growled in frustration when her arms jerked to stop. “Connor, please.”

“Patience,” he mumbled before turning his head to nip at her thigh. “Some things are meant to be savored.”

“You can savor another time!”

Ignoring her pleas and demands, he returned to his slow torture. Every swipe of his tongue over her clit pushed her closer and closer to that sharp edge of pleasure, but just when she could feel herself about to go over, he switched tactics, pulling her back.

She started to lift her hips, to get that little bit of extra pressure she needed to fly, but she remembered herself just in time and pressed her bottom into the mattress. A sob of frustration tore from her throat as she fought to stay still under his onslaught.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance