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“Hayleigh? Baby, you’re shaking. What’s wrong?”

As soon as he placed his hands on her shoulders to turn her around, she threw her arms around his neck, a sob bursting out of her. “I’m sorry! I’ll be good, I swear!”

“Jellybean, you’re not in trouble. What’s wrong?”

Wiping at her eyes, she pulled away to look up at him. “I’m not?”

“No, baby. I’ve been a Daddy long enough to know a tantrum when I see one brewing. I was just giving you a chance to calm down a little. That’s all. I’m not mad.”


“Pinky promise,” he said, holding up a finger to seal the deal.

Giggling, she hooked her pinky with his. “Sorry I cried all over you. Again.”

“That’s what Daddies are for. Can you tell me what happened?”

“I just got scared.”

“Of what?”

The words stuck in her throat and she shook her head.

“Hayleigh, I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong. Did being in the corner upset you?”

“Sort of.”

He studied her through narrowed eyes for a moment before letting out a sigh. “All right. You can tell me over dinner. And another glass of wine. If you still want it.”

“God, yes,” she replied with a shaky laugh.

“There are some plates in that cabinet there.” He pointed to one directly behind her. “Why don’t you set the table and I’ll get the food.”

Relieved to have something to do, she gathered the requested plates and hunted up the silverware and carried everything to the table. Connor joined her, carrying a giant bowl filled with vegetables and she instinctively wrinkled her nose. “Oh God. I’m sorry, that was so rude of me!”

“Relax, baby. I know vegetables aren’t your favorite. But if you can at least eat a few bites of salad for me, there’s chocolate mousse for dessert.”

Chef Connor’s award-winning chocolate mousse? Hell yes! “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.” He scooped some of the salad onto her plate, and then his. It was already coated in some kind of dressing, and she tried not to pout that it wasn’t Ranch. Under Connor’s watchful eye, she took a tentative bite and nearly moaned at the explosion of flavor.

“Oh my gosh. This is delicious!”

“I’m glad you like it, jellybean. Now,” folding his hands on the table, he leveled those clear blue eyes at her and she knew there was no escaping the conversation to follow, “let’s talk about what happened in the corner.”

Chapter 6

Heat rushedto her cheeks at his statement. “It was nothing. I just… don’t like the corner.”

“That sounds very much like a fib, Hayleigh.”

Despite the kindness in his voice, there was an undercurrent of steel that had little goosebumps rising on her arms.

“Little girls who don’t like the corner whine and pout. Maybe stomp their feet a little. They don’t break down crying and shaking.”

“It’s embarrassing,” she whispered.

“Would it help if I got you that glass of wine?”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance