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“I like surprises.”

“That’s settled, then.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I need to get back to the kitchen. You have fifteen minutes to get cleaned up and join us.”

Shock had her mouth falling open and her eyes going wide. “I still have kitchen duty? But you already spanked me!”

“Yes, and that was my punishment for you. Breakfast duty was Master Derek’s punishment, so yes, you still have to complete your shift.”

A whine crept into her voice before she could help it. “But everyone heard you paddling me. I can’t go out there!”

“Half the staff has seen you get your bottom spanked before. What’s the difference?”

“It’s just different,” she insisted, crossing her arms and scowling at his chest.

“Hayleigh, everyone here knows what kind of Ranch this is. Even if they haven’t been on the business end of a paddle before, they’ve seen or heard it happen a dozen times. Sometimes multiple times a day if we have extra bratty submissives running around. Nobody is judging you.”

“But it’s not fair. Sadie didn’t have to do breakfast duty.”

“I can guarantee that breakfast duty is preferable to what Sadie got at home with her daddy last night.”

“But –”

“Little girl, if the next words out of your mouth are not ‘Yes, sir’, I’m going to put you over my knee. If I have to do that, not only will everyone hear you getting a second spanking, they will see my handprints all over the backs of your thighs when you walk out of here. Got it?”

Tears blurred her vision, but she managed to force out a quiet, “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. Go to the bathroom and wash your face. You have ten minutes to get cleaned up.”

“You said… Yes, sir,” she corrected quickly when his gaze hardened.

“Thank you.” Pulling her close, he gave her one last hard squeeze before nudging her off his lap and pushing to his feet. “Ten minutes, Hayleigh.”

When he opened the office door, she ducked her head and hurried to the side door that led to the hallway where the bathrooms were.

“Oh geez,” she muttered, wincing at her red, splotchy face. Unfortunately for her, she’d always been an ugly crier. Resigned to her fate, she turned the cold water on and splashed her face.

She was using a wad of paper towels to dry off when the door to one of the stalls opened and Julia, the sous chef, stepped out. After one look at Hayleigh’s face, her lips curved up in a satisfied smile.

“I hope Chef paddled you good and proper for that little stunt.”

Embarrassment heated Hayleigh’s cheeks but she lifted her chin, refusing to be cowed. “That’s none of your business.”

“Please. The whole kitchen heard that paddling. And you. I guess you weren’t ever taught how to accept a punishment with grace.” Her eyes went wide, like she was surprised by her own words. “Oh, but I suppose that’s not your fault. Littles usually are a noisy bunch, especially during a spanking.”

Anger finally rose up, pushing embarrassment to the side. “If you hate Littles so much, why the hell do you work here?”

“Tsk tsk, naughty girl. Littles aren’t supposed to swear, are they?”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“I don’t hate Littles. And I know Master Derek has a soft spot for you all because of his wife, but this isn’t aLittlesRanch. It’s a BDSM Ranch. I didn’t realize you all would be so underfoot all the time when I accepted the job.”

“Whatever. I have to get back.” A quick glance at the clock on the wall of the bathroom confirmed her fears. “Shit. I really do have to get back.”

Without waiting around for more of Julia’s mocking, Hayleigh tossed her paper towels in the trash and hurried out of the bathroom. Chef was waiting for her beside the doors when she burst through them.

“Five seconds to spare. Cutting it close, little girl.”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry.”

Tags: Stella Moore Romance