Page 9 of Daddy's Captive

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Even as her mind instantly rebelled at the idea, her core tightened with pleasure. Oh, God, what the hell was wrong with her? Meeting her own shimmering gaze in the mirror, she pressed her lips together and shook her head.

“This paddling doesn’t stop until you address me appropriately.”

No. She couldn’t. There was no possible way she could call this man, this monster... that.

To her horror, the next time the brush met her bare skin, it was the tops of her thighs he’d targeted. It took less than a dozen swats on those extra sensitive spots for her to break.

“Okay! Okay!”

“Say it, Amara.”


As if she’d flipped a switch, her torment stopped. Soft, slender fingers stroked her flaming skin, drawing a whimper from her lips.

“Good girl. Are you ready to behave?”


“All right.” Releasing her, he gestured to the toilet with the evil brush. “Use the potty and then we’ll get you put to bed.”

The idea of sitting on her assuredly bruised flesh nearly made her whimper again. But she was also in desperate need of the toilet. With a resigned sigh, she lowered herself to the seat, hissing when her ass pressed against the cool porcelain.

She was just about to relieve herself when she realized he was still in the room, watching her. “Um, may I have some privacy, please? Daddy?” she added when he raised an eyebrow.

“I’m afraid not. You’ve lost your right to privacy for the foreseeable future.”

Sweet Jesus, take her now. Closing her eyes, she did her best to pretend he wasn’t there as she emptied her bladder into the bowl. It was a small saving grace she only had to pee.

Once she’d cleaned up, he helped her back into her shorts. As she’d expected, the ruffles were extra scratchy against her blistered skin and she nearly wept with each step across the room to the bed.

Emilio—he couldn’t stop her from thinking of him that way in her mind—lifted the covers and she climbed underneath. All she had to do was be good and obedient long enough for him to fall asleep, and then she could find a way to escape.

Or so she thought.

As soon as she was tucked into bed, he tugged a pair of pink leather restraints from behind the bed. He reached for her hands, but she jerked away, shaking her head violently.


“You were very naughty, Amara.” Despite her thrashing around, he was able to capture her wrists within the restraints with embarrassing ease. “Normally I use these to keep naughty little girls from touching themselves without Daddy’s permission. But they’ll also make sure you stay in bed all night, as well.”

“You can’t just leave me here!” Frantically, she searched her mind for any argument that might sway him. “What if I need to use the bathroom again?”

But of course he’d already thought of such things. “If you need me, press this button.” He tapped the wall where a red button was just within her reach. “I, or Benito, will come and take you to use the potty.”

“Benny? I can’t pee in front of Benny!”Is that really your biggest concern right now?a voice in the back of her mind demanded incredulously.

“Benny has plenty of experience dealing with my little girls. Any other concerns?”

She racked her brain, but no other arguments came to mind. So she settled for begging again. “Please, Emilio. Let me go and I swear this will never happen again. I won’t even tell Uncle Gio about any of this. Please.”

“You can go tomorrow, after you’ve been properly punished.”

Swallowing against the lump in her throat, she nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

Perhaps she was really the sick one, because her heart did that strange little flutter again when a proud smile lit his face. “Good girl. Try and get some sleep.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic