Page 50 of Daddy's Captive

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It wasn’t until she finally sagged against the bed, her breath coming in little whimpers and pants, that he slowed and began to lecture. “We live in a dangerous world, Amara. There are people out there who would take great pleasure in hurting you. I love you too much to let you take unnecessary risks with your life.”

Tears burned in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t...”

“Didn’t what,amore mio?” He shifted her forward enough to move his assault to the tops of her thighs. “Didn’t think? Didn’t mean to?”

“I don’t know! Please, stop, it’s too much!”

“It’s meant to be too much. I do not ever want to have this discussion again, Amara. Losing you would be more than I could bear.”

For the second time that day, she went to pieces. The pressure that had begun building in her chest splintered and broke apart with a sob. But even when she was broken and weeping over his knee, the paddling continued, until she was certain she would never sit comfortably again for the rest of her life.

“That’s my good girl,” he crooned, gathering her into his arms after the punishment had finally come to an end. “Cry as much as you need to. This was a hard day, and a hard spanking.”

Sobbing too hard to even speak, she nodded and curled into him. Daddy carried her to the overstuffed armchair and settled with her on his lap. The pressure of her bottom resting on his thighs made her cry out and he immediately shifted her to a slightly more comfortable position.

“I’m s-sorry.”

“I know,amore mio. All is forgiven.”

That he could forgive her after all she’d done, after the betrayal and the heartache was a balm for her battered soul. When she finally settled, and her body-racking sobs quieted to pitiful whimpers and sobs, he rose again and carried her to the bathroom. “Let’s get that ginger out of your bottom and get you into the bath.”

She didn’t know if she was simply exhausted beyond her body’s capability to feel, or what, but she barely felt it when he removed the ginger. The burn had already faded for the most part, and she felt as though she were floating.

The bathroom filled with the scent of lavender, and she realized the tub was already halfway full with steaming water and her favored bubbles. Scooping her up again, he stepped into the tub and gently lowered both of them into the colorful foam. Amara hissed when her scorched bottom touched the water, but the burn quickly faded to a much more tolerable throb.

Letting her head fall back against his chest, she closed her eyes and let the bath leach the lingering ache from her bottom and her muscles. The places where she’d fallen against the desk still hurt like a bitch, and she was certain she’d bear the proof of her altercation with Gio for a few days. But a few bumps and bruises were a small price to pay for finally avenging her parents’ deaths.

“Do you think they knew?” she asked quietly, without opening her eyes.

“Do I think who knew what,piccolina?”

“My parents.” Tears clogged her throat, surprising her. She hadn’t thought she had any left in her, but her grief felt as raw and new as it had the night they’d died. “Do you think they knew it wasn’t an accident? That their closest confidant had betrayed them?”

“I don’t know, baby. I think they were probably incredibly grateful you were home in bed, though.”

“I used to wish I’d died with them. For the longest time, I just knew I’d never be happy again.”

“Hmm.” Gentle lips brushed across her temple. “And now?”

“I miss them. I don’t think I’ll ever stop missing them. But I know I can be happy again.” Turning, she shifted so she was straddling him. It delighted her to find him already hard when she snaked a hand between them. “You gave me that.”

Need, raw and naked, flashed in his eyes when she lowered herself onto him. “Amara.Amore mio.You are the strongest and bravest woman I’ve ever known.” Lacing his fingers through her hair, he pulled her head down, capturing her lips in a kiss so gentle and tender, it made her chest ache.

“I love you.” She whispered the words against his lips. “I’ve always loved you, but this, what I feel for you now...”

“I know.” Another soft, sweet kiss. “I know.”

Words may have failed them, but the sounds of their love filled the air. Quiet sighs, soft, needy whimpers. Theswishof the water lapping at their skin as she moved on him. Her sharp cry of release and her name on his lips when he emptied himself into her.

“I have a very serious question for you,piccolina,” he said when they were finished.


“Where would you like to go for our honeymoon? I have a need to keep you to myself for a week, at least, once things have settled down.”

Laughing, she lifted her head to press a kiss to his cheek. “Somewhere quiet, where nobody can hear us.”

“I think I can make that happen.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic