Page 49 of Daddy's Captive

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“No, Daddy.”

“It’s ginger.” His voice as calm as if he were simply discussing the weather, he guided her over his knee. “When it comes into contact with certain sensitive parts of the body, it causes an intense burning sensation. Particularly when it’s placed in the bottom of a naughty, disobedient little girl.”

Oh, God. The plug had been bad enough, but at least it hadn’t burned. Panic dug its claws into her chest when she felt the cool, wet tip of the ginger press against her bottom hole. “Daddy, no! Can’t you just spank me?”

“Oh, no need to worry about that,piccolina. Once this ginger is in place, I plan on paddling your bottom until you can’t sit comfortably for a week.” He pushed the ginger further into her bottom. “I want you to remember this the next time you’re tempted to continue being naughty when you’re already in trouble. I want you to remember that Daddy can always make it hurt more if he needs to. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy.” The ginger was well into her bottom and her words faded into a long, drawn-out whine. So far, it was just mildly uncomfortable, but enough for her to already regret her choices.

“Is my naughty girl thinking about what she could have done differently this morning?”

It was unnerving how he could practically read her thoughts. “Uh huh.”

“Tell me.” With a final push, the ginger was seated fully in her bottom and she wiggled her hips at the uncomfortable fullness of it. “What should you have done, instead of sneaking out?”

“Talked to you.” A not-altogether unpleasant warming sensation began to spread inside of her bottom and she sighed at the tingly warmth. This was her punishment? “I tried to talk to you this morning, but you said it could wait and it couldn’t.”

“Do you mean when you were so wrung out you couldn’t keep your eyes open for more than five seconds?” The sharp edge his tone had taken on warned her she was treading on thin ice, and the gentle warmth was slowly building to an inferno.

“I didn’t think you would listen,” she whined, wiggling her hips to try to alleviate the burn. “Daddy, it hurts! Take it out!”

“It can come out after your spanking. I want you to listen to me very carefully, little girl. Do I have your attention?”

“Uh huh.”

“I will always listen to you. We may disagree and I may overrule you, but I will always listen. YouassumedI wouldn’t and you put yourself in danger, which is why you’re over my knee right now.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ll talk to you next time, I promise. Please make it stop!”

“My darlingpiccolina. We’re only getting started.”

With that, he shifted her so her bottom was positioned high over his left thigh, and he used his right leg to pin her in place. A moment later, his hand connected with her bottom, igniting a familiar burn on the surface of her bottom to match the one he’d already lit inside of her. The sting caused her to instinctively clench her bottom cheeks together.

As soon as she squeezed, the ginger seemed to hook tiny little fiery claws into her sensitive inner walls. The burn went from painful to unbearable in a heartbeat.

“Ow, ow, ow! Daddy, please take it out!”

Her pleas were answered by a second swat, which was quickly followed by a third. With each one, she had to fight the urge to clench her cheeks together, a venture at which she failed miserably. Daddy spanked hard and fast, until every inch of her bottom, inside and out, burned from his chastisement.

Deep down—very deep, at this point—she knew she’d feel better when it was all over with. But just then, she was questioning why she’d agreed to this punishment.

Even more so when the cool wood of the paddle tapped against her inflamed skin.

“Daddy, no,” she moaned, throwing a hand back in a vain attempt to protect herself from the next step of his discipline.

“Yes, Amara.” Catching her hand in his, he pinned it to the small of her back. Now she was well and truly stuck. “I promised you a bottom that matched your pretty red panties, and we’ve barely even gotten to pink.”

The crack of the paddle against her poor unprotected bottom was far worse than anything he’d inflicted on her before. She’d take a dozen with the cane over even one swat from that paddle. Of course, the burn of the ginger when she immediately squeezed her bottom cheeks together didn’t help matters in the least bit.

“I’m sorry!” she wailed as a second swat from the paddle branded her bottom with his displeasure.

“I know,piccolina. But Daddy has to make sure you remember this lesson for a very long time.”

“I will, I will!” If she lived a thousand years, she would never forget this punishment.

The hand gripping hers tightened and she instinctively knew it was about to get so much worse than it already was.

And she was right. Those first two swats from the paddle felt like love taps compared to the hellfire he rained down on her ass after that. She screamed and she fought like a wildcat, but his hold on her never slipped an inch.

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic