Page 34 of Daddy's Way

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Too exhausted to deal with helping an unconscious woman undress, James ushered his wife to their bedroom.

“Daddy, I’m sleepy,” she whined, leaning into him.

“I know, little one. Let’s get you into bed.”

He sat on the bed and pulled her to stand between his knees. It took some time, but he managed to get her jeans over her hips and down her legs. She bent to finish pulling them off her feet, and her bottom presented such a perfect target he couldn’t help but plant a firm smack on the round globes.

“Ow!” She shot up and rubbed at the handprint he’d left behind. “What was that for?”

“Because I’m the daddy and I can.” Sighing, he helped her pull her shirt off. “You are in so much trouble, Olivia Jane. That little love pat is just the beginning.”

“But Daddy, I really did just have one drink.”

It was unlike her to lie to his face, which just made the whole situation that much more infuriating. Swallowing his anger, he gently turned her toward their bathroom. “We can talk about it tomorrow. Go use the bathroom and then get your butt into bed.”

She stumbled to the bathroom and back out again a few minutes later. James helped her into bed and tucked the covers around her.

“I’m really not lying, Daddy.” Her voice was soft and sleepy. “It was just one drink.”

“Tomorrow, little one. Get some sleep and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“‘Kay. Love you, Daddy.”

James climbed into bed with her and pulled her into him. “I love you too, Livvy. Goodnight.”

Chapter Ten

“Rise and shine, littleone.”

Olivia groaned and yanked the covers over her pounding head. A second later, the covers were pulled from her body, leaving her exposed to the blinding light.

“Leave me alone.” Squinting against the glare, she groped for the blanket.

“Not a chance. You have a busy day. Time to get up.” James issued the order with a singsong quality that made her want to punch him.

Since hitting him wasn’t a risk her butt was willing to take, she settled for burrowing her head into her pillow. “I’m sick. I’ll reschedule my showings.”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic