Page 22 of Daddy's Way

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“Good girl. Present your bottom for me, Livvy. I want to put some lines on it.”

Lines meant the cane. She had such a complicated relationship with the cane. While she loved the lingering marks it inevitably left behind, the process was agony and it never failed to reduce her to tears within a few short strokes.

Trembling, she tucked her knees up under her so her bottom was lifted high, the skin stretched taut across her waiting cheeks. The cool, slender implement tapped against her bottom twice, and she allowed herself one soft whimper.

The room was silent, so quiet she clearly heard the softswooshof the cane before it connected with her exposed flesh. It took a heartbeat for the pain to sink in, and when it did, she screamed at the sensation, a thousand needles stinging her skin in a thin line where the cane had landed. A second and a third stroke fell in quick succession, and it took everything she had in her to stay in place.

His hand returned, gentle fingers running lightly over the welts. And then he squeezed each cheek in turn, pulling a scream from her with each flash of pain. Olivia let out a strangled sob, tears already streaming down her cheeks. His hand disappeared, and there was another softswoosh, another line of hellfire.

The caning continued without hesitation until twelve perfect lines had been laid across her ass. She could barely catch her breath through the waves of agony.

“On your back.”

A minute. I just need a minute. The plea echoed in her mind, urging her to snap her fingers, just once, just enough to let him know she needed a moment to breathe before he pushed her past what she could bear. But more than mercy, she needed this, needed him to push her as close to the edge as he could without actually breaking her. And because she trusted him to do exactly that, she rolled onto her back.

“Spread your legs. As wide as you can. Hands above your head.”

She positioned herself as requested, her pussy gushing at the sheer lust in his gaze. Daddy stepped away from the bed and returned a moment later with a familiar implement in his hand. The flogger wasn’t large, and the fingers were thin and light. This particular flogger had one purpose in their household. The knowledge of that purpose had her trembling again when he stepped back to the side of the bed.

“Do not move, even an inch. Or I’ll take the plug out and fuck your ass until you’re begging me for mercy. Understood?”

She nodded and braced for the first stroke. He flicked the flogger in circles, making a figure eight in the air. Once he had his rhythm, he lowered his arm so the ends of the fingers licked her inner thighs. Olivia whimpered, but didn’t move. He continued up and down her thighs, leaving little kisses of pain along her tender skin. When she’d been thoroughly welted, he changed direction slightly, and the flogger lashed her exposed pussy.

She wanted to arch her back against the pain. Slam her thighs shut to stop the assault in its tracks. Roll off the bed and lock herself in the bathroom until the pain ebbed enough for her to continue.

But the only thing that would gain her even an ounce of mercy at this point was a snap of her fingers. And as much as it burned, as much as her mind screamed at her to make it stop, she was nowhere near her breaking point. She could take more. She knew it, and what was more, her daddy knew it.

He continued lashing her exposed lips, each burning stroke making her throb in response. And when she was standing there at the edge, her toes up against the line she couldn’t cross without breaking, he stopped. Her body shuddered with relief, but she soon realized it was short-lived. Daddy dropped the flogger and stepped away from the bed long enough to shed his clothes. When he returned, he climbed atop her, straddling her chest so she couldn’t move.

His intent registered a split second before he fisted a hand in her hair and lifted her head from the pillow. Seconds later, his rock-hard cock pushed through the steel ring into her mouth. Panic immediately set in and she jerked her head back, but he held fast. She gagged, her throat closing around his cock, but he didn’t so much as pause his assault of her mouth.

When he pulled out again, she dragged in a greedy breath. Saliva pooled around the gag and dripped down her chin. She lifted her eyes to his, and realized with a flash of tantalizing horror he wasn’t finished. As soon as the realization hit, his grip on her hair tightened and he pushed into her open mouth once more. She was better prepared this time, and she remembered to breathe through her nose as he fucked her mouth and her throat.

By the time he was finished, her throat was raw and her jaw ached from the abuse of her mouth. She whimpered, pleading with her eyes for mercy. But she’d known going into this that he wouldn’t be merciful. Hell, she’d begged for exactly this.

He abandoned his place on her chest to kneel between her spread thighs. He pierced her with a single thrust and her insides went molten, the orgasm rushing through her, taking them both by surprise.

“Oh, my disobedient little girl. Are you allowed to come without Daddy’s permission?”

Whimpering and whining, she shook her head. It was a long-standing rule, one she rarely broke, for she knew retribution would be swift and fierce.

“Again. Apparently you need a reminder of who’s in charge, here.”

Buried to the hilt inside of her, he brought his hand to her clit, his rough touch sending her flying a second time before she fully recovered from the first. He began to move inside of her, his cock stroking her overly sensitized nerves and his clever fingers still working her clit. Pleasure mixed with pain as he pushed her to the edge of sanity a third time.

“Again, little one.”

She shook her head, earning her a growl in response. “Come, Olivia. Now!”

The sharp command sent her over again, waves of pleasure so acute they were actually painful crashing over her. Instinct overrode training, and she reached for him, wrapping her fingers around his wrist and tugging.

“Naughty little girl. On your knees.”

Pulling out of her, he gripped her and helped flip her over. She didn’t even have time to get into position before he lifted her hips and drove into her again. He fucked her, his hips slamming into her welted bottom, reigniting the pain from the thorough strapping and caning. Full. Between the plug and his cock, she was so full, a feeling she normally relished. But the forced orgasms had every nerve on fire when he drove into her. He moved a hand to her bottom and squeezed the tender flesh, pulling a long scream from her already raw throat.

The hand on her ass moved to her hair, gripping tight and yanking her head back. “Daddy says when and if you come. And you never,” he gave her hair a short, sharp yank that sent pain shooting through her scalp, “evertry to push Daddy away. You are mine and I will do whatever I want with you. Isn’t that right, little one?”

She nodded as well as she could with his hand still gripping her hair. “Good girl. Are you ready for Daddy’s cum?”

Tags: Stella Moore Erotic