Page 6 of Finding Evie

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"It's fine, Jason. Really." Dammit, she'd left her cape on the podium, leaving her with nothing to cover the bruises she'd left exposed. Putting on yet another fake smile, she rubbed her arms. "I am cold, though. Could you get me a blanket?"

He lifted a hand, and she didn't have the strength left to stop herself from flinching. Gripping her chin between his thumb and forefinger, he forced her to look at him. "Two things. Are you listening?"

The deep, serious tone sent a shiver down her spine. But it wasn't fear, at least not like she'd felt every day with Branson. It was anticipation of the most delicious sort. "Yes," she whispered.

"The first thing, I'm only going to tell you once. And I expect you to listen. No lies. No more hiding things from us. We're your family, and we want to help you. We can't do that if you're keeping secrets. Got it?"

Tears burned in her eyes, and she rapidly blinked them back. "I'm trying. It's…" she started to say instinct. But it was different than instinct. It was the learned behavior of a wounded animal. And as much as it shamed her, she wanted him, of all people, to know she wasn't trying to shut him out. "It's just what I'm used to. But I'm trying. I really am."

"I know you are. Which brings me to my second point." The grip on her chin eased and he smiled. A real smile, the kind that reached his eyes and made her believe, for a few moments, everything might really be okay. "This, I will tell you as many times as you need to hear it: You are safe. Not a single one of us will let him hurt you, ever again. Okay?"

Relief washed over her and she nodded. "Okay."

"Good girl. Let me see your back now."

Trembling, she stood and turned her back to him. The rather inventive string of swear words he let loose strangely made her feel better.

"It wasn't this bad a few days ago. What the hell happened, Evie?"

This was the moment she'd been dreading all night. Best to keep the answers simple and vague, to avoid upsetting everyone. That wasn't the same as keeping a secret, right?

"He got angry. He hit me. Same as always."

"What the hell made him this angry? Most of these are new. What happened?"

"Nothing." She tried for confident defiance, but her tone fell too close to whiny for her comfort.

"Evelyn. Look at me."

Wrapping her arms around her torso, she turned to face him. If he'd been angry, she might have been able to find her mad and turn things around on him. But the concern in his eyes broke her. The tears she'd been fighting slipped down her cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

She opened her mouth, but the words wouldn't come. Snapping her lips back together, she shook her head and wrapped her arms more tightly around herself.

With a resigned sigh, he leaned back against the wall of the van. "Will you tell your sisters, when we get to the cabin?"

The tension gripping her eased and she nodded. "Yes. If you promise not to be angry when you hear it." There was no doubt in her mind, her sisters would spill the beans the second she told them what she'd done. Sisterly discretion only extended so far.

Shaking his head, he gave her a sympathetic smile. "I can't promise not to be mad. And if you're worried I'll be mad, I sure as hell can't promise Luca and O won't lose their shit. But nobody is going to hurt you. Do you believe that?"

Because she did, she returned to her place on his lap and placed her head on his shoulder. "With every fiber of my being."

* * *

It tooktwo hours to reach the cabin. Evelyn had fallen asleep sometime in the first hour, and she didn't wake again until the slamming of the van doors jolted her awake. She tried to sit up, but strong arms were pinning her in place. Panic sent her heart racing and closed off her lungs, and she struggled against the hold.

"Hey. Evie. It's me. It's Jason. You're safe, remember?" The calm, quiet tone eased her panic as much as the words. Jason. Not Branson. She was safe.

Six deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. She was only on the third breath when the back doors opened and Ro clambered inside. Ro took one look at her and narrowed her eyes at Jason. "What did you do to her? She looks terrified. The poor thing has been through hell and back, Jason Campbell!"

"Rowena!" The sharp reprimand from her husband made Ro wince, but she didn't back down. Turning to face him, she planted her hands on her hips.

"Look at her, Bear! She's scared!"

Love, fierce and loyal, washed away the last of the panic. This time, when she tried to stand, Jason released her. "I'm fine, Ro. I was just disoriented when I woke up. Are we at the cabin already?"

Ro snorted and turned back to her sister. "Already? It's been two hours, Fancy."

Tags: Stella Moore Romance