Page 5 of Finding Evie

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"Yes." And she did. Regardless of how many times she'd seen her sisters squirming in their seats at dinner, she knew these men would protect all of them until their last dying breath. She was safe here.

Safe. The vice around her chest loosened and the next breath didn't feel like her lungs were on fire.

The back door opened again, revealing a grinning Rowena and a scowling Luca. Rowena's smile faltered when her husband stalked to the back of the van and jumped down. Wrapping his hand around Ro's arm, he turned to Luca. "We good?"

Luca nodded. "Teagan and I will take the car and follow you to the cabin." He zeroed in on Jason. "You stay with Evie. Keep her calm." When he shifted his attention to her, she shrank back at the fury in his eyes. "We can discuss the stunt you pulled later." At her soft whimper, his expression softened. "You're safe now, sweetheart."

"I know," Evie whispered. "Thank you, for everything."

His head jerked down in a curt nod. "Roll out!"

Octavius pulled on his wife's arm. "You're with me, Rowena."

"But I need to check on my sisters!"

"You, little girl, need to do as you're told before I forget we're on a timeline and decide to paddle your ass in front of God and everyone. Move it."

"Octavius!" The rest of Ro's protests were lost as her husband dragged her to the front of the vehicle.

Luca called from the back of the van. "Teagan, get a move on. We need to get gone, yesterday."

Ignoring the command, Teagan knelt beside Jason, her hazel eyes warm and soft as she studied her sister. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." Evelyn managed a shaky smile. "Go, before Luca follows through on O's threat."

"Good point. See you at the cabin." Placing a hand on Evelyn's knee, she gave it a comforting squeeze. "I'm proud of you. Just have to be strong for a little while longer. Right?"

"Just for today," Evelyn said, parroting the advice her sister had given her for making it through hard times. According to Teagan, it was how she'd made it through eighteen years of foster care.

"And today is almost over." Patting Evelyn's knee one more time, Teagan rose and jumped down from the van. The sound of Luca's scolding was followed by the loud, unmistakable sound of his hand meeting her bottom and Teagan's outraged shout of protest.

Jason stood to close the doors, and moments later, the van rocked as Octavius drove away.

Chapter 2

"Want to come out now?"

Standing over her, feet planted wide to avoid toppling over, Jason held out a hand. Evelyn placed her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet. As soon as she was standing, Jason scooped her into his arms and dropped onto the bench, cradling her against his chest.

"Scared the shit out of me," he murmured, his lips moving against her hair.

How wonderful it felt to be held in a man's arms, not holding her in place so she couldn't flee, but just for the sake of offering and seeking solace. "I'm sorry it scared you." She swallowed nervously. "And I'm sorry we didn't follow the plan."

His chest rumbled with laughter. "I don't think you're really sorry about that last part."

"Well, maybe not," she admitted with a shrug. "But I am sorry it upset you all."

"We can talk about it at the cabin. You should get some rest."

"Jason, are you—" She swallowed again, past the lump forming in her throat. "Am I in trouble?"

"We can talk about it at the cabin," he repeated.

When he shifted her, his hand dug into a bruise on her back, surprising a shriek out of her. Instantly, he was alert, running his hands over her, checking for wounds. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No. Well, yes, my back is a little sore. Just hit a tender spot is all."

"Let me see." There was no mistaking the command in this voice, but she shook her head.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance