Page 56 of Finding Evie

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Something changed in his eyes. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it was a kind of awareness she hadn't seen earlier. "Let's go for that walk so we can talk." His voice lacked the plea she'd heard just a moment ago, replaced by a command she didn't dare ignore.

"Ugh. Fine!" Torn between irritation at being forced out of bed and the thrill of having her Daddy back, she scooted off the bed.

Jason followed suit, grabbing her hand to lead her down the stairs and out the back door. The weather had warmed, just enough for them to get by with the sweaters he'd packed for them. They took the same path they'd taken that day with the rest of their family. The memory of Octavius tossing her over his shoulder and carrying her up the hill so she could see the mountains made her smile, the first real smile she'd managed in a week.

"Hey! There's the beautiful smile I've missed," Jason teased.

Beautiful. That was twice in one morning he'd called her that. Was he overcompensating? Maybe it was time to start saying the things that needed to be said. "You don't have to lie to me, Ja… Daddy," she corrected quickly at his warning look.

"What do you think I'm lying about, little one?"

"Me being beautiful."

He stopped so suddenly, she stumbled and he had to catch her before she landed on her ass in the middle of the woods. Fire burned in his eyes, fire she recognized all too well as being trouble for her backside if she didn't correct herself, and quickly.

"Is that what all this is about? You've convinced yourself I don't think you're beautiful?"

"No, well, yes. Not that I blame you, after what happened," she rushed to explain, offering what she hoped was a placating smile.

But he didn't look placated in the least. If anything, the fire burned hotter at her explanation. Without another word, he turned and started back up the hill, pulling her along behind him.

"Jason? Where are we going?"

"That's an extra five, Evelyn."

"An extra five what? What's going on?"

They stopped in a small clearing. It was nearly a perfect circle, with a huge log smack in the middle.

Pulling her over to the log, he pushed her down onto the damp wood, making her cringe at the unpleasant sensation of the cold wet against her thin leggings. He pointed a finger at her. "You are going to sit here while I go cut some switches."

Her mouth fell open in shock. "B-but… you can't!"

Her sputtered protests went unheeded as he continued his lecture. "While you are sitting here, waiting for your Daddy to come switch your naughty little bottom, you can think about why you're here. About how insulting it is for you to think I'd stop loving you over one little scratch."

"It's not just a scratch!"

"Sit, Evelyn. If you aren't here when I get back, you had better hope I don't catch you."

Turning on his heel, he marched into the woods. He stayed close enough for her to see him as he moved from one spot to another, carefully selecting branches and cutting them from the trees.

If she could see him, it meant he could see her, and she wouldn't get very far if she tried to run. Not that she really wanted to run. A part of her, the part she tried not to think too hard about, knew this was exactly what she needed. And the part of her in charge of self-preservation reminded her that running would just make it worse.

She'd insulted him. She hadn't meant to, but that was what he'd said. That it was insulting to think he'd stop loving her because of a little scratch.

Pulling her knees up to her chest, she pressed her face into them, and for the hundredth time since her father's death, she wished the tears would come. It wasn't just a little scratch. It was a huge, hideous scar, and it had robbed her of the one thing she'd always been able to count on—her beauty.

The sound of leaves crunching underfoot forced her head up. Jason was crossing the clearing with several long, thin branches in one hand. Stopping in front of her, he used his free hand to stroke her cheek, and she sighed at his touch.

"Did you think about what I said, little one?"


The hand stroking her cheek gripped her chin, forcing her head back. "Is that how you talk to me?"

A shiver ran down her spine that had nothing to do with the cold air and everything to do with the ice in his voice. "No, Daddy. I'm sorry."

"Then let's try again. Did you think about what I said?"

Tags: Stella Moore Romance