Page 55 of Finding Evie

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"Why are we at the cabin?" she asked, pulling the buds from her ears.

"I thought we could use a few days away. Just the two of us."


"Because you're exhausted. You need the rest, and you won't get it at home because you're constantly checking on your mother." Reaching over, he took her hand and lifted her knuckles to his lips. "And because I need the time with you."

Why?The question stuck in her throat. She couldn't bring herself to ask, because she couldn't bear to hear him speak the truths she already knew in her heart. That he was growing tired of her, and this was his last-ditch effort to salvage some of what they'd had before.

Putting the car in park, he killed the engine and sent her another soft smile. "Help me get the bags, and we can go for a walk before lunch."

Nodding silently, she climbed out of the SUV and met him at the back to unload. It hit her then that she hadn't even packed a bag.

"You packed for me?"

Turning his head, he winked at her. "Your sisters did. They helped me plan this little weekend getaway."

God. Was she really that useless now that everyone had to take care of her? Guilt piled on top of everything else she was feeling, and once again, all she wanted to do was go climb into bed.

They carried the bags up to the pretty purple bedroom she'd occupied when they'd first brought her up here. Had that really been less than two weeks ago? It seemed like another lifetime.

Dropping her bags by the bed, she started to crawl onto the duvet, but a hand clamped around her ankle and dragged her back to the edge.

"You can nap later, little one. Let's take a walk."

"Don't want to," she whined, slipping so easily back into her role as his little girl that it almost scared her. "I'm tired, Jason."

"Because you need some fresh air. Up."

"No. Let me sleep."

"Evie, baby, I really don't want to have to spank you." He gave her leg another playful tug.

"Of course, you don't!" Jerking her foot from his grasp, she rolled over and curled up into a ball. "I'm too much trouble!"

"What?" He sounded baffled, most likely because he hadn't expected her to figure him out so quickly. "I never said that."

"You didn't have to." Hurt, confusion, anger, guilt, grief all mixed together into a toxic brew inside her stomach until she felt like she might be sick. "You're tired of taking care of me. So just go. I'll get my sisters to come pick me up." The sisters she hadn't spoken more than two words to in a week, despite their constant attempts to reach out. Just one more thing for her to feel awful about.

"Tesoro. I could never be tired of you. I love you."

"Then, why have you been avoiding me?" The words were barely a whisper.

The bed beside her dipped, and she found herself wrapped in his arms. "I wasn't. I was trying to give you space to grieve."

"I don't want space. I want it to stop hurting."

"Oh, baby. I know. I wish I could make it stop."

"You can't. So just leave me alone."

"Nope. I'm thinking I've given you too much space already if these are the kinds of thoughts you're having. We're going for a walk." A light swat landed on her bottom, and she gasped, even though it barely stung.


"Don't Jason me. In fact," bringing his hand to her chin, he forced her to look up at him, "it's Daddy to you, little one. All weekend.Capiche?"

Ignoring the desperate hope taking flight in her heart, she rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Tags: Stella Moore Romance