Page 41 of Finding Evie

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"Where are you taking me? Octavius!" she yelled when he didn't answer her.

"Do you trust me, Fancy?"

Did she? She trusted Jason, more completely than she'd trusted anyone in her entire life, including herself. And of course, she trusted her sisters. But did that trust extend to the rest of the group?

"I-I guess."

"Need an answer. And quick."

"Oh, God." Squeezing her eyes shut, she answered, "Yes! I trust you."

"Good. Close your eyes."

"They're already closed, you maniac!"

"Excellent," he said, laughing. To her surprise, he came to a stop and carefully set her down. "Open your eyes, Fancy."

Slowly, she lifted her lids just a fraction. Gasping at the sight in front of her, her eyes flew open. "Oh. It's gorgeous."

He'd carried her to an outcropping of rock, where she could see the mountain range spread out before them. Peaks of white shimmered in the winter sun, and her heart sang at the beauty of it.

Familiar arms wrapped around her waist, and she leaned back against Jason's chest. "It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you,tesoro."

She smiled at the simple beauty of what was in front of her and behind her. "Liar."

"Switches, little one. So many switches."

Giggling, she turned her head to press a kiss to his cheek before focusing on Ro and Octavius standing beside them. "I still think you're all crazy."

"Did we ever deny it?" Octavius asked, grinning.

"No, I suppose not."

They stayed for a while, the six of them, studying the expanse before them before Ro spurred them on. "Come on! O and I found an even prettier spot yesterday!"

It was Teagan who called uncle first. "We've been out here for two hours, and my fingers are frozen. Can we go back now?"

Evie pouted up at Jason. "Do we have to?"

"Tesoro, we should go inside and warm up."

"Please, Daddy?"

It was impossible to miss the way his eyes flashed behind those ridiculous glasses she found so inexplicably sexy. "As tempting as it is, you're shivering. Teagan's right. It's time to go in."

"I'm not shivering!" Her body chose that moment to do exactly that, rather violently, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her.

Luca glanced over, an eyebrow of his own raised in question. "Everything okay, you two?"

"Just a tired little girl who's going to get warmed up in ways she doesn't appreciate if she doesn't stop arguing with her Daddy," Jason replied, his tone as casual as if they were discussing the weather.

"Jason!" Scowling at him, Evie swatted his arm. "Would you shut up?"

Once again, she found herself draped over his shoulder. Why was everyone always picking her up? "What did I say about telling people to shut up, Evelyn Marie?"

Looking up, she saw her sisters' shocked looks as well as the grins their men wore. She took a second to stick her tongue out at them before pleading for mercy. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

Tags: Stella Moore Romance