Page 37 of Finding Evie

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"Doesn't help my butt feel any better," Teagan called from the island.

Giggling, Evie wrapped her arms around Luca's neck and squeezed. "I love you guys."

"We love you too!" Ro's exclamation drew Evie's attention back to the island, where her sweet, crazy sister had Teagan wrapped in a bear hug. Teagan rolled her eyes, but she didn't quite hide her smile.

Family. Jason had been right. Her family was right here, and they were all she needed.

Chapter 10

Luca released her, and she joined her sisters at the island. Ro fawned over her, asking her a dozen times if she was okay, while Teagan piled her plate high with pancakes and drowned them in syrup.

"I'm fine, Ro. It was just a spanking. Geez." Cheeks burning with embarrassment, Evie cut into the stack of pancakes and scooped a forkful into her mouth. "Oh my God, these are amazing." She'd barely tasted the ones the day before with all the pressure on her to eat the damn things. Now she was wondering why she'd even argued about it. Pancakes weredelicious.

"I know it was just a spanking, but you were howling like a banshee in there, and it was your first punishment given in love. Are you sure you're okay?" Abandoning her own breakfast, Ro rubbed a hand down Evie's arm. "Maybe he should have waited. You're still not healed from… you know."

"I know." Ignoring the twisting in her gut, Evie took another bite of syrup-soaked pancake. "But I'm fine, really. My butt barely even hurts anymore." It was the truth, and she was surprised to find she was somewhat disappointed by it. Sitting on the padded stool at the island wasn't the torture she'd imagined it would be.

"That's just your body, though. How's your heart?"

Leave it to Ro to get to the, well, heart of the issue. Teagan had remained mostly silent during Ro's interrogation, but she'd kept a hand firmly on Evie's thigh the entire time. She squeezed now, lending her silent support.

Drawing on that love and strength, Evie set her fork down and turned to Ro, taking both of her sister's hands in hers. "Ro. I'm fine. Wait, no." She shook her head and met Ro's concerned gaze. Eyes so much like her own, it still freaked her out a little to look in them. "I'm so much more than fine. I'm safe and surrounded by people who love me and a man who practically worships me. What else do I need?"

"Your parents to not be idiots?" Teagan offered dryly.

"Teagan!" Ro reached across Evie and swatted their sister on the arm. "That was horrible!"

"No, it wasn't. She's right." Leaning into Teagan, Evie sighed. "Their loyalties are, for whatever reason, skewed right now. I wish it were different, but it isn't. But I have my family, right here."

"Oh, Fancy." Ro hopped off her stool and stood between her sisters, drawing them both into her embrace. "I love you. Both of you."

"I love you too, Ro," Evie said with a laugh. "But I'd really like to finish these pancakes."

"Right. Sorry." Ro released them and returned to her stool. "You like them?"

"Yes, they're very good. I'm sorry I made such a fuss yesterday. It's difficult, to unlearn certain things."

Teagan squeezed her leg again. "You don't have to apologize. I get it."

If anybody did, it was Teagan. "I know you do. It helps me feel a little less stupid. So, thanks."

"Evelyn Marie, you are not stupid!"

Ro's outburst drew the attention of the men sitting at the table. Jason's face had hardened into an expression she already knew wouldn't bode well for her backside if she couldn't talk him down. "Care to explain, little one?"

"I didn't say I was stupid," she rushed to explain, shooting Ro a glare.

"She didn't," Teagan spoke up. "And it was private, so I don't think she should have to explain."

"That's not your call, darlin'." Luca raised an eyebrow at the three of them, and Evie's bottom clenched instinctively.

"Rowena?" Octavius was watching them with a slightly more amused expression on his face.

"Bear, please don't make me tattle. She's my sister."

Evie rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. "We are not five years old, Rowena." Raising her voice and straightening her spine, she addressed the men. "If you really must know, I said I feel less stupid knowing Teagan understands some of what I've been through. I know I'm not stupid, but sometimes I feel like it, knowing I let Branson treat me the way he did for so long. Happy?"

"You shouldn't feel stupid, Evie." Frowning, Luca tapped his fingers on the table.

Tags: Stella Moore Romance