Page 27 of Finding Evie

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"That's my girl. Let's see if we can make it feel even better." Nudging her legs apart, he slid his hands between her thighs to where she was soaking wet already. "Good girl," he crooned, stroking her.

"Oh, fuck." Moaning, she lifted her hips, pressing against his hand. He obliged her, running his fingers down to her clit and circling the swollen little bud. Moans turned to whimpers as she bucked under his hand.

Someday, he'd teach her to hold off until he allowed her to come. For now, he was content to give her pleasure without restraint. He wanted her to know how it could be, how it should be, between a woman and man.

"Come for me, little one. Don't hold back."

"I-I can't." She was whining again, and the sound was music to his ears.

"Yes, you can. Stop fighting it,tesoro. Let yourself feel."

He continued to tease and pleasure her as he spoke, until he felt her tense over his knee. "Good girl. Come for Daddy."

Screaming his name, she did exactly that. His sweet little Evie became a live wire under his skilled hands. And still, he didn't stop. He drew out every drop of pleasure and then some, until she shuddered and went limp a second time, panting and moaning over his knee.

"My good girl." Lifting her, he laid her out on the bed again and stripped the tank top from her so she was bare to his gaze. His heart stopped at the sight of the bruises still marring her skin. Fury rose in him, but he fought it back, refusing to let that sleazy asshole come between them again. Not here, not now.

As quickly as he could, he stripped down to the skin and knelt between her thighs. He reached for his glasses, but she shook her head.

"Leave them on. Please?"

'Birth control glasses', his ass. "Your wish is my command, little one."

Hazel eyes, warm and drowsy from her orgasms, met his and her lips curved up in a satisfied smile. When she spoke again, it was a single word.


It was all he needed to hear. Leveraging himself over her open and waiting body, he slid into her. Nothing in his life had ever been so perfect than that single moment. "Evie.Tesoro."

"Jason." Arching her back, she lifted her hips to meet his slow thrusts.

I love you.The words burned on his tongue, but he held them back. She wasn't ready to hear it. And right now, she was the center. Her wants, her needs, were more important than any of his.

So he took it slow, in every possible way. He made love to her, until she clenched around him, whimpering and trembling for a third time. Only then, did he let himself follow her over the edge.

Gathering her close, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head as she snuggled into him. "Sleep,tesoro."



"Anche tu sei il mio tesoro."

You're my treasure, too.

* * *

She woke alonethe next morning, which might have put her in a sour mood if she wasn't still glowing from Jason's thorough lovemaking the night before. And later that night. And earlier this morning. He'd woken her before his morning run to take her again, as sweet and slow as the first time. She'd tried hinting that she wanted it faster, harder, but he either hadn't picked up on the cues, or he'd ignored them. Still, it was better than anything she'd had before and, she was convinced, better than anything she would ever have again.

Lying on her back, she grinned up at the ceiling. A part of her had worried that after Branson, she'd never feel that lovely ache for another man. But not only did she feel everything she'd felt before Branson, she felt it a thousand times more intensely than she ever had.

A quick check of the clock revealed it was almost nine. Almost nine, and nobody had come to wake her. There were no angry voices calling her a lazy bitch. No careless backhands to send her crashing into the bathroom counter as she hurried to get ready. She could stay in bed all day, and not a soul would care.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. Ro and Tea would ferret her out, eventually. If for no other reason than to be sure she was all right. That alone was baffling enough, to have family who cared about her well being and not just if she was doing what she was told when she was told to do it. Add in Jason, with his gentle dominance, and she could almost believe she had tumbled through a wormhole into another dimension. Or however something like that worked.

Giggling at her own ridiculous thoughts, she rolled out of bed to get ready for the day. She was just putting the finishing touches on her makeup when the door to the bathroom opened.

Jason leaned against the doorframe, watching her. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Tags: Stella Moore Romance