Page 23 of Finding Evie

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"Then you'll still be ready tonight, won't you,tesoro?"

Sensing she wasn't going to win this battle, she sighed and nodded. "All right. I'll wait."

His chest vibrated against hers with laughter. "It's cute, the way you think you have a say."

"Oh, shut up."

"Good little girls don't tell people to shut up." He ran a hand down her side to cup her bottom and squeeze. "You might want to consider that while you're thinking about things today."

"What else don't good little girls do?"

"We can talk about it later."



"If you're not going to fuck me, I'd like to get up now."

He laughed and rolled off of her, pulling her to her feet beside the bed. "Now, lots of Daddies don't let their little girls swear. Me, I don't mind. And there's something about hearing you talk like a sailor in that prim little voice that drives me wild. However," placing a finger under her chin, he forced her to look up into his suddenly serious eyes, "if you decide to be mine, you will not use those words toward me or anyone else. Understood?"

The gentle rebuke made her cheeks flush even as she smiled up at him. "Yes, sir."

Hand in hand, they made their way down to the living room. Teagan and Ro were stretched out on the couch, feet to head, watching a movie. Teagan spotted them first and kicked Ro in the face trying to get her attention.

"Ouch! Tea, what the hell?"

"You'd make an awful cop. Look up, goofball."

Ro tilted her head back and gasped when she spotted them on the stairs. "Oh my God! Wait. Did y-you k-know?" She snapped her fingers and bobbed her head while doing a horrific imitation of porn music.

"Ro, cut it out." Teagan grinned up at them. "He was only up there for like thirty minutes. If they did it, we're not celebrating. We're mourning."

"Oh my God." Evie slapped a hand over her face. "You two are ridiculous. We did not 'you know'." She smiled up at Jason and gave him a saucy wink. "That's tonight."

Letting go of his hand, she bounced her way down the stairs to her sisters. Jason followed and snagged her around the waist at the last moment. "I meant what I said,tesoro," he whispered against her ear. "Think carefully before you commit."

With his warning ringing in her ears, she joined her sisters on the couch when they sat up to make room for her. "What was that about?" Ro whispered loudly.

Teagan drilled a finger into Evie's side. "Yeah, spill, Fancy."

As it had with Jason, her soul warmed at the sight of her sisters leaning in close, waiting to hear her deepest secrets. "I asked him to 'you know'. But he said no."

"What?" Twin explosions of disbelief echoed around her.

"I should say, he said no for now. I'm supposed to think about it today and let him know if I'm still interested tonight."

"Oh." Ro settled back against the couch, frowning thoughtfully. "That's actually a good idea."

Glaring at her sister, Evie flopped back against the couch and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're supposed to be on my side, Rowena."

"I am, love. Always will be, but things with you and Jason… it's going to get heavy, quickly. He deserves more than just being your rebound. And you need to decide if you can live how Tea and I live. Nobody would blame you if it's too much."

"Now you sound just like him."

"Because they're right." Teagan shrugged off her glare. "They are. You've been through hell. You both deserve better than jumping into something you might end up regretting."

Dropping her hands to her lap, Evie twisted the bottom of her shirt around her fingers. "I want him. And honestly, that, in and of itself, is amazing for me. I didn't think I'd ever feel that way toward a man again. Branson was… not always gentle."

Tags: Stella Moore Romance