Page 11 of Finding Evie

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"I know. We all know. But she's alive, and she's here, with us. She's safe, Jay. We just have to keep her that way." He set the bottle aside and nudged Jason away from the bar. "And you can't do that if you're drunk."

Knowing Luca was right didn't ease the anger and the fear still roiling inside of him, but it made it slightly easier to put his glasses back on and follow him back to the group. Evie stood in the same spot, still flanked by her sisters. The ice queen was back, and Jason couldn't get a read on what she was feeling. But she had every right to keep her emotions close to the vest right now, so he tried not to take it personally.

"Next item on the agenda." Luca stood with his feet slightly apart, hands clasped tightly behind his back. "Teagan. Rowena. Where were you supposed to be during the event?"

The three girls shared a look, and Evie opened her mouth, but Luca cut her off. "You've said your piece, Evelyn. Stand down, unless you'd like to share their punishments."

Ro and Teagan both stepped forward this time, shielding Evie. "You leave her alone, Luca!" Ro glared at him, then at Octavius. "Hasn't she been through enough?"

"Calm down, sunshine." Octavius rubbed at his temples. "Nobody is going to hurt her."

Ro relaxed a bit, but her eyes still held that glint of defiance. "Good. You still don't have to be so mean, Luca."

"I'm not being mean. You've seen my mean, Ro."

Color bloomed on Ro's cheeks, and she nodded. Seemingly satisfied with her response, Luca continued his lecture. "Now. Where were you two supposed to be during the event tonight? Teagan?"

Teagan stood her ground, but Jason recognized the wariness in her eyes. It was a look he'd seen in his own women over the years, when they finally realized just how much trouble they'd gotten themselves into. "In the van, Daddy."

"Care to explain to us, then, why you were inside the venue, wearing the same dress as Evelyn?"

"Similar dress," Evie said from her position behind her sisters.

"Excuse me?" Ice dripped from Luca's tone, but Jason heard the hint of confusion as well and had to swallow a laugh.

"I couldn't get away with spending another six thousand dollars on dresses for them. They're decent knockoffs, but they're not the same dress."

"That's not the point… wait." Luca pinched the bridge of his nose. "Are you telling me the dress you wore tonight cost three grand?" His voice pitched an octave higher, and for a moment, Jason wondered if their esteemed leader would be brought to his knees by the price tag on a designer dress.

"Yes. I still have an image to uphold, Lorenzo."

It was the snotty, slightly baffled tone that did him in. Jason lost his battle against the laughter and doubled over in the chair, clutching his side as he howled. Even Luca's sharp glare didn't faze him.

"Don't you know anything about fashion, boss?" Jason asked, dragging in a deep breath to stifle his laughter.

"I know three grand for a dress is criminal."

Evie huffed, and Jason nearly lost it again. "It was a handmade gown from one of the most sought-after designers in Europe. Three thousand was a steal."

"Okay, fine." Luca threw his hands in the air. "Will someone please explain to me why Teagan and Ro were at the event, in dresses that weresimilar," he glared at Evie, who simply nodded in approval, "to Evie's and not in the van like they were told to be?"

"It was kind of a prank," Ro said with a shrug. "And we thought it might confuse him in case Evie needed to get away."

"A prank." Luca let his head fall back and closed his eyes. "You disobeyed us to play a prank?"

"No." Crossing her arms, Teagan glared at him. "We disobeyed you because you wouldn't let us help. It worked, didn't it? And I got to punch the Sleazeball, so I'm calling it a win."

"Well, I'm calling it blatant defiance. And you know how I feel about blatant defiance, don't you, darlin'?" Mimicking her stance, Luca crossed his arms and pinned her with a look.

Some of Teagan's bravado faded. "Yes, Daddy, but we needed to do this.Ineeded to do this. I needed to help my sister."

"No. No," Luca repeated when Teagan opened her mouth to continue her argument. "Youwantedto do it. There is a difference, and you know it. So unless you have a real explanation, you're both going to march your bottoms upstairs and wait for us."

"But, Daddy—"

"Now, Teagan."

"Fine! I'm going!" After shooting him one last defiant glare, she turned to Evie. "You'll be okay?"

Tags: Stella Moore Romance