Page 33 of Touch Me

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“Well, he’s floundering. He’s broke, as you know, and there is no way he’s going to continue making his deal or anything else. Everyone he’s worked with in the past wants nothing to do with him anymore. Or anyone working with him. They all know Troy is in jail, and he’ll be there for a long time. He’s not getting out anytime soon, from what I understand. As for Alejandro, he’s got a bug up his ass about getting your woman back. I don’t know what he’s willing to do other than almost anything to get her back with him. Her mother won’t stop him either. She’s nothing more than arm decoration when he needs it. Other than that, she’s essentially locked in the house,” he tells me, and I’m not encouraged by his information.

“That still does nothin’ to let me know how many men he’d bring with him in his attempts to get my woman back,” I tell him, my voice growing increasingly hard as I look at Hawk sitting across from me.

“We’ll keep digging along with Hawk. My guy is always going to stay up to date on the men who are our enemies. For now, that includes Garcia until he finally falls from his throne and disappears forever. We’ll keep tabs on him and make sure he doesn’t get close to your Alex. I can’t do anything about when Troy goes to trial, but every other day we’ll be on his ass and not let him get close,” Pedro assures me. “By the way, he’s going on trial very soon. His date has been pushed up, and there isn’t going to be a way for him to get out of the shit he’s done. On top of this, Alex will need to be firm in her testimony. She can show emotion, but she can’t waver from her story once as his attorney rakes her over the coals.”

“I appreciate this, Pedro. We’ll talk soon.”

Hanging up my phone, Hawk sits back in his chair and watches me as I rake my fingers through my hair. This is not where I want to be today. I should go home, pick Alex up, and get her away from the compound for a while. Take her to my grandma’s and spend some time there with her. Hawk reads me and begins laughing his ass off when I practically jump from my seat and grab my phone before leaving the small office.

“Headin’ out, boss man?” Hawk asks, following me toward the door leading to the bays.

“Yeah. Need to spend some time with my grandma. Guys, call if you need me. I don’t have appointments on the books today, and I’m headin’ out. The paperwork will be here tomorrow,” I call out as I continue walking through with Hawk on my heels. “Althea, it was nice to see you as always. I’ll tell Gram you said hello.”

“Please do,” she responds, her voice sounding over the tools running in the different bays.

After picking up Alex at home, I put her on my bike, and we make our way out of the compound. I purposely didn’t tell her where we were heading because I knew she’d be nervous as hell about heading to meet anyone in my family. Gram is all I have left of my family, and I know how nervous Alex was meeting the guys in the club. That’s why she hasn’t been there other than the first night she stayed there and when Jameson brought her to me when I was working in the office. Jameson and Jay are the only two men she’s been around since they watch over her at home. Trax is the only other person from the club she’s been in contact with, and she was mainly out of it on our way home from the hospital and police station.

I speed up when I pull out of the compound and make my way into town. Taking the turn into town, past the motel she stayed in for less than an hour before calling me, I make the left-hand turn onto my grandma’s street. She’s at the house on the end of the street with a slightly bigger yard than anyone else on the street. My gram is sitting outside on her front porch on the swing when I pull in. Alex’s body tenses up immediately when she sees the woman sitting on the porch with the largest smile covering her face I’ve ever seen.

“Where are we?” Alex asks as soon as I turn my bike off.

“My grandma’s. I heard today she’s already heard about you and is upset she’s not yet met you. My gram raised me after we lost my mom to cancer just after my thirteenth birthday. This woman means the world to me, and so do you. So, we’re gonna spend some time with her today before headin’ home. Can you handle that?”

“I don’t know if I’m what she’d want for you,” Alex says as she hesitates to get off my bike.

“You’re exactly who she’d want. You make me happy and will be my wife eventually. That’s all my gram has ever wanted,” I assure her, my voice gentle and low as she finally begins to climb off my bike.

“Cole, it’s about time you bring this lovely young lady over to see me,” Gram says, warmth filling her voice. “Get up here and let me see her.”

“Yes, Grandma,” I respond with laughter filling my voice.

Taking Alex’s hand, I lead her up the steps to the porch, where my grandma continues to swing. My grandma’s house is a light blue with black shutters. Her porch is wider than mine to allow her to sit outside when she wants to. She’s got multiple empty bedrooms and let me move her room down to the first floor when I realized it was getting harder for her to get up and down the stairs. It didn’t take long for the guys and I to move her bedroom furniture and clothing.

“Gram, I’d like you to meet Alex. Alex, this is my grandma, Elenor,” I introduce the two women making up my world.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Alex says, her voice sweet and lower than normal.

“You too, my dear. Please, call me Gram like everyone else around here. Cole might be my only blood grandchild, but those boys in the club are just as much mine as anyone else’s. They all take good care of me. However, this one here made me wait to meet you. That’s not something I’ll tolerate,” Gram says, the same large smile covering her face. “Cole, get her some tea or lemonade. You can get yourself a beer. Don’t make plans for dinner either. You’ll be staying here to eat with an old woman.”

“Yes, Gram,” I tell her with a laugh as I enter the house and make my way to the kitchen for drinks for us.

When I walk back outside, gram has Alex on the swing with her, and they’re talking about something in hushed voices. Handing over a glass of tea, I take a seat on one of the chairs at the small table on the porch. Sitting back, I simply watch over my gram and woman as they talk and get to know one another. I can’t stop the smile from filling my face as I look at them and watch their every move. Alex has her head bent closer to my gram as they continue to talk and get to know one another. The beginning of the visit is going exactly as I hoped it would. My woman has forgotten all about her nerves. Gram has that effect on most people she meets.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance