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“I’ll take the new guy. Cole I think his name is. Today’s his first day, isn’t it?” I ask, trying to remember if he starts today or not.

“Yeah. Got him startin’ today and Ted startin’ tomorrow. Ted had a few things to take care of before he could get here with his shit. Family shit so I wasn’t about to let him worry about needin’ to take care of his sick mom and young sister. Austin and Cal will be goin’ to get new furniture for the row house. I’m replacin’ everythin’ in there for Jae. She doesn’t need furniture someone else has used as she begins to rebuild her life,” Lash lets me know.

“Alright. I’m gonna find Zeus and see if Cole is here yet. We’ll head out as soon as possible. I don’t want to be gone overnight so I hope they’re ready for a quick as fuck turnaround. Tell Jae we’ll make sure to get all of her stuff and nothin’ will be left behind,” I assure Hartley as she gives me a knowing look. “Someone gonna make sure she has groceries too? She has her own kitchen now and will need it fully stocked.”

“Yeah. She’s going to the store with me in a little bit. I want to make sure she has everything she needs and doesn’t have to worry about going out again once everything is moved into the house for her. It’s gonna take her a few days to get unpacked and make sure everything is ready to go. Plus, she only has a day or two before her online classes start,” Hartley says, getting off my brother’s lap as my nephew begins to stir on the monitor.

With a nod of my head, I leave the office in search of the new Prospect and my best friend. This is a way Zeus can help Jaelyn without being all up in her face about it. He’ll appreciate the gesture we’re making because he’s not ready to announce his feelings to the world. Not like I am.

Heading for the common room, I find Zeus sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee in his hands. He doesn’t usually start drinking until ten at night or later. So, getting him out of the clubhouse soon will work to keep him from getting blitzed again tonight. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. Plus, I have a stop we need to make on the way to the school. Zeus is going to help me pick out the best laptop and everything else our girl will need for her online classes. It’s a big decision to make the switch to online classes for the rest of the semester and I want us to ensure she’s completely prepared and doesn’t need a damn thing to get through with passing grades.

“Let’s find the new Prospect and head out,” I say, not bothering to give him more information than that.

“Where we headin’?” Zeus returns as I smile down at him.

“Jae is switchin’ to online classes. She doesn’t want to go back to campus for any reason and I can’t say I blame her. So, I volunteered us to go clean out her room and make sure all of her stuff is gotten back here. She’s movin’ into one of the row houses for now. Wants to be all independent and shit so that’s Lash and Hartley’s compromise for her.”

Zeus jumps out of the chair he’s been sitting in and follows me to the rooms where our Prospects usually stay. Cole will be in one of these rooms if he’s here yet. I just hope we don’t have to wait for him. Cole seems like a good kid. He’s been hanging around the club for a while now and we’ve vetted him better than normal after the shit with Evan. I can’t believe I vouched for that asshole to begin with. Or that he managed to pull one over on us for so damn long. Zeus feels like shit about the situation too since he runs all the background checks. Now, we’ll just be even harder on the new Prospects and hang arounds than we’ve ever been before.

We find Cole in his room, and he jumps to go with us when I tell him we’re heading out. There isn’t a seconds hesitation from him as he slides his cut on over his shoulders and double checks the gun in the waist band of his jeans. No matter where we’re going, he’s making sure he’s prepared for anything to go down. Already he’s earning a nod of approval from me.

“You take this truck here. Zeus and I will be in this one. Follow us to the store and you’ll be out with the trucks while we run inside. Then, we’re headin’ to the college to pack up Jaelyn’s room and bring her stuff home. Got is, Prospect?” I order, not sure what he’s going to think of my demand.

“Yes, sir. Anythin’ you need, I’m ready to do. Do you have boxes for her things already or will we need to secure some?”

“Good question. I didn’t even think of that. I’ll check with the store when we’re inside. Let’s roll.”

Cole gets in the second truck after checking to make sure the lights and everything are in working order. He’s not going to give anyone a reason to pull him over. Hell, he does the same thing with our truck before giving me a thumbs up to let me know we’re all good.

“He’s gonna make it far,” Zeus mumbles as he slouches down in the passenger seat of our truck.

“Fuck yeah he will. Let’s get this shit done.”

After hooking Jae up with a kickass laptop, printer, and everything else she’ll need for school, we got more than enough boxes to load her things up in and headed straight for her college. It took about an hour less than normal because I’m not wasting any damn time. I’ve already got her key. Yeah, I may have made a copy of it when I heard she was going back to school. I wanted to make sure I could always get to her if there was an emergency.

Getting out of the trucks, we start the walk to the main door of the building Jaelyn was staying in here. I notice an older woman who’s slumped against the wall as her head rolls on her shoulders while trying to see who’s coming toward her. This bitch is high as fuck on something and more than likely drunk as we step closer and smell the alcohol filtering out of her pores. It’s all I can do not to gag as the alcohol and body odor fills the air around us.

“Are you going inside?” she slurs, trying to push herself off the ground. “Hold the door open for me?”

“I don’t think you belong here. Is there someone I can get for you?” I ask, not sure what else to do in this situation.

“I heard my daughter is living here and I want to see her. It’s important she knows I’m still alive and want her back in my life,” the woman continues to slur while falling back on her ass.

“I don’t really think you’re in any shape to see your daughter here. What’s her name? Maybe I can get her to come out and see you.”

“J-J-Jaelyn,” she stutters, still not able to get off the ground as I freeze.

“Jaelyn is your daughter?” Zeus questions, his voice coming out low and deadly.

“That’s what I said. Are you gonna get her for me? Or can I offer you something else for some money?”

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” I growl out, getting pissed as fuck.

“No. I’m broke, and I know Jaelyn will give me money. But, I’ll take it from you. Any of you,” she says, trying to smile up at us.

“Not fuckin’ happenin’. Jae’s not here. I suggest you get the fuck outta here and don’t continue searchin’ for the girls. Neither one of them want anythin’ to do with your ass,” Zeus barks out, his voice echoing off the buildings surrounding us.

“That’s not your decision to make. They belong to me, and you can’t stop me from seeing them,” she says, forgetting all about trying to fuck us for money to get her next fix.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance