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“Well, if the skanks on the floor weren’t busy flirting with the customers, they’d be going in the back with us. That’s taking our tips,” She-Devil answers me. “If Sasha wanted to hit on the men here, she should get her fat fucking ass on the stage. Though I don’t know of a single man who’d want to watch her get naked. Silk took our shit, and we were just taking it back. None of it’s hers and everyone here knows it.”

“Actually, I know for a fact it is because I’m the one who took her shoppin’ for it when her car broke down and was in the shop. And it’s the waitresses’ job to flirt with the customers and sell drinks. Do you have anythin’ to fuckin’ add in, Angel?” I growl out, already feeling the beginning of a headache pulsing in my temples.

“No, I don’t.”

“She-Devil, you’re fuckin’ on probation here. If I get one more word about you bein’ a bitch and treatin’ everyone else here like shit, you’re gone. There will be no more chances for you. This includes gettin’ Angel to do your dirty work for you. I’m over the petty drama you want to bring in here. When you were hired, all of you, I told you I wasn’t gonna deal with the shit. And I didn’t until you started workin’ here. There are more than enough men in the club when we’re open to go around so you all get private dances, can perform in front of a full crowd, and make more than enough money in tips. Angel, your next step is probation. You’re also goin’ to replace everythin’ of Silk’s you damaged. I want the money in her hand in the next hour. Silk, rearrange your sets so you can go on tonight. Sasha, when you’re ready to head to the floor, I want you to stock the bar and make sure everythin’ is clean. Make sure Silk can borrow what she needs to get ready for tonight too. Now, you’re supposed to be rehearsin’ so I suggest you get your asses out there and get to work. Otherwise you won’t like what I do next,” I warn them all before slamming out of the dressing room and making my way to the office a few doors down.

Sitting down at my desk, I turn on the computer and get ready to start going over the paperwork. I turn on the TV mounted on the wall in front of me so I can make sure the girls are actually doing what they’re supposed to. Paperwork is only slightly better to deal with than the girls when they’re bitching. I think it’s about time for me to give them all drug tests again. She-Devil is getting out of control, and I want to know why. She’s always caused a little bit of drama, but nothing like the last few weeks, something is definitely going on with her. If I find out she’s using, she’ll be out on her ass without a second thought. Drug use isn’t something we tolerate for any reason.

Keeping one eye on the monitor as I sort through the mountain of paperwork in front of me, I watch the girls on stage as they begin moving through their routines for tonight. We have a few more dancers and other bartenders and waitresses who will show up later on. Not everyone comes in this early. I usually rotate the bartenders and waitresses out weekly for showing up early to make sure everything is set up and ready for when the doors open. This way, they can all have three weeks a month to earn more money with tips and shit. The dancers also come in early to rehearse, but it’s not required. They let me know if they want to show up and I put them on the schedule. They’ll work for a few hours and head home or do whatever they need to before coming back in tonight. My system might not work for everyone, but it works for us here and that’s all that matters.

Silk stays away from She-Devil as she performs her routines while Angel stretches out and gets ready to perform her routine. They always try to perform one at a time so they can offer advice and critique the other girls. Especially if one is working through a new dance set. At least everyone except for She-Devil does. That bitch never offers a helping hand to anyone. Not even Angel who has taken to hanging off her every word as if she’s the queen of Jaded Outlaw. Ain’t none of these bitches the queen of the strip club. Plus, She-Devil has been known to keep the other dancers away from any member if they show up to catch a show. She’s not gonna become an ol’ lady or get fucked by any of the guys. I’ve warned them all about her ass. I have no doubt she’ll try to pull some fast move and claim to be knocked up by one of us if we touch her. It’s just easier to leave them all alone.

I know some of the guys have fucked the girls here. Lash used to. I’ve never once touched the women here. Since I manage the place and am here more than anyone else, I know better than to piss off any of the girls. They’d quit or I’d have to fire them, and we’d all end up screwed without having any fun. That lesson was learned early on when I shared a girl or two from the past who worked here with Zeus. Clingy bitches had to be put in their place and learn they were nothing more than a quick fuck for us. Not an ol’ lady. Plus, if Jae ever has to step foot in here for any reason, not a single girl here will be able to talk shit about us to her. These girls ever hurt her for any reason, and they’ll get kicked the fuck out immediately. I don’t play that game.

I’ve been working for about an hour now with no interruptions. Thankfully whatever issues the girls had going on earlier haven’t been affecting the last few hours of them on stage. At least not from what I’ve heard. Angel and Silk have been working together to improve any way they can while She-Devil does her own thing. Really, she’s just moving around the stage in some kind of rhythm I’m not sure can be classified as dancing. I don’t honestly know what the hell she’s doing.

Finishing up the paperwork, I look at the monitors to see more employees have started to show up for some reason and there’s someone out back. Thinking Silk took garbage out, I don’t really pay it any attention as I start to put everything together for Bronwan. Once everything is banded up by the week and then put together for this month, I set them in my top drawer for her to grab if I’m not here. It’s a quick in and out for Talon’s ol’ lady so she has little to no contact with anyone here. I don’t want these girls, She-Devil, to talk shit to her if she comes in here alone for some reason.

A bright flash catches my eye as I stand from my chair to stretch out my back. On the camera out back, a fire begins blazing from somewhere. I can’t even tell where the hell it’s located right now. The building shakes suddenly as screams penetrate the main room. Cameras begin to go out as the fire spreads, and I believe a bomb just went off somewhere around the club. Racing from my office, I make my way toward the main room to make sure everyone is okay and to get them the hell out of here.

“Everyone, are you okay?” I call out as the main room fills with smoke and flames begin to find their way inside the club.

I can hardly see as I head first for the stage where I know the girls were rehearsing. Once I get everyone out and make sure we don’t have anyone injured, I’ll call the club. If Zeus hasn’t already been alerted to what’s going on here. He’s got a crazy security system set up in every business the club owns and is the first notified if something happens. Hopefully he’ll get notice today so it’s one less thing I have to worry about.

“Someone help!” a girl screams out from the stage area as the smoke begins to thicken up and choke me.

My eyes are watering while screams fill the room, things are being knocked over, and more small explosions are happening.

“Where the fuck are you?” I call out again, hoping whoever is hurt can speak.

“I’m in a hole on the stage,” Angel answers, her voice sounding clogged with smoke inhalation. “It just opened up beneath me.”

Her sobs of pain and fear reach my ears as I try to focus on where her voice is coming from. Finally reaching the edge of the stage, I hoist myself up as I try to focus my eyes, so I don’t fall in some other hole made by whatever the fuck is going on at my club right now.

“Sabotage, I think you’re right in front of me,” Angel’s voice hits me, as I drop down to crouch on the stage.

Blindly reaching out, I find her shoulders and head above the hole.

“Can you reach your arms out so I can pull you up through?” I ask her, not sure what I’ll do if she can’t.

“Let me try.”

As Angel tries to maneuver her body to lift her arms up through the hole, I scream out to everyone else still in here.

“There’s a fire in the back and obviously the front. Use the side exit in the kitchen to get the fuck outta here. I’m gettin’ Angel out and doin’ a head count as soon as we get back there with you. Get the fuck outta here now! If you find someone along the way, drag their asses with you.”

Angel gets her arms out and I stand up to pull her body from the hole. I hope I’m not doing any further damage to her, but it’s more important for me to get her out so we can head outside and get away from the smoke and fire. My body feels as if it’s on fire with the heat at my back from the flames quickly spreading across the main floor. Sweat is mixing with the grime covering my skin and sliding down into my eyes making it even harder to see. I’m inhaling more smoke as I grunt and use more exertion to get Angel through the fucking hole. After what feels like hours, her small body finally pulls free as a scream erupts from her. I cradle her in my arms to protect her from even more pain as I jump from the stage and try to make my way toward the kitchen.

“Is anyone else in here?” I roar out though my voice sounds hoarse and as if I’m whispering instead of yelling frantically.

More thumping, glass shattering, and other sounds fill the room making it impossible for me to tell if anyone else is still inside.

“Angel, can you make it out through the kitchen? I need to make sure everyone else got out and no one’s left behind,” I ask her, stopping at the end of what I hope is the bar.


Setting her down and steadying her on her feet, I quickly turn away to feel my way through the main room. No one should be anywhere else and I’m afraid there isn’t time for me to search the entire club. If only I’d been paying better attention when I saw someone out back. Fuck!

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance