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“Are you sure no one else can do it? I’m supposed to be watchin’ over Jaelyn today at the diner,” I do hear him say though, pausing to listen to whatever is being said on the other end of the line. “Okay. Make sure he knows to get his ass here though please. They don’t want Jaelyn left alone for any reason.”

When he hangs up, I don’t bother asking him what’s going on. He said more than enough for me to get I’m going to be here alone. Lash isn’t here today. That’s something I already know.

“I gotta head to the clubhouse. Talon needs me. Cal is on his way here now. Go inside and stay close to the others already inside. Don’t leave for any reason,” Austin tells me, his voice leaving no room for argument.

“Okay. I’ll see you later on, Austin.”

Getting out of the SUV, I don’t hesitate to rush inside. Austin doesn’t leave until I’m safely inside and heading toward the back to put up my purse and sweater. I don’t know if it’s going to be cold later on, so I always make sure to have one with me. Kari is already in the back tying her apron around her waist as she gives me a smile. We aren’t even really open yet today. Even though Talon’s granddad is already sitting in his normal seat at the counter. He’s always in here before we open.

“Are you ready for the breakfast rush?” I ask Kari, tying my own apron around my waist.

“Yep. The sooner we get started, the sooner we get out of here.”

We both laugh as we make our way to the front. Kari’s already started the coffee as I pour Mr. Whittaker his coffee and slide the creamer over to him.

“Thank you,” he growls out, surprising me with his manners this morning.

“You’re welcome. Are you wanting your normal breakfast this morning?”

“Yeah. I think it’s already started.”

With a nod of my head, I begin making sure the coffee cups are out on all the tables, there’s napkins and silverware already placed at the seats, and everything has been cleaned from the night before. Seeing there’s nothing beyond the counter to do, I start making another pot of regular coffee and a pot of decaf for those who want it. Kari walks in from the kitchen with more clean coffee cups and glasses for us to use. Together we work seamlessly to get everything ready to open. Just before I head over to flip the sign announcing we’re open, the front door slams open. Kari is just placing a plate of food in front of Talon’s grandpa as we all look up to find my mom standing in the doorway with a sinister smile on her face and gun in her hand.

“I see you are here. Thought you would be. I don’t see that bastard anywhere near you either. Come on, Jaelyn. It’s time you come with me,” she tells me never once paying anyone else any attention.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I told you that the other day. I suggest you leave here before you don’t get the chance to,” I respond, hoping my voice sounds as strong as I’m trying to make it.

“Yeah, you are. You wouldn’t want to be responsible for the death of these two innocent people here now would you, daughter?”

“You wouldn’t hurt them, and you know it.

“Are you sure about that?” she questions, aiming the gun at Talon’s grandpa.

“Why are you doing this? You haven’t had anything to do with me in so long. Now all of a sudden you show up out of nowhere and decide I’m going to leave with you. None of this makes sense,” I ask, trying to stall for time when Cal shows up and can get up behind my mom.

“Stop fucking asking questions. You have one second to get the fuck over here or I’m killing them both,” my mother yells, her eyes frantically searching to make sure no one else is coming.

“The girl said she’s not goin’ anywhere with you. I suggest you go back to where you came from before my son and his club show up,” Mr. Whittaker says, standing from his seat at the counter.

“I suggest you shut the fuck up old man. I’m not scared of those pussy bitches. I’m with a real man. One who doesn’t put up with whiny little skanks like my daughters. How is your bitch of a sister?”

“I’ll go,” I tell her, knowing I need to get her away from here.

My mother’s body begins trembling. I’m not sure if it has to do with her going through the withdrawal of whatever drug she’s been taking or if it’s just hit her system. Either way, someone is going to get hurt if I don’t do something to deescalate the situation and fast. I don’t have time to wait for Cal or anyone else to show up and save the day. One way or another I’ll get out of this and make it back home.

The second I get close to my mother, she raises the gun and points it at Kari’s head.

“If you think about calling anyone, I’ll shoot her wherever we are. Keep your fucking mouths shut and no one else will show up to take you two,” my mom orders as she latches onto my arm and pulls my body in front of hers as a shield.

I’m pulled out the door as I try to keep looking around to find anyone who can help me. Since we’re just getting ready to open up, there’s no one waiting in the parking lot just yet. No one’s on the street around us either. Any other time of the day, there would be so many people walking around, driving into the parking lot, or in the general area so I could scream for help. My mother pushes me up against a rusted-out car and wrenches open the back door. I’m hit in the temple with her gun before I can make a move as my vision begins fading to black. Roughly, I’m pushed in the backseat just before I completely fade into oblivion and the door is shut behind me. There’s nothing for me to do to stay awake so I can get out of here either. This is certainly not how I was expecting my day to go today. Not after the great night I had with the guys last night.

WALKING INTO JADED outlaw, I can already hear a few of the girls bitching at one another. Their voices are more like banshee shrieks as I quicken my pace toward the back of the club. This is the worst shit to deal with; the cat fights for the most petty fucking reasons. One of them doesn’t like their spot in the rotation, that one doesn’t like her song choice, a waitress is moving in on a dancer’s territory with the customers, it’s a never ending cycle. I’m tired as fuck of dealing with it too.

“What the fuck is goin’ on here?” I yell out, slamming the door of the dressing room open. “I can hear your asses all the way up front.”

“Angel and She-Devil took all my fucking makeup. They’ve ruined two of my outfits for the sets tonight, and they’re blaming Sasha and Karma for missing tips or some stupid bullshit like that. They need to leave us the fuck alone and worry about their own shit,” Silk informs me.

“Why the fuck can’t you leave the other girls alone? No one is takin’ your tips, you have no business touchin’ shit of the other women, and you cause the most trouble in the fuckin’ place,” I bark out as Angel and She-Devil stand in front of me as if they don’t give a shit what I have to say right now.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance