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“It’s going to hurt regardless of how you do it. Please, Brice, just do it.”

I take several torturous moments to contemplate what she needs me to do. Finally, I pull back out of her body, leaving just the tip inside her, to push back in until I can go no further. Forcing myself to remain completely still, I watch Bronwan’s face scrunch up in pain as a tear escapes her eye to roll down her face. Pain fills me because I never wanted to hurt her. My body is tight as I force myself to remain still, giving her the time she needs to make this experience filled with pleasure.

“I’m okay, Brice. You can move now,” she finally whispers as I wrap her legs around my waist.

The move causes my cock to slide slightly deeper inside her. I growl out at the feeling I’m experiencing right now. I’m wrapped in wet heat as Bronwan’s muscles pulse around me. Slowly, I slide out of her body to push my way back inside. Bronwan digs her nails into my shoulders as I stare into her eyes. Every single time they start to slide closed, I demand she open them again. Our eyes are locked on one another as I continue to thrust in and out of her body. Bronwan’s heels dig into my body just above my ass as I try to remain slow and methodical in my movements instead of taking her hard and fast the way I want to.

“Brice, I’m not going to break. Please. I need it faster,” she begs me, making me feel as if she’s reading my thoughts.

Speeding up my movements is all it takes for my body to begin tightening and coiling with my release. A release I haven’t had in weeks. Moving my hand between our bodies, I begin to rub circles around Bronwan’s clit as she arches into my touch. I’m not going to let myself go before her if I can help it, but with the way she’s contracting around my cock and sucking me into her body, it’s hard as hell to hold on to my control.

Bronwan’s body begins to tighten as her back remains arched off the bed with her neck elongated as she continues to stare in my eyes. I have never broken eye contact with her since we started this and there is no way I can break it now when her orgasm is about to flow through her body. This is not something I ever do with a woman. I’m giving Bronwan a piece of myself no one will ever get from me.

“Brice!” she finally calls out, her voice breaking and turning into a whisper as my name lingers on her lips.

Feeling her find her release is what I need for my control to snap. I begin to pound in her body, twisting my hips to get myself there with her. After only three or four thrusts of my cock inside her still pulsing and contracting pussy, I let myself go. It’s in this moment as my cum fills her body I realize why sex has never once felt like this for me; I’m not wearing a condom.

“Bronwan!” I roar out my release, too far gone to stop myself from continuing to cum inside her and not care about the consequences in this moment.

For several minutes, I lay on top of her, my forearms taking most of my weight as I continue slow strokes in and out of her body. Our breathing is harsh and rasping as we still don’t take our eyes off one another. When I finally pull out of her, the evidence of her virginity is streaked on my cock. Getting off the bed, I make my way to the bathroom where I start the water for a shower to help loosen and ease the sore muscles Red is going to have from this. Only after taking care of business do I make my way back to lead her to the bathroom so she can go to the bathroom before stepping in the shower with me. There, I carefully and gently wash her limp body before my own. After getting out and helping her dry off, I put her to bed and climb in next to her. Like every other night, we each stay to our own side lost in thought about where we go from here. I’m lost as fuck and need all the time I can get to figure things out.

THIS MORNING IS the first time in weeks I have woken up in bed and not been alone. Talon is still sleeping beside me with my body wrapped around his. We’re laying in the middle of his bed with the blankets tangled with our bodies. As I continue to wake up, the soreness from what we did last night fills me. There are places on my body aching and sore I didn’t even know it was possible for me to hurt in. My legs still feel like jelly from wrapping around Talon’s body so tightly while he was inside me. Suddenly, I’m filled with embarrassment from giving myself to a man who I have more feelings for than he returns.

There is no doubt in my mind about Talon’s feelings for me. I am a woman he wanted to fuck, and I gave him the opening he needed. This doesn’t mean I regret my choice of the man to take my virginity; I don’t and never will. The only thing I regret is knowing I have feelings for him that grew with how gentle and tender he was with me. Talon’s face and entire body was held rigid until he finally let himself lose control enough to take what he wanted from me. Staring in his eyes for the entire thing is what made me fall for him even more than I already was. Yes, I can fully admit I’m half in love with the man and he hasn’t really done anything to make it happen.

Sliding out from under Talon’s body, being careful not to wake him, I get out of bed and head straight for the bathroom. My body protesting the entire time. After handling my morning routine, I take a quick shower to help ease the pain from my body once again. What happened last night doesn’t change anything about me staying here. I’ll have to be more careful about leaving the clubhouse and finding my way home. No one will know because I’ve only given the name of where I grew up once and I highly doubt they remember it. Plus, other than checking on my dad, I don’t have to stay there. I still have my dorm room and can go hide out there until I figure out what to do next. My parents will not come to any harm because of me and the men who might be after me.

Getting out of the shower, I dress in a pair of leggings and a tee-shirt before sliding on my flip flops. After looking in the bedroom to make sure Talon is still sleeping, I quickly brush my teeth than move on to the massive number of curls on my head. Knowing I need to put my hair up when it’s still wet, I reach for the hair tie I’ve left in here. It takes forever to get all the knots and tangles out before I throw it up in a messy bun on the top of my head. Stopping in the bedroom again, I turn and look at Talon as he sleeps.

His body is half covered with the blankets stopping at his hips. Talon’s hard, muscled chest is on full display while he has one arm under his head and the other one out across my side of the bed. The arm laid out where I normally sleep is full of tattoos in various skulls. There isn’t a single ounce of color in any of the skulls I can see from my position at the end of the bed in the still darkened room. Talon is breathing evenly as his muscles ripple when he shifts slightly. This is the most unkempt I’ve ever seen the man with his short hair sticking up on end, red lines on his face from the wrinkles in the pillow under his head, and the tension drained from his face. This is also the first time I’ve seen him look so peaceful. Taking one last look at the man I have dreamed about for weeks, I finally turn to leave his room.

Walking in the kitchen, it’s empty. I need some time to myself to figure out how to handle this situation with Talon. He’s not like any man I’ve ever met in my life. Not that I have experienced anything with a man before last night. There have been a few interactions with guys in classes when I was in school, but not a single one of them made me feel anything. One single thought of Talon is enough to fill my stomach with butterflies and my heart speed up. I’m in way over my head with him and I need to stop thinking about whatever is, or isn’t, happening between us.

Shaking my head, I open the refrigerator to find eggs, milk, sausage, and bacon. Setting everything on the small island, I turn to see if I can find any potatoes. Finally, in a door on the side of the kitchen, I find a panty filled with even more food than I thought the clubhouse would have. With a full bag of potatoes in hand, I make my way back as another woman enters the room. It’s not anyone I’ve met so far as she turns to look at me with sleep still filling her face. She’s not one of the women who watched me clean yesterday while they laughed at me. Yes, I heard them.

“Um, hi. I was just going to make breakfast I tell her,” still not sure what to say or do in here.

“Hey. My name’s Ariella. I just got in last night. I’m a new Rebel here at the clubhouse. It looks like we both had the same idea of starting breakfast,” she says, a smile on her face as she looks at me.

“My name is Bronwan. I’m not sure what a Rebel is. I’m sorry,” I tell her, feeling like an idiot.

“What are you doing here then? I didn’t know any other woman was here who isn’t a Rebel or an ol’ lady. Are you an ol’ lady?” she questions me, her tone not changing as she walks over to the coffee pots and starts filling them.

“I’m not a Rebel or an ol’ lady. Um, I was found on the side of the road when I escaped the men who kidnapped me. For now, I’m staying here for protection since they’re still out there somewhere. I woke up and thought I’d make breakfast to keep myself busy until Talon wakes up and I can go back in his room.”

“I haven’t met Talon yet. From what the other Rebels said, he’s the vice president of the club. How did you land yourself in his room if you don’t mind me asking?”

“He’s the one who found me. The men who kidnapped me are bikers and he’s the only one I trusted when I got here. I’ve been in his room ever since. I’m sure he wants it back to himself though.”

Turning around, I begin to peel and cut the potatoes to fry up with breakfast. This is the only thing I can think of to feed however many people are here without actually knowing the number of men and women who stay in the clubhouse. Ariella starts helping me once she has the coffee brewing in the two coffee pots. It’s honestly no surprise to see more than one with the amount of people I’ve seen come and go from here. We work well together as we get everything cooked and put in bowls and plates on the counter as men and women begin to fill the kitchen.

I let them all go through the line taking as much food as they want before making my way through taking extremely small portions for myself. I know everyone hasn’t been in here yet considering Talon still hasn’t made an appearance. With my plate in hand, I head for a small table in the very back of the kitchen and sit alone. Everyone else is talking with one another, laughing, and eating. No one wants to have me included or they’d invite me to sit with them. Plus, the two women from yesterday are now in here and one of them are shooting daggers and glares my way so I don’t want to get too close to her.

When Lash, his wife, and Jaelyn enter the kitchen, I’m still ignored and not even given a smile in recognition. I’m used to it considering this is how I’ve gone through my entire life. I’m the girl who is always in the background and never sat with, talked to, or gone out of anyone’s way for. It’s what I know and am comfortable with. As I’m finishing up my meal alone, Talon makes his way in the room. I watch on as his gaze sweeps the room, briefly landing on me, before he gets himself something to eat, a cup of coffee, and then takes a seat at a table where the woman glaring at me is sitting. He immediately begins laughing and talking with everyone around him as I stay alone.

I’ve completely lost my appetite. I didn’t expect him to declare his undying love for me or anything like that. Him not even acknowledging me is something I wasn’t expecting. At the very least he could have given me a chin lift or something. Instead, I don’t exist to him either. No, I’m just a woman who is in his way and this cements my need to get the hell out of here. Knowing I still have to take my medicine and start packing a few outfits to leave here with, I take my plate, throw what I didn’t eat in the garbage, and rinse if off before placing it in the dishwasher. I remain in the kitchen long enough to rinse all the pans and empty dishes we used to make breakfast before leaving.

Once I’m in the safety of Talon’s room, I slump against the door and take a few deep breaths to stop myself from crying. Last night was a huge mistake and shouldn’t have happened. I should have thought things through the way I normally do and told him I didn’t want him. It would have been a complete lie, but we wouldn’t be in this awkward as hell situation we now find ourselves in.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance