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“Yeah. Um, Lash, I need to leave here. I can’t be here in the clubhouse any longer. Not only does Talon need his space back to resume his life as normal, but I need to get to my parents. Those men aren’t going to come after me again. I got away and it’s time for me to move on. I’m just in the way here,” I tell the man who scares the shit out of me.

“Not happenin’, Bronwan. You need to stay here for the safety and protection of your family and friends. We already talked about this.”

“I know you said this before. Things have changed and I’m needed at home. My parents need me more than they ever have before. This can’t be up for discussion, Lash. I need to be where I’m wanted and needed. Not here in your clubhouse where I’m in the way and piss Talon off for cleaning.”

“Bronwan,” Lash sighs out. “You’re not in the way here at all. You barely come out of Talon’s room. I’m not sure you fully understand what’s goin’ on with one of my best friends in this world. It’s not for me to tell you either. All you need to know is we can’t let you go home to be with your parents. Your right, this isn’t up for discussion; you’re not leavin’ here. What’s goin’ on with them to bring on this change all of a sudden?” he questions me, kneeling down in front of me.

“My dad is in the hospital and my mom won’t tell me what’s really going on with him. That’s why I need to go home. Like I said, this isn’t up for debate. Thank you for your hospitality here at the clubhouse and letting me heal. Now, I’ll be safe when I go home and talk to someone there to help me with the protection aspect. Your club has done so much already, and I don’t need to take anything more from any of you.”

I don’t give Lash a chance to say anything more as I stand up from my seat in the grass and head up to Talon’s room. There is so much I need to do before leaving here. Talon will have his room back to himself, I’ll get away from the only man in my life who has ever made me feel anything for the opposite sex, and get back to my boring, mundane life. A life where I help my parents, feel free in my own space, and do what I want to do. I might not have friends or an exciting life, but the one I have is all mine.

I’M SITTING AT the bar with my brother drinking. Death hasn’t left my side since I went off on Bronwan for cleaning the floor on her hands and knees. I don’t know what the hell came over me when I walked through the door and saw her down there. Bronwan was covered in sweat with pieces of her long, red hair plastered to her skin. The shirt she’s wearing is clinging to her body like a second skin and her poor hands are red as fuck. Unless her body is underneath mine, I don’t ever want to see Red looking like that again. There is absolutely no reason for her to be working so damn hard to do anything in her life. Not when I’m around.

When she took off and for the first time since being here, went out back where we usually have our cookouts and parties on nice days, I took a deep breath and held myself back from following her. I feel way too much when it comes to her, and it needs to be stopped. Now. So, my plan is to get drunk here at the clubhouse, so I don’t go to her and pull her into my arms giving her what I truly want. Giving myself what I really want; to be buried deep inside her pussy as she clenches down around me.

“What’s goin’ on with you?” Death questions me, taking a sip of his own beer. “You haven’t been yourself since Bronwan, your Red, showed up here. Do you want her? More than just for a night in your bed?”

“I don’t know what I fuckin’ want with her, Death. She’s more than a quick fuck. I couldn’t even fuck Silk at the strip club because I became consumed with guilt and my cock wouldn’t get hard. One second around Bronwan is all it takes for me to be hard as fuck. You know I don’t want an ol’ lady in my life. I don’t want kids, a woman to tie me down, or anythin’ else to hold me back. My freedom means everythin’ to me and always has,” I answer him, not knowing what else to say.

“Freedom comes in many forms, brother. Havin’ an ol’ lady and a family of your own isn’t a death sentence or the end of your world. It could give you so much more than what you’ve ever imagined. Does Hartley stop Lash from goin’ out with us? Is he chained to her side at all times? No, he’s not. Right now is a different story because she’s goin’ to have their baby any day now. It’s a fuckin’ gift to have a child and nothin’ less than that.”

I don’t know when the hell my baby brother got so damn smart, but there are merits in his words. Bronwan rushes into the common room and heads straight for the stairs to head up to my room. Tears are falling down her face and her shoulders are shaking as she races up the stairs, almost falling more than once. My instinct tells me to go to her and find out what’s going on. What has put those tears in her eyes? Instead, I remain rooted to my bar stool as if I’m chained here.

Lash slowly follows her inside and makes a beeline for where Death and I are sitting. No one else is coming near us. At least not anyone who has been in here since we got done with work and showed back up to the clubhouse. See, after Bronwan left here to go outside, I went off on the Rebels. Carla and Candy were sitting in the kitchen, sandwiches in front of them they hadn’t bothered to touch. I know without a doubt Bronwan fed them and that’s the thanks they give her; to not touch the food she got for them. My anger levels only raised higher.

“What the fuck do you two think you’re doin’?” I bellowed out, capturing their attention quicker than hell.

“What do you mean, Talon?” Carla returns, her voice a purr in her attempt to flirt with me.

“You know exactly what I mean. Why is Bronwan cleanin’ the clubhouse when it’s your job? She’s not a fuckin’ Rebel and doesn’t owe this club a damn thing. Yet, you two are sittin’ on your asses as she gets down on her hands and knees to clean the floor. I can almost guess you had a laugh or two at her expense as well. Did she make those sandwiches for you?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Talon. We tried to help her, and she shooed us away. Told us she didn’t want the help,” Carla tries to lie to me.

Carla has a tell when she’s lying. She can’t look anyone in the eyes and the tips of her ears turn a shade of red. The same exact thing happening to her right now. Turning my attention to Candy, I don’t hide the glare from aiming at her.

“Wanna tell me the truth, Candy?”

“We came in here to start breakfast. It was later than normal considering we were kept up most of the night. The girl was already cleaning in here with a plate of food she kept munching on. Carla demanded she make us something to eat, and the girl did before she left the room to start cleaning out there. I don’t know what her position is here in the club and didn’t step in to help her. That’s my fault,” she says, her voice shaking in fear.

“Yet you didn’t bother to clean somethin’ else?” Lash adds in, his voice harsh as hell as he takes in the two women in front of us. “There is way more that needs to be cleaned around here than the kitchen and behind the bar. That girl has been kidnapped, beaten on a daily basis, and is shy as hell. She doesn’t know the way of our world. You two could have helped her out and told her she didn’t have to clean or anythin’ else. Instead, you used her. This kitchen was absolutely trashed this mornin’ when I stopped in here. Before anythin’ happens at night, this place is to be cleaned up, food put away, and dishes washed. Not a single one of you did it. I’ve already gotten rid of one bitch and have no problem gettin’ rid of either one of you. The guys can find a piece of strange somewhere besides here until I bring new girls in. Ones who know their fuckin’ place.”

“You can’t just kick us out. We all know the rules,” Carla says. “It has to be put up for a vote and we have to be put on probation first.”

This bitch has the nerve to look smug as hell.

“Your right, we do. We’ll have church tonight. Which also means you know what happens when you’re on probation. I’ll tell you about our decision in a while,” I tell her, turning on my heels and heading straight for the bar. “For now, I suggest you get off your asses and take yourself to find somethin’ to clean. There’s a bucket of water in the common room you can use, Carla, to clean the entire common room and kitchen on your hands and knees. Oh, and don’t forget the bathrooms.”

Now, back to Lash as he storms up to me. He takes the seat next to me and accepts his beer from Austin, opening it up before taking a long pull. Only then does he turn to me.

“Your girl is ready to leave. I reminded her of her need to stay here and told her it wasn’t up for discussion about her stayin’ here. She’s adamant about headin’ home. Her dad is in the hospital, and she just found out. Not to mention she wants you to have your room back. And your freedom to do as you please. What happened last night? All I know is you went to Jaded Outlaw. I get wantin’ to leave for a sick parent, but this seems to be more than that.”

“She’s not fuckin’ leavin’ here. Not until we have Eric and the rest of the men captured and taken out,” I state, draining the last of my own beer.

“Not sure you have a say in the matter any longer. Today, I saw fire in Bronwan for the first time and she’s goin’ to leave here. She’s certainly alone enough to accomplish her goal. You better hope you can stop her if you truly don’t want her to leave here,” he warns me as I stand from the bar and head for my room without another word to anyone.

My heart is racing, and my palms are sweating as I ascend the stairs and don’t stop until I’m through my door and slamming it shut behind me. Bronwan doesn’t lock the door if she’s knows I’m at the clubhouse. When my eyes land on her, I stop immediately in my tracks. Bronwan is folding all of the clothes the girls got her and placing them on the bed. She’s still crying and doesn’t even look up in my direction. I have to take several deep breaths to get my anger under control.

“What are you doin’, Red? I know you’re not plannin’ on leavin’ here,” I question her, my voice coming out harsher than I intended.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance