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Now, I’m at the strip club and it’s been one problem after another since I walked through the fucking door. If it’s not the strippers coming at me with excuses of problems just to try and get a ride on my cock, it’s the bar tenders being dumb as fuck about the customers wanting the drinks they ordered. I swear to fuck one of them are high as fuck and that’s not something we tolerate in the club. Ever. If Lash finds out there’s even a suspicion of drug use, he’ll clean house and we’ll be starting over with every employee we have here. It might honestly be for the best at this point.

“Sabotage, need you out here,” Ted, one of the bouncers, calls out from the hall. “Sasha and Martin are gettin’ into it out here. Somethin’ about a drink order bein’ fucked up.”

With a groan, I leave my seat and make my way out to the floor. Sasha, one of our waitresses and part time dancers, is up in Martin’s face yelling and causing a scene of epic proportions. It’s one thing we don’t want to have on the fucking floor when we’re busy. It makes all of us look bad and then business drops.

“What the fuck is goin’ on here?” I growl out, keeping my voice dangerously low.

“This stupid fuck can’t seem to figure out simple drink orders tonight. I’ve had to come back here for almost all my tables at one point or another because of his fuckups,” Sasha yells out, still not lowering her voice.

“Martin, what the fuck is goin’ on?” I turn my attention to the bar tender.

“She’s not givin’ me the right orders and then wants to blame me for her fuckup,” he responds without looking me in the face.

“Look at me,” I demand as Death makes his way over to where we’re standing.

Martin finally looks up at me and I know why he’s fucking the drink orders up; he’s high as fuck and not bothering to hide it. Hell, there’s still residue around his damn nose. This tells me he’s not only gotten high, but he’s done it here while on the clock. Everyone knows there is no fucking drug use here and we have a zero tolerance policy.

“Get the fuck outta here and don’t bother comin’ back,” I state, not taking my eyes off him.

“What the fuck? You’re gonna fire me over her gettin’ shit wrong?” Martin questions me.

“No. I’m firin’ you for gettin’ high and doin’ it here. You know we don’t tolerate that shit here and decided your habit was worth more than havin’ a job we pay you good money to do,” I inform him as Death and Ted round the bar to take out the trash. “Sasha get behind the bar until I can find someone to take over.”

“I got it,” Death says without looking back at me. “Just let me help get this fucker outside and I’ll be right back.”

I nod my head at him before turning to head back to my office. There’s more paperwork I have to finish before I can even think about getting out of here tonight. I may have been slacking while Jaelyn was around the clubhouse. It’s no excuse to get behind on work, but now I have to turn everything over to Bronwan so she can start working on the accounts for the club. Just before I get to my office, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see Jae’s name on my screen, and I can’t stop the smile from covering my face.

“Jae, what’s goin’ on?” I answer the phone.

“S-S-Sab, I think I need help,” she responds, her words slurring and sluggish as I immediately become concerned.

“What’s wrong?” I bark through the phone.

“At party. Sick,” she says, her voice fading in and out.

“Hang on Jae. I’ll be right there. Stay on the phone with me as long as you can,” I shout, panic filling me as I pull out my keys and race for the front of the club.

Death is behind the bar as I race to him and demand his phone. He pulls it out and hands it over without a question or any hesitation. Calling Zeus, I wait for him to answer impatiently.

“Said I’d be there in a little bit. Keep your pants on,” my best friend answers the phone, laughter filling his voice.

He won’t be laughing in a fucking second.

“Need you,” I state. “Jae’s on my phone still. She needs us. At a party at school and I’m pretty fuckin’ sure she’s been drugged. We need to get the fuck there. Now!”

“Fuck!” Zeus yells, the sound of him hitting something filling the background.

“I’m leavin’ Jaded Outlaw now. Meet up with me on the fuckin’ road,” I demand before hanging up and turning to face Death. “Don’t make any fuckin’ calls right now. Don’t need the whole club and Hartley showin’ up there until I know Jaelyn’s okay.”

“Got it. I’ll keep an eye on shit here. Let me know if you need me and I’ll be there.”

Not wasting any more time, I race from the strip club and jump on my bike before roaring out of the parking lot. My heart is racing as I speed through town and make my way toward the college Jaelyn goes to. It’s a few hours away and anything can happen before we get there. If I find out someone laid a hand on her, they’ll be buried in a shallow fucking grave without a second thought. No one touches what belongs to Zeus and me.

My thoughts briefly shoot to my best friend. This is going to bring up a ton of memories for him he’d rather fucking forget. What a clusterfuck tonight is turning out to be. However, I have to make sure Jaelyn is going to be okay. That’s all that matters.

I’m at the clubhouse having spent a few hours in the gym punching shit out with a bag. Jaelyn left for school today with the threat of Eric no longer a problem. From the second she came into the clubhouse, I knew I wanted her. It makes me feel like a fucking pervert because she’s not legal and I’m more than a few years older than she is. Sabotage and I share our women and we’ve been thinking more and more about settling down with a woman of our own. Jaelyn is that girl for us. She’s perfect from what I’ve seen by spending time with her when she’s not hidden away at Lash and Hartley’s place.

Hartley is extremely protective of her baby sister, and I can’t say I blame her one bit. From the stories we’ve been told, Jae needs someone to rein in her shit and keep her under control when her lack of impulse kicks in. She doesn’t always think things through before doing what she wants, and it’s gotten her in trouble on more than one occasion. Hartley has stepped in each and every time to save her. Now, it’s time for someone else to accept the responsibility of her and make sure she doesn’t get in trouble or hurt.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance