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“Good night Talon. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Turning around, I make my way to the front door, looking back over my shoulder a few times to ensure I’m not dreaming about everything that just happened. Talon’s still sitting there on his bike with that sexy as hell smirk covering his face. He doesn’t start his bike up again until the front door is closed behind me and I shut the light off on the front porch. I don’t move until the sound of his bike can’t be heard any longer. Then, I make my way to my bed and flop down on it without taking a bath to relax or remove anything more than my shoes. Sleep is instant tonight knowing Talon is in the same town as I am.

HEADING BACK TO the hotel I’ve been staying in for the last few nights, I see something I never expected to see here in Farnsworth. It also makes me glad as fuck I’m here in case these fuckers are here for Bronwan. Members of Eric’s club, Rising Rebels MC, are standing outside of a bar on the main street in town. They look up at me as I pass, and smiles cover their faces as one of them step out as if daring me to stop and take them on knowing there’s at least five of them standing outside and only one of me. I’m not about to go on a suicide mission. Not when my club members are hours away from me and can’t get here anytime soon.

Continuing on to the hotel, I speed more than I have through town. I have no clue about the cops in this town or anything else. At this point, I don’t give a fuck either. My only thought is getting back to the hotel, calling Lash, and figuring out what the hell we need to do to protect Bronwan and her mom. If they’re in the town where Bronwan lives, there’s a reason for it. A reason they came here and somehow they got their information about where she is. No one in my club is talking about it because no one knows. Not anyone other than Jaelyn, Hartley, Austin, and myself. They wouldn’t tell anyone where Bronwan is there is no question in my mind about it. If Jae wouldn’t tell me, she won’t tell anyone else where Red is.

My mind is spinning with everything going through my head. It’s not just about Bronwan either. Now, I’m wondering what the hell Eric and the fuckers are doing here. Did they know more about Red than we anticipated? Is the girl she went out with in on their shit and handed over the information about my woman and that’s how they’ve found her. There are so many different possibilities here and I have no clue what the hell is going on. Lash and the guys need to talk to me and help me figure out what the hell is going on right now because I have no clue of what our next steps need to be.

Pulling into the parking lot of the hotel, I park and don’t waste any time grabbing my phone from my pocket in order to call Lash. I know he’s going to be pissed as fuck I haven’t checked in, answered his messages, or called him back before now. My sole focus was on Bronwan and making sure she understood what was going on and finding out if she was okay or not with the loss in her life. Unfortunately, she’s not okay. At all.

“It’s about time, fucker,” Lash answers his phone, anger filling it through the phone.

“Know you’re pissed as fuck at me right now, and we’ll talk about it soon. Right now, you need to fuckin’ listen to me and hear what I’m sayin’ to you. I’m in Farnsworth and just left Bronwan at her house after spendin’ some time with her. On my way to the hotel for the night, saw some of those fuckers in Eric’s club. They saw me. What I don’t fuckin’ know is why they’re here, what their plan is, and if it includes Bronwan. I don’t know how they would have even found out where she’s from since the club she was at is a few towns over. They’re gettin’ information from somewhere and I don’t like it. At all,” I tell him in what feels like one breath instead of taking my time talking to him.

“What the fuck?” he roars out in frustration and rage. “Did they follow you down there? I know you followed the girls and Austin. Did you have a fuckin’ tail and not realize it?”

“No, I didn’t. Yes, I followed them, but I made sure I was the only one followin’ them. Ask Austin. He clocked me quick as fuck. We weren’t even out of Braedon when he spotted me followin’ them. We didn’t have a tail on the way here. I’ve been parked at Bronwan’s house for days now and haven’t seen them at all. It wasn’t until tonight that I spotted them. Like I said, they spotted me too. One of them stepped up like he was darin’ me to stop and say somethin’ to them. Wasn’t goin’ on a solo mission. What the fuck am I supposed to do now about Red? And her mom? They just lost an important member of their family and I have no clue what to do. If I had my way, I’d be there now, packin’ them both up , and movin’ them to the clubhouse with me.”

“Then that’s what you fuckin’ do. Get them here no matter what you have to do in order to make it happen. I want you all back here by tomorrow at noon. At the latest Talon. We need to find out if these fuckers are gonna follow you back here, if any of them are still in our area, and what the fuck is goin’ on. I’ll have Zeus start workin’ his magic now. Make sure you leave tonight. The later you’re on the road, the more you’ll be able to tell if they’re followin’ you without all the added traffic of the day. Stop if you have to and make it quick stops or only when you’re close to home where some of our guys can meet you,” Lash orders me, as commotion begins to sound in the background on his end.

“Gonna pack up my shit and check out before headin’ over to Red’s house. I hope her mom and her are still up. I’ll get them back with me one way or another. Even if I have to play dirty and use Bronwan’s mom against her. By the way, we need to talk about patchin’ in Austin as soon as his time is up. He’s solid as fuck. Talk soon,” I tell him, hanging up the phone and shoving it back in my pocket while heading straight for the main door so I can pack up my shit and leave.

Only after I’m packed up do I send a message to Bronwan.

Me: Are you still up? I’m headin’ over there to talk to you. Somethin’ came up and it’s an emergency.

I’m not expecting her to respond to me as I shove my phone back in my pocket, take a look around the room to make sure I’m not forgetting anything in my haste. When I spot my charger still plugged into the wall, I reach down and grab it before shoving it in the small pocket of my bag. Looking around again, I don’t spot anything else of mine laying around. If I do leave something behind, they can fucking keep it. I’ve got all my important things as I feel my gun still resting at my lower back, the knife in my pocket with the rest of my shit I carry around, my wallet is in my back pocket, and my phone is in my right side. I’m wearing my cut, my bandana is still on my bike with my helmet since I knew I was going right back out. Anything else would be clothes, my deodorant, and stupid shit like that.

As I stop at the front desk, it’s empty. I’m pulling out my vibrating phone when a young man steps up to the counter.

“What can I do for you?” he asks, his eyes narrowed as he takes in my appearance.

“I’m checkin’ out. Not sure what you gotta do, but I need to leave. Now,” I tell him, waiting for his response.

“I’ll have to charge you for the night even though you’re checking out,” he responds, his tone smug as he glares at me.

“Don’t give a fuck what you gotta do. Check me out. Now!” I roar out in anger as the thought of those fuckers getting close to Bronwan.

While he’s tapping away on the computer in front of him, I check my phone to find a response from Red.

Red: I’m up. Kind of. Is everything okay?

Me: No, it’s not. I need your mom and you in the living room. We have to talk about somethin’ important though and I need both of you to listen to me carefully. I’ll be there as soon as I check out of my room. It will take me ten minutes to get there.

Finishing up with the guy who wants me out of here as fast as I want to be done and gone from here. Racing from the front desk, I straddle my bike after stowing my shit away in the saddle bags. After putting on my helmet and tying my bandana around my face, I tear out of the parking lot and make my way toward Bronwan’s house. This time, the guys aren’t outside the bar and my gut tightens up with the possibilities of where they are now. They could still be at the bar but inside now. Shaking my head, I try to push those thoughts aside as I pull into Bronwan’s driveway and park. The front door is open before I even have my bike shut off.

Bronwan stands in the door, a frown marring her beautiful face as I shut the engine off, take my helmet off, and look around her neighborhood. When I get off my bike and quickly make my way toward her, Red opens the door further for me to get my first look at the inside of her home. It’s comfortable and cozy as I look around at all the pictures lining the walls, knick knacks here and there around the room, and everything in it’s place.

“Talon what’s going on?” Bronwan asks me quietly as she leads me into the living room where her mom is already sitting on the couch.

“I need to talk to you both. Bronwan, how much does your mom know about what happened to you?” I ask, standing in front of the two women after helping Red take a seat next to her mom.

“She knows it all now.”

“Okay. That’s good sweetheart. Ma’am, my name is Talon and I’m the vice president of the Knight’s Rebellion MC. I’m the one who found your daughter and took her back to my clubhouse to have a doctor look over her and keep her there for safety reasons. I’m sorry we’re meetin’ under these circumstances. However, it seems we had a valid concern for wantin’ your daughter to stay at the clubhouse even though she left there when no one was around. When I left here tonight after droppin’ you off Red, I saw some of the guys who were responsible for your kidnappin’. They’re in town and I don’t know why. It could have somethin’ to do with you and gettin’ you back. Or it could be a complete coincident. I don’t believe in coincidences though,” I inform them as they sit back and stare up at me with wide eyes filled with fear.

“What does this mean, Talon? Am I not safe here in my own hometown?” Bronwan asks, a waver to her voice.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance