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“Not even close. Since you’ve been gone, all I’ve thought about is you. I don’t expect you to come back to Braedon. We’ll figure things out as we go. Now, I need you to go inside and take a shower, get dressed up real pretty, and we’re goin’ out. You can show me around your town, and we’ll get some dinner somewhere before I bring you back home. No excuses, Bronwan. I’m already ready to paddle your ass for leavin’ the way you did and disappearin’. That’s not gonna happen again.”

For a few minutes, Bronwan stands there just looking at me. She’s searching for something and I’m leaving myself completely open so she can find whatever she needs to see. After some time, she gives a slight nod of her head before turning and making her way back inside her home. The door closes softly behind her as I smile to myself. This is just the first step of making Bronwan mine. Thankfully, she’s giving me a chance so I don’t have to go home alone knowing there’s nothing more I can do.

TALON HAS BEEN parked outside my home since the day of the funeral. When Jaelyn and Hartley left followed by Austin the prospect, he suddenly showed up. There is no doubt in my mind he was here the entire time. I had to give Jae my address and she promised not to give it to anyone else. Hartley also gave me the same process when we were done with the funeral services and back at the house. They’re not sure why I don’t want anyone in the club to know where I am or what’s going on, and they are letting me keep my secrets. For now. I know they’ll push me sooner or later because that’s who they are. Once they care about someone, they want to make sure everything is okay with them and if they can help with anything, they’re going to. It just makes me value their friendship even more.

“Honey, I don’t think that man is going to go anywhere until you go talk to him. Or do you want me to send him away? I can go out there and talk to him until he leaves,” my mom tells me, her voice calm and soothing.

She’s been the only one to leave the house for her grief counseling appointments. It’s only been a few days since the funeral and she’s already doing so much better. Tonight she’s even going to a group session her therapist recommended to her. I’m so happy for her and proud of the moves she’s made to still be a functioning person instead of letting her sadness and pain swallow her whole.

“I’ll go out and talk to him.”

Heading out of the house, I take in all that Talon is. He looks haggard today as I take in his rumpled appearance. There are a few days growth covering his face, his hair is hanging down in his face, and the hood I’ve seen him pull up so often to hide from the world is down letting me see his face completely. The shirt he’s wearing shows his muscled arms with the hints of tattoos peaking from the sleeves. His cut rests on his back as always and I know it’s just a matter of time before he breaks my heart. More than he already has.

“Talon, what are you doing here?” I ask him as I wring my hands together in front of me while avoiding eye contact with the man.

“I’m here for you. Look, Red, we need to talk about a few things. The main one bein’ why you left the clubhouse as soon as everyone left. I know what you thought when you saw the money and it’s not what you’re thinkin’ at all,” he answers honestly, letting me see his eyes and all the truth he’s speaking.

“You don’t know what I’m thinking, Talon. You were gone. I gave you something I can never get back or give to anyone else, and you tossed money on the nightstand before disappearing for wherever you went,” I tell him, still not raising my voice at all as I look up and down the street to keep my gaze off him. “Now really isn’t a good time for me to be doing this with you. Just know you’re off the hook and I won’t bother you for anything ever again.”

“I don’t want to be off the hook when it comes to you, Bronwan. That’s why I left,” he tells me, taking a deep breath before beginning to speak again. “I have never in my life dated anyone; it’s always been hookups and one night stands. I’m not a good man at all and will do whatever is necessary in order to protect you how I feel is best for the given situation. I’ve never once wanted an ol’ lady, wife, or children of my own. I’m happy with my life in the club, the freedom that comes with it, and not havin’ to explain every single move I make to anyone. That all changed from the second I met you and took you back to the clubhouse with me. You put your blind trust in me and gave me the best gift anyone could have ever given me. I want to date you. To see where this leads between us. I’m not promisin’ you forever because I don’t know if I can give you that. What I can give you is my loyalty, my honesty, and I will never intentionally hurt you.”

“What does that even mean, Talon?”

“It means I’m not goin’ to cheat on you. If my eyes start wanderin’ and I know I can’t resist the urge of bein’ with someone else, I’ll come to you and break things off before anythin’ else happens. I’d rather be honest with you than string you along and play games. We’re too fuckin’ old for games. The money was because I had to get away for a few days. To wrap my head around what I was thinkin’ and feelin’ about you. You’ve had me so twisted up in knots and I don’t know why. From the second you came into the clubhouse, there wasn’t another woman. My cock wouldn’t get hard to be with anyone else. One thought of you and I was harder than fuck though. You’re the only woman I’ve been with since I picked you up and that’s not me. I wanted to make sure if you needed somethin’ you would have the money because I know you wouldn’t have asked a single person for anythin’. Not because we had sex. I would never see you as a whore or anythin’ else like that, Bronwan,” he says, keeping his eyes on me as if I’m going to take off and run from him or something.

“Like I said, I’ve got a lot going on here right now, Talon. I don’t have time for anything.”

“I know you do. Why didn’t you let Jae or Hartley tell me what was going on? I would have been here for you instead of hidin’ in the shadows watchin’ you as you fell apart.”

“You have more power over me than you realize. I already like you so much and there is no way in hell you’re not going to break me. I’m already broken and have no clue how this is supposed to work when I’m so far away from you. I can’t go back to Braedon with you. My mom needs me here. You know the old saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’.”

“Not even close. Since you’ve been gone, all I’ve thought about is you. I don’t expect you to come back to Braedon. We’ll figure things out as we go. Now, I need you to go inside and take a shower, get dressed up real pretty, and we’re goin’ out. You can show me around your town, and we’ll get some dinner somewhere before I bring you back home. No excuses, Bronwan. I’m already ready to paddle your ass for leavin’ the way you did and disappearin’. That’s not gonna happen again.”

When he’s done speaking, I just stare at him, raising my eyes to him for the first time for longer than just a glance or two here and there. He’s staring at me with complete honesty shining from his eyes. I have no clue if he’s about to break me to the point I’ll ever be whole again, or if things are going to work out in the long run. Honestly, whenever a new relationship is being started, no one ever truly knows if they’re going to work out or if something is going to happen where they break up for one reason or another.

I give Talon a small nod before turning and walking back toward my house. Part of me wants to smile at the thought of going out on a date with the man who has taken up every single second of my thoughts since meeting him. Other than when I was focused on my dad and everything going on with him and then taking care of my mom. Yes, I still thought about him when I was alone and not busy. And I obviously dream about him every single night. No matter what I do, I can’t get him out of my head. Maybe this date will show me he’s not the man I’ve hyped him up to be.

“He’s not leaving?” my mom asks as I shut the door behind me.

“No. I’m supposed to take a shower and get ready so I can show him around town and get some dinner. Will you be okay while I’m gone for a little while?”

“Of course, sweetie. I’m going to make myself some dinner, pick out a book, and sit in front of the fireplace with my book and a glass of wine. I’m not taking my medicine tonight, so it won’t matter if I have a glass of wine,” she answers me, her voice right in front of me as I look up at her.

There is still sadness filling her features, and I know she misses my dad terribly. I hear her crying in her room at night when she thinks I’m already asleep. Today, she’s been out to her counselor, gone to the grocery store, made a mail run to the post office, and did a few other things around the house while I cleaned, did laundry, and a few other things here. Each day is a step in the right direction for us.

Talon and I have ridden around my small town. I’ve shown him all my favorite places to go and visit before we headed in the direction of the only diner in town. It’s getting cooler out and I love being on the back of his bike as the wind washes over us and I get to witness how at one with his bike Talon truly is. I feel the sense of freedom he talks about even with my arms wrapped around his body and my chest pressed up against his back. He’s at one with the road when he rides his bike. At one with the wind and all the nature surrounding him. It’s dangerous on one hand with all the unknowns that could happen. On the other hand, it’s completely liberating to be out in the open and not surrounded by metal, glass, and all the other things making up a car, truck, SUV, or any other type of vehicle.

On multiple occasions, Talon reached down to rest his hand on my thigh and give me a gentle squeeze. Shivers of electricity shot through my body each time he did it. I’ve seen others do it in movies and TV shows and I believe it means something, but I have no clue what it means coming from Talon. I’m not sure he knows what it means if I’m being honest with myself. Still, I love the feeling I get from it and know he’s got my complete trust to keep me safe and not let any harm come to me. Even my upset stomach doesn’t make me regret coming out with him tonight.

When he pulls into the diner’s parking lot, I’m not ready to get off the back of his bike. I want to spend countless more hours riding around with him pressed close against me as he uses all of his strength to guide his massive bike down the road. With the wind in my hair, making a tangled mess of it despite my attempt to tame the long, curly strands. Even though I’m wearing a helmet, Talon isn’t wearing one. He gave up his in order to keep me safe if an accident were to happen. Just one more reason I fall slightly more in love with the man. Yes, I’m worried about him if something were to happen though. He’s so important to me and I need him to be safe. It’s ridiculous how I feel about the man sitting in front of me.

“Are you gonna get off the bike, Red?” Talon asks me, pulling me out of my head to realize his bike is in a parking spot and the engine is shut off now too.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was lost in thought for a minute there,” I tell him, ducking my head as I feel the blush taking over my face.

“It’s all good, Red. No reason to be embarrassed or anythin’ else. Not when you’re with me. I want to see every single fuckin’ side of you and eventually I will. You’ll share all of your secrets with me, and I’ll tell you everythin’ I can. Just no club business,” he promises me, leaning in to brush his lips against mine.

As quick as Talon’s lips were on mine, they’re gone again. Opening up my eyes, I look up at him feeling dazed and confused.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance