Page 53 of Lie with Me

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“Just having a little pep talk,” Tyra answered. She went back to her stool and sat down.

With Ben in the room, I didn’t exactly feel comfortable talking about all my problems. He was a great guy but was pretty stern when it came to his clinic and was always in work mode. Even when there weren’t any patients to take care of, he was always looking for something to keep him busy around the clinic, and in turn, us as well.

I went about my business, checking up on the couple of boarded dogs before the vet tech took them out for a walk. Thankfully the four dogs that were being boarded were here because their owners were on vacation and not because they needed to recover from any surgeries or procedures. I made sure to give some love to all four of the pups before finishing up the rest of my routine.

An hour later and I was sitting in my car outside the clinic, trying to talk some sense into myself.

“It’s okay. This isn’t a big deal. Jonah’s going to be fine with the news. He likes Beckham. Everything’s going to be fine.”

One deep breath later and I was reversing out of my parking spot and on my way to my brother’s house.

The drive there helped calm some of my nerves. The sun was still up and shining even though it was pushing close to seven thirty in the evening. The roads were miraculously empty (well, relatively empty), and the music on the radio was keeping my fingers tapping away on the steering wheel.

I got to Jonah’s place, spotting his and Fox’s cars out in the driveway. I was actually hoping Fox would be home, too, that way I could rip off the “dating your coworker” Band-Aid all at once.

The air was warm and humid as I walked up to the front door. A couple of lizards that were catching the last rays of sun scurried off the path and into the surrounding bushes. I could feel my anxiety start to climb. I had to forcefully remind myself that this was going to be okay.

I rang the doorbell and didn’t have to wait much longer for Jonah to open the door. He stood there, a bright slash of last-minute sun streaking across his chest. He was wearing a dark green shirt and khaki shorts, which was dangerously similar to the light green shirt and white shorts I had thrown on.

“Hey, twin,” Jonah said, noting the similarities as we hugged.

“Hey, Jojo.” I bounced on light feet into his living room, the nerves making my steps a little more dancey than normal. Fox was sitting on the couch, his feet up on the coffee table. He saw me and stood, smiling wide as he came over and hugged me. He was so much warmer than Jonah’s ex-girlfriend, who had been a five-alarm bitchfest through the entire four years of their relationship. I was so happy when Jonah introduced us to Fox, who matched my brother on every single level.

“Want some dinner?” Fox offered. He looked relaxed in a white T-shirt and black gym shorts. I could smell the delicious cooking from the living room, but I politely declined. My nerves had my stomach in a headlock.

“Sit,” Jonah said, taking a seat on the big yellow love seat. “How’s everything been? No more pig heads, right?”

I had told Jonah all about that night. I just neglected to tell him who I was with when it happened.

“Nothing, thankfully.”

“Is that what you said you wanted to talk to me about?”

I shook my head. “No, there’s something else I’ve gotta bring up.”

Fox started to leave for the kitchen, but I stopped him midstep. “You should be here, too.”

“Oh,” he said, surprised. He came back to the couch and sat.

“So I told you that I hired someone to look into what happened with Derrick and I… the only thing is… well, I hired Beckham.”

“Beckham? Beckham Noble? From Stonewall?”

I nodded. Swallowed. Why was this making me so nervous? I felt like I was coming out all over again, except this time I didn’t have any rainbow confetti cannons.

“Okay… but why is that such a big deal?” Jonah asked.


I noticed Fox’s eyebrows rise. It must have clicked into place for him. I knew my brother shouldn’t be too far behind. “That’s not exactly all of it.”

“Olly, you’re acting… you’re acting kind of weird. What’s going?—”Annndit must have hit home judging by my brother’s widening eyes. “?Wait, you and Beckham… are you two together?” Only one of my brother’s brows arched.

I gave a small nod. My eyes darted to the floor, to my hands, to the window, before I forced myself to look at my big brother in the eyes. “Beckham and I are dating and… it’s going really well. Like, I’ve never felt this way with anyone before. And we met in the craziest way, too. And we’ve had the craziest adventures that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. I’m so excited for what’s ahead. I haven’t felt that in so long, Jonah. Not since I lost Derrick. Not since Derrick. Not since?—”

When had I started crying? Jonah got up and immediately sat down at my side, putting an arm around my shoulders.

“It’s all right, Olly, it’s okay. Don’t cry. You’re with family.” Jonah’s voice was grounding.

Tags: Max Walker Romance