Page 51 of Lie with Me

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I kissed him softly, a lazy smile on both of our lips. My cock was still swollen and gave a rogue pulse, pushing against Oliver’s dick, also still leaking judging by the streak of wetness I felt against my cock.

“That was honestly the best blowjob I’ve ever gotten. Like… I wish you could win a Nobel Prize for that.”

I gave a hearty belly laugh. “That would be something.”

“I don’t know what you’ve got going on, but your lips and tongue are magical. I really do think you can probably bring about world peace if you learned how to use your powers for good.”

More laughter.

We talked some more, Oliver teasing me about the blowjob fairy I kept in the back of my mouth, the both of us laughing and sharing casual kisses, soft touches. I didn’t want to get up from this bed. Ever. I wanted to stay here forever with Oliver, the two of us above the world and all of its problems. The only thing that mattered was our shared pleasure, our unbreakable bond.

“You know what’s funny?” I said after a stretch of silence.

Oliver perked up. “An hour-long Ellen DeGeneres stand-up special where she talks about being relatable and says ‘fuck’ once?”

I chuckled. “Yes, that, and something else.” My fingers traced invisible lines through Oliver’s hair. “I haven’t thought about my father’s letter. Not once. Ever since I lost it, I couldn’t stop obsessing over it. Alternating between ‘what-ifs’ and ‘fuck-its,’ but always thinking about it. Not tonight, though. Not when I’m with you.”

Oliver’s smile was all I needed. He leaned in and kissed me, his thumb rubbing my chin.

I realized something as I lost myself in his mesmerizing eyes.

I realized that as long as I had Oliver in my arms, anything would feel all right. We could be staring down the end of the world and I’d still be all right with it so long as Oliver was by my side.

Bloody hell. I’ve found my soul mate, haven’t I?

The smile didn’t leave me that night, even as sleep dragged me into the dark.

18Oliver Brightly

Five Days Later

The Australian shepherd puppy on the exam table was the absolute cutest little thing, with his big blue eyes and merle coat and floppy ears. I just wanted to ask her owners to step outside so I could stuff my face in her soft fur and act like a full fool with the cute pup.

Instead, I gave her the vaccines they came in for and certified myself as the worst man to have ever existed in little Cookie’s eyes.

“There you go, you’re all done, don’t worry, Cookie, you’re okay, you’re okay.” I tried calming her, but she was crying to get back onto her dad’s lap, as far away from the man with the pointy sticks as possible.

“Thanks,” her owner said, giving Cookie some comfort cuddles and making me extra jealous.

“The technician will be right in to finish up. Thanks for bringing Cookie in. Looking forward to seeing her in a year.” I gave her a head scratch and tried regaining her trust with a dog biscuit, but she wouldn’t take it unless it came from her owner’s hand.

I didn’t blame her either.

With my last patient of the day taken care of, I headed to the back room. Tyra was there looking over some results of a blood test. She swiveled on the stool when she heard me come in. There were kennels all against the wall, with a couple of pets being boarded and a few others being taken care of from surgeries.

“Done for the day?” Tyra asked.

“Yup, gonna head home now.”

“Want to come to the Rise tonight? There’s a drag show, and I think one of the winners fromDrag Racemight be there.”

“Oh man, I’d love to. I haven’t seen a good drag show in a while, but I can’t. Not tonight. I’m meeting up with my brother for dinner.”

“Oh that’s fine. I think it’s turning into a weekly drag show, so we can always catch next week.” She crossed her arms and smiled. “Is that why you’re so nervous? Are you finally going to tell him you’re dating his sexy-as-sin, silver fox of a coworker?”

“Yeah, tonight’s the night.” Even thinking about it made my throat dry. I wasn’t sure exactly why. Maybe because I was moving toward a potentially large road block in mine and Beckham’s relationship. What if Jonah didn’t understand? What if he got upset? That would make things so difficult, and that was the last thing I wanted. Everything with Beckham was so easy. I was scared this might be something that could break us, as irrational as it seemed.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Tyra said, probably reading my worried expression. “Jonah’s super supportive. He’ll understand.”

Tags: Max Walker Romance