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In that moment, I feel profoundly and deeply connected to these two men. Milo and Nate.

We’ve just come through a battle together. We’ve tested our strength together and survived. Our loyalty to each other has been pushed to near breaking point. And now we’re preparing to walk into the lion’s den—a real Moon Caster Coven—and there’s a part of me that feels confident that everything will be all right.

How can it not be all right when I’ve got these two by my side?

I inhale, then exhale slowly.

I can feel the bonds between me and them. Not like the alpha mate bond—something stronger. Something more real.

Something I chose for myself, that I continue to put energy and effort into with every passing moment.

I choose these men.

They are mine, and I’m theirs.

“Is that a yes?” Wilder asks. “You’ll come?”

“Yes, we’ll come,” I say, turning back to him.

Nate glances at the chasm in the ground. “The ones you sent down there,” he says. “They’re dead now?”

Wilder nods. “That pit is deep. You won’t need to worry about them anymore.”

And I think he’s right. I think that, finally, I can feel the loosening of the alpha bond.

I’m going to be able to let go of Victor and move on to whatever’s next in my life.

And what’s next is going to be learning about Moon Casters. About what they really are, and how their magic really works. I’m not going to join this coven. Maybe they’re still my enemies. But it’s like Nate said—magic isn’t good or bad. It’s just a tool. And I’ll use my tool more efficiently if I take the opportunity to learn what it’s capable of.

“All right,” I say. “Let’s go.

Wilder turns and beckons us to follow him. I fall into step behind him, with Nate and Milo on either side of me.

Maybe this is a golden opportunity. Maybe it will be nothing but a disaster. But whatever it is, the three of us will face it together.

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Tags: J.L. Wilder Rejected Moons Paranormal