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“I hear they have great steaks and seafood.”

“The absolute best,” she confirms. “How long do I have to get ready?”

My gaze scans down her body, admiring every gorgeous inch. “You look great just how you are. What’re you talkin’ about?”

“Jesse’s is fancy. I can’t go like this.”

I chuckle, then check the time. “Alright, we gotta leave in twenty if we’re gonna make it.”

“Shit.” Katie grabs her bag and takes out a black dress. “Luckily, I packed this just in case.”

“Hope you know it’s comin’ off later, though.” I flash her a wink before she grabs her makeup tote and hurries to the bathroom.

Deciding I better change too, I put on a sleek black button-up and dark wash jeans. Eighteen minutes later, Katie emerges, and I nearly lose my ability to speak.

“Fuck me,” I growl. Her hair is curled, and dark eye shadow accentuates her eyes. “You’re tryin’ to kill me.”

She spins, showing me how perfect she looks.

“Screw it, we’re skipping dinner.” I pull her into me. “I’d much rather eatyou.”

Katie giggles, pushing against my chest. “No, sir. You promised me dinner. Plus, I like the idea of you wining and dining me first.”

I lean down and kiss her ruby red lips. “I’d spend forever doing just that if it meant taking you home afterward.”

She smirks, and we leave.

“Can you imagine if we dated in high school?” she asks as we drive to the restaurant. “You tryin’ to impress me with your old beat-up Ford.” She chuckles.

“Rusty Ray? He was the shit!”

Katie snorts. “We had a lot of fun, though. I bet you hooked up with a ton of girls in the back seat.”

I raise a brow. “When? Between hanging out with you and working?”

She shrugs and nervously fidgets.

“What? I can tell you wanna ask me somethin’,” I say as I find a spot to park.

“Alright. I guess I’m just wondering how many women you’ve slept with.”

I chuckle, amused as hell that she’d be scared to ask. “You really wanna know?”

She briefly contemplates before nodding. “You don’t have to tell me. I was only curious.”

I scratch the back of my neck. “Well…including you, three.”

Her eyes go wide. “Three? No way. You must’ve forgotten a few.”

“Katie, I spent the last decade in prison.”

She sighs slightly as if she’d forgotten. “I know, I meant before that…like high school and after you graduated. Plenty of girls wanted you.”

“Well, there was the one I lost my virginity to. Then the girl I’d randomly hook up with. And now…you. So yeah, three.” I shrug.

“Wow…now I feel stupid.”

I reach for her hand and interlock her fingers with mine. “Don’t. I only ever wanted it to be you. The only thing that matters now is that it’ll onlyeverbe you—at least if I have anything to say about it.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Only One Romance