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“Sounds good.” We hang up, and I drive to the bakery that’s next to the deli.

Once we park, Owen rushes in and leaves me behind.

“Owen Gabriel Reid,” I scold when I finally catch up to him. “You don’t run across parking lots like that.”

“Sorry,” he mumbles while scanning the display case.

“Hey, Alexandra,” I say as soon as she greets us.

“Hey kiddo, what’re ya in the mood for today?” she asks Owen.

“Alllll of them.” He nearly drools.

“One,” I remind him.

While he decides, I order two for Noah and me.

When he finally decides, Alexandra packs everything, and we say our goodbyes. As we exit, I spot Jerry and Belinda leaving the deli.

“Hey, you two.” I smile.

“Hey, kiddos. What are you up to?”

“Just gettin’ some cupcakes for dessert,” I explain. “What about you?”

“Brittany had to leave early for some family emergency, so I had to stay later than usual,” Belinda says.

I furrow my brows, confused. “In Mobile?” I ask.

“Um, I don’t think so. Her vehicle wasn’t working, so someone picked her up.” She shrugs.

“Wait, what?” My heart races.

“Yeah, she left it over there and said she’d pick it up tomorrow.” I look over and see the same color SUV as hers parked there. My mind instantly reels. Needing to double-check for myself, I walk over and notice the back window decal that I’ve seen at school drop-off.

Peeking inside, I glance around and see something on the floorboard in the back. I try my best to make out what it is and realize it’s a can of red spray paint.

The same color spray paint that MURDERER was written in on Noah’s truck.

What the fuck? Why would she be after Noah?

Without making Jerry panic, I try to keep calm, but it’s hard. I’d like to think I’m overreacting, but my gut tells me otherwise. The strange way she’s been acting, the odd questions she’s asked, it’s all a little too convenient. The fact that Noah’s driving to her right now without knowing what her intentions or motives are makes me feel sick.

“Can you take Owen home with you and watch him till I get back?” I rush over to them, then hand Belinda the box of sweets. “So sorry to spur this on you, but I’ll be right back. It’s really important.”

“Everything okay?” Belinda asks.

I force a smile. “Yeah. It will be once I figure something out.”

I kiss Owen’s head and tell him to be a good boy. Jerry nods and ensures it’s no problem. They’re confused as hell, but I can’t say anything until I know what’s going on. It might just be a coincidence, but I doubt it. Brittany’s given me a weird-ass vibe since the way she acted at the retirement party. She’s militantly tried to get Noah’s attention, which makes this even more suspicious.

As soon as I’m in my car, I gun it and drive to the interstate. I call Noah, and after five rings, it goes to voicemail.

“Ugh, c’mon. Pick up,” I beg, hitting his number again.

Voicemail again.

I text him.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Only One Romance