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“Go take that stuff out to the car, then buckle in,” Katie tells Owen. I grab the rest of my things and head out while Katie locks the door.

Within minutes, we turn into my dad’s driveway.

“Thanks again for everything,” I say.

“You’re welcome. Thank you for my dream pantry.” She smiles at me with hooded eyes.

Turning, I look at Owen in the back seat. If he wasn’t in the car, I know I’d press my lips against hers. The moonlight casts a bright glow across his face.

“See you tomorrow,” I say to him.

I offer him a high five, and he returns it. “Yes!”

It’s not lost on me how big of a step it is for her to leave Owen with me all day. I also realize how much is at risk, and I’m determined not to fuck this up.

A smile touches my lips as I walk inside because she loved the pantry, and I got to keep my balls after all.



“Did you brush your teeth?”I ask Owen. He’s been up and ready to go for over thirty minutes. Typically, he’s dragging ass in the mornings, but not today. I’m happy he’s amped to hang out with Noah, but I’m a little nervous about it. Noah’s not exactly experienced with kids, but I anticipate they’ll be fine.

As soon as I enter the living room, Owen bounces off the couch and grabs his backpack. Last night, he stuffed it full of DVDs and board games. He even has his basketball waiting by the door.

“I’m ready!”

I laugh at his tone as we go to the car. On the way to Noah’s, Owen talks nonstop about the plans he’s made today, and I’m an anxious wreck about it, especially when it comes to Owen bringing up his dad. I trust Noah, but this is new territory for me. Owen’s only ever been left with my parents, in-laws, and close friends.

As we pull into the driveway, Noah walks outside. I roll down the window, noticing how good he looks in his tight T-shirt and dark wash jeans. He looks and smells as if he just got out of the shower. Owen can’t unbuckle himself fast enough and rushes out of the car.

“You’re sure about this? I can still call my mom and—“

He chuckles, and I’d be lying if I didn’t enjoy the sound of it. “Katie, we’re gonna have a blast. We’ll be fine,” he confirms, the smile never fading. “Gonna order a pizza and shoot off fireworks in the street.”

My eyes widen, and he bursts out laughing. “Go have fun. Relax,” he says, tapping the top of my car.

I shake my head. “Just make sure you give him back to me the same way I left him.”

“Tell Gemma I said hey,” he offers with a wink. “And try not to talk about metoomuch.”

I scoff and roll my eyes, but he already knows how Gemma and Everleigh are, so there’s no denying it.

“Be good, Owen,” I say. “Love you.”

“Love you, Mom. See ya later!” Owen waves, and I back out of the driveway.

It takes me no time to arrive at the spa. The quaint red brick building has been completely remodeled. As soon as I walk inside, I’m bombarded by my best friends.

“Yay, you came!” Everleigh says as Gemma pulls me into a hug.

“Mimosa?” Everleigh asks, and I have a feeling she’s already downed one.

“Absolutely!” I barely get out as I’m handed a fluke.

Gemma pokes out her bottom lip. “I can’t wait till I can have alcohol again, even if it’s just a little!”

“It’s okay. I’ll drink for two,” Everleigh taunts.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Only One Romance